A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X _


abstract_embeddable(Element, List<Element>) - Static method in class Gene
Tranforms a genetic-form sequence into an abstract form suitable for embeddable encoding.
abstract_transferMutant(Element, StringBuilder) - Method in class RecombinantXHTML
Returns an abstract form of a gene's sequence, suitable for detecting mutations to record in ancestry.
abstract_transferMutant(Element, StringBuilder) - Method in interface MutantAbstractor
Returns an abstract form of a gene's sequence, suitable for detecting mutations to record in ancestry.
act() - Method in class ReloadAction
Reads the latest content of the user's working file; converts any editorial 'shorthand' to proper form, by running it through the genetic encoder; and presents the result as a new page (versioned file).
act() - Method in class SaveAction
Saves the current page source (a versioned file) by overwriting the original file.
act() - Method in class TestAction
Creates a new versioned file with a minor modification in it, and shows it in the browser.
act() - Method in class InPageBrancher
Creates a new versioned file of the same document, but assiged to a new revision line; and shows it in the browser.
act() - Method in class BlindAbstractAction
Performs the action.
ActionListenerX - Class in textbender.o.awt.event
Types for ActionListener.
ActionListenerX.Registry - Interface in textbender.o.awt.event
Where listeners can register for action events.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class BlindAbstractAction
Calls act().
add(Hold) - Method in interface Spool
Adds the hold to the spool, or releases it immediately.
add(Hold) - Method in class Spool0
Does nothing.
add(Hold) - Method in class Spool1
add(Hold) - Method in class SpoolT
Adds the hold to the spool, or releases it immediately.
add(int, Hold) - Method in class SpoolT
add(E) - Method in class ListIterator0
add(Hold) - Method in class SpoolEDT
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface ActionListenerX.Registry
Registers a listener to receive action events.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Hold>) - Method in class Spool1
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Hold>) - Method in class SpoolT
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServices, BeanContextServicesListener, boolean) - Static method in class BeanContextServicesX
Registers a new service listener, firing it up to the current service state.
addBeanContextServicesListener(BeanContextServicesListener, boolean) - Method in class ServiceRegistryCIU
Registers a new bean context services listener.
addCollectionListener(CollectionListener<E>) - Method in interface CollectionListener.Registry
Registers a listener to receive collection events.
addElement(Hold) - Method in class SpoolT
addEventListener(String, EventListener, boolean) - Method in class RhiEventTarget
addFirst(Hold) - Method in class Spool1
addHighlight(Element) - Static method in class Events_2_Demo
addLast(Hold) - Method in class Spool1
addListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface ListDataListenerX.Registry
Registers a listener to receive list-data events.
addListeners() - Method in class WindowX.SpoolTie
Cross-registers listeners between window and spool, to activate the tie.
addListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class User
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class User
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class Chromography1
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class LocusPoint1
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class LocusPoint1
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PRTransferCHub
Registers a listener to receive property change events.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class PRTransferS
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PRTransferS
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry
Registers a listener to receive property change events.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN
Registers a listener to receive property change events, by property name.
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerX.Registry
Registers a listener to receive property change events.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerX.RegistryN
Registers a listener to receive property change events, by property name.
addSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
addService(Class<S>, S) - Method in class HostServiceRegistry1
Adds a new service to the registry.
addSimpleService(Class, Object) - Method in class ServiceRegistryCIU
Adds a new service to the registry.
addTo(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class Relay
Adds this relay to the specified target.
addTo(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class RelayS
Adds this relay directly to the specified target, as a listener.
addTo(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class RelaySI
Adds a JavaScript relay to the specified target, as a listener.
AdjustableX - Class in textbender.o.awt
Adjustable utilities.
adjustLeftPadding(Element, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Adjusts the left padding (leading space content) of an element.
adoptNode(Node) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
after(File) - Static method in class VersionedFile
Creates a VersionedFile.
afterExecute(Runnable, Throwable) - Method in class ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorL
Logs the throwable.
all() - Method in class RhiComment_1
ALL - Static variable in class LoggerX
allInOneJar() - Method in interface HostServiceRegistry
Returns the file path of an all-in-one textbender JAR, suitable as a codebase for applets and applications.
allInOneJar() - Method in class HostServiceRegistry1
AnnotationError - Error in textbender.g.lang
Thrown when an illegal annotation is detected at runtime.
AnnotationError() - Constructor for error AnnotationError
AnnotationError(Throwable) - Constructor for error AnnotationError
AnnotationError(String) - Constructor for error AnnotationError
AnnotationError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error AnnotationError
append(XMLFilterCH) - Method in class FilterChainer
Appends a new filter as the chain's last.
appendChild() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
appendChild(Node) - Method in class RhiNode
appendChild_2() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
appendChild_3() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
appendData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
appendData(String) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
applet() - Method in class PageVisit
The toolbar applet.
areAncestorAndDescendant(Node, Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Answers whether one node (a) is an ancestor of another (d); or equivalently whether d is a descendant of a.
attribute() - Method in class RhiElement_1
attributeNode() - Method in class RhiElement_1
attributes() - Method in class RhiNode_1
Attributes2_0 - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax.ext
An empty Attributes2.
Attributes2_0() - Constructor for class Attributes2_0
atts() - Method in class StartElementEvent
AWT - Class in textbender.o.awt
AWT utilities.


background - Variable in class ColorPair
The background colour.
Base64 - Class in textbender.o
Encodes and decodes to and from Base64 notation.
Base64.InputStream - Class in textbender.o
A Base64.InputStream will read data from another java.io.InputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in DECODE mode.
Base64.InputStream(InputStream, int) - Constructor for class Base64.InputStream
Constructs a Base64.InputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream - Class in textbender.o
A Base64.OutputStream will write data to another java.io.OutputStream, given in the constructor, and encode/decode to/from Base64 notation on the fly.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in ENCODE mode.
Base64.OutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class Base64.OutputStream
Constructs a Base64.OutputStream in either ENCODE or DECODE mode.
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0 - Class in textbender.g.beans.beancontext
A null implementation of BeanContextServiceRevokedListener.
BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0() - Constructor for class BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0
BeanContextServicesX - Class in textbender.g.beans.beancontext
BeanContextServices utilities.
before() - Method in class RhiAttr_1
before() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
before() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
before() - Method in class RhiDocument_XML_1
before() - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation_1
before() - Method in class RhiElement_1
before() - Method in class RhiElement_1i
before() - Method in class RhiNode_1
before() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
BlindAbstractAction - Class in textbender.o.swing
An action that may be invoked blindly (without an event).
BlindAbstractAction() - Constructor for class BlindAbstractAction
BlindAbstractAction(String) - Constructor for class BlindAbstractAction
BlindAbstractAction(String, Icon) - Constructor for class BlindAbstractAction
BODY_DOTX_PATTERN - Static variable in class FileX
Pattern to split a filename (or path) into two groups: body and dot-extension.
BooleanPreference - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A boolean in a preference node.
BooleanPreference(Preferences, String, boolean) - Constructor for class BooleanPreference
Creates a BooleanPreference.
BooleanPreferenceDC - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A default-clear boolean preference.
BooleanPreferenceDC(Preferences, String, boolean) - Constructor for class BooleanPreferenceDC
Creates a BooleanPreferenceDC.
BootApplet - Class in textbender.a.r.page
The page daemon's default boot applet.
BootApplet() - Constructor for class BootApplet
Creates a BootApplet.
bounceNextAdjustmentToMinimum(Adjustable) - Static method in class AdjustableX
Will re-adjust to minimum, following the next adjustment.
branch() - Method in class Brancher
Assigns the document to a new revision line.
branched(InputStream, TransformerFactory, DOMErrorHandler) - Static method in class Brancher
Returns a Recombinant XHTML document read from an input stream, and then branched.
Brancher - Class in textbender.a.u.branch
A revision brancher.
Brancher(Element, List<Element>, DOMImplementationLS, MutantAbstractor, LSParser, StringBuilder, TransformerFactory, UUIDStringifier) - Constructor for class Brancher
Creates a Brancher for a document.
brightness(Color) - Static method in class ColorX
Returns the brightness of the color, per the HSB model.
Browser - Class in textbender.o
Web browser utilities.
buildAttributePrefix(Node, String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class DOM
Builds a namespace prefix for an attribute, to which the attribute name may be appended.
buildElementPrefix(Node, String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class DOM
Builds a namespace prefix for an element, to which the element name may be appended.
buildPrefix(Node, String, StringBuilder, boolean) - Static method in class DOM


call(String, Object...) - Method in class Rhinohide
Calls a method on the underlying JavaScript object, via the bridge.
callV(String, Object...) - Method in class Rhinohide
Same as checkV(call(methodName, arguments)).
Catcher<S> - Interface in textbender.g.lang
A catcher of errors and exceptions.
Catcher.X - Class in textbender.g.lang
Catcher utilities.
catcher0 - Static variable in interface Spool
A common instance of a null catcher.
Catcher0<S> - Class in textbender.g.lang
Null implementation of a catcher, it re-throws all errors and exceptions.
Catcher0() - Constructor for class Catcher0
CatcherL<S> - Class in textbender.g.lang
A catcher that logs exceptions, but rethrows errors.
CatcherL() - Constructor for class CatcherL
CatcherP<S> - Class in textbender.g.lang
A catcher that prints exceptions to the standard error stream, but rethrows errors.
CatcherP() - Constructor for class CatcherP
catchError(S, Error) - Method in interface Catcher
Handles an error.
catchError(S, Error) - Method in class Catcher0
Immediately re-throws the error.
catchError(S, Error) - Method in class CatcherL
Immediately re-throws the error.
catchError(S, Error) - Method in class CatcherP
Immediately re-throws the error.
catchException(PropertyChangeListenerR, Exception) - Method in class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcher
Notifies the registry that the listener is disabled.
catchException(PropertyChangeListenerR, Exception) - Method in class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN
Notifies the registry that the listener is disabled.
catchException(S, Exception) - Method in interface Catcher
Handles an exception.
catchException(S, Exception) - Method in class Catcher0
Immediately re-throws the exception.
catchException(S, Exception) - Method in class CatcherL
Logs a full stack trace of the exception.
catchException(S, Exception) - Method in class CatcherP
Calls Catcher.X.printStackTrace( source, x, System.err ).
center(Window) - Static method in class WindowX
Centers a window on the screen.
ch() - Method in class CharactersEvent
ch() - Method in class CommentEvent
ch() - Method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
CharactersEvent - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Persistent capture of a SAX characters() event.
CharactersEvent(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class CharactersEvent
Creates a CharactersEvent.
CharSequenceX - Class in textbender.g.lang
CharSequence utilities.
checked(String, InputStream) - Static method in class ClassLoaderX
checkFormatOfFeatureVersion(String) - Static method in class RhiDOMImplementation
checkThreadSafe(EventListener) - Static method in class Relay
checkV(Object) - Static method in class Rhinohide
childNodeForClass(Preferences, Class<?>) - Static method in class PreferencesX
Returns the child node that is associated (by convention) with the specified class.
childNodes() - Method in class RhiNode_1
childrenNamesSpi() - Method in class Preferences0
childSpi(String) - Method in class Preferences0
Chromography - Interface in textbender.a.u.chromography
The chromography service.
Chromography1 - Class in textbender.a.u.chromography
Shadow-select service implementation.
Chromography1() - Constructor for class Chromography1
Creates the single instance of Chromography1 and registers it as a service.
ClassLoaderX - Class in textbender.g.lang
ClassLoader utilities.
ClassX - Class in textbender.g.lang
Class utilities.
clearSelection() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
ClipboardOwner0 - Class in textbender.o.awt.datatransfer
Null implementation of a clipboard owner.
ClipboardOwner0() - Constructor for class ClipboardOwner0
clipIndex0() - Method in class IndexBlock
The leading clip-index of this block.
ClipIndexEncoder - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Encodes/decodes clip-indeces to/from 'c' attribute values.
ClipIndexEncoder() - Constructor for class ClipIndexEncoder
clipIndexOf(String) - Method in class ClipIndexEncoder
Returns the clip-index of a 'c' attribute value.
clipIndexOf(int) - Method in class IndexBlock
clone() - Method in class ColorPair
cloneContents() - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
cloneNode() - Method in class RhiNode_1
cloneNode(boolean) - Method in class RhiNode
cloneRange() - Method in class RhiRange
close() - Method in class OutputStream0
Does nothing.
close() - Method in class StringOutputStream
Does nothing.
close() - Method in class WriterSwitch
close() - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Flushes and closes (I think, in the superclass) the stream.
close() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
cOf(long) - Method in class ClipIndexEncoder
Returns the clip-index encoded as a string suitable for a 'c' attribute value.
collapse(boolean) - Method in class RhiRange
CollectionEvent<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
An event generated by a change to a collection.
CollectionEvent(Object, E) - Constructor for class CollectionEvent
Creates a CollectionEvent.
CollectionEvent.ElementAdded<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
An event generated by addition to a collection.
CollectionEvent.ElementAdded(Object, E) - Constructor for class CollectionEvent.ElementAdded
Creates an ElementAdded event.
CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
An event generated by removal from a collection.
CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved(Object, E) - Constructor for class CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved
Creates an ElementRemoved event.
CollectionListener<E> - Interface in textbender.g.util
A listener for collection events.
CollectionListener.Registry<E> - Interface in textbender.g.util
Where listeners can register for collection events.
CollectionRelayer<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
Relayer of collection events to listeners.
CollectionRelayer(Collection<CollectionListener<E>>) - Constructor for class CollectionRelayer
Creates a CollectionRelayer.
CollectionRelayerLL<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
Relayer of collection events, with a collection of listeners that is guarded by a lock.
CollectionRelayerLL(Collection<CollectionListener<E>>, Object) - Constructor for class CollectionRelayerLL
Creates a CollectionRelayerLL.
colorPair() - Static method in class AWT
A shared colour-pair, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
ColorPair - Class in textbender.o.awt
A background/foreground colour-pair.
ColorPair() - Constructor for class ColorPair
Creates a ColorPair, initially with null values.
ColorPair(Color, Color) - Constructor for class ColorPair
Creates a ColorPair.
ColorPair(Component) - Constructor for class ColorPair
Creates a ColorPair, initialized from a component.
ColorPair.X - Class in textbender.o.awt
Colour-pair utilities.
ColorX - Class in textbender.o.awt
Color utilities.
columnAdded(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class TableColumnModelListener0
columnMarginChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TableColumnModelListener0
columnMoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class TableColumnModelListener0
columnRemoved(TableColumnModelEvent) - Method in class TableColumnModelListener0
columnSelectionChanged(ListSelectionEvent) - Method in class TableColumnModelListener0
ColumnWidthsPreference - Class in textbender.o.swing.table
Preference storage for the column widths of a table.
ColumnWidthsPreference(TableColumnModel, Preferences, RunBuffer) - Constructor for class ColumnWidthsPreference
Creates a ColumnWidthsPreference.
comment(char[], int, int) - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
CommentEvent - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax.ext
Persistent capture of a SAX comment() event.
CommentEvent(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class CommentEvent
Creates a CommentEvent.
CommonDOM - Class in textbender.o
CommonDOM(DOMAccessor) - Constructor for class CommonDOM
Deprecated. Creates the single instance of CommonDOM, and makes it available via i().
compareBoundaryPoints(short, Range) - Method in class RhiRange
compareDocumentPosition(Node) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
compareTo(IndexBlock) - Method in class IndexBlock
Compares based on clipIndex0.
component - Variable in class ComponentLocationPreference
component - Variable in class ComponentSizePreference
ComponentBoundsPreference - Class in textbender.o.awt
Preference storage for component bounds.
ComponentBoundsPreference(Component, Preferences) - Constructor for class ComponentBoundsPreference
Creates a ComponentBoundsPreference.
ComponentLocationPreference - Class in textbender.o.awt
Preference storage for component location.
ComponentLocationPreference(Component, Preferences) - Constructor for class ComponentLocationPreference
Creates a ComponentLocationPreference.
ComponentSizePreference - Class in textbender.o.awt
Preference storage for component size.
ComponentSizePreference(Component, Preferences) - Constructor for class ComponentSizePreference
Creates a ComponentSizePreference.
CONFIG - Static variable in class LoggerX
Connections - Class in textbender.a.r.page
Collected communication links.
Connections(Spool) - Constructor for class Connections
Creates an instance of Connections.
connections() - Method in class PageDaemons
Shared communication links.
ContentHandlerL - Interface in textbender.g.xml.sax
A content and lexical handler, combined.
contentsChanged(ListDataEvent) - Method in class ListDataRelayer
Relays the event to the listeners.
contentString(Map) - Static method in class LoggerX
Copier - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Copies transferands to the clipboard.
Copier(PRTransferS) - Constructor for class Copier
Creates the single instance of Copier, and makes it available via i().
copyAs(File, File) - Static method in class FileX
copyAs(File, File, FileFilter) - Static method in class FileX
Copies a file to a new file named as specified.
copyTo(File, File) - Static method in class FileX
copyTo(File, File, FileFilter) - Static method in class FileX
Core_1_Demo - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Demo of Rhinohide, Core Level 1.
Core_1_Demo() - Constructor for class Core_1_Demo
Core_1_Test - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Test of Rhinohide, Core Level 1.
Core_1_Test() - Constructor for class Core_1_Test
Core_1i_Test - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Test of Rhinohide, Core Level 1 (isolate).
Core_1i_Test() - Constructor for class Core_1i_Test
Core_2_Demo - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Demo of Rhinohide, Core Level 2.
Core_2_Demo() - Constructor for class Core_2_Demo
count() - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Returns the sum of error, fatal error and warning counts.
count() - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Returns the sum of error, fatal error and warning counts.
create() - Static method in class IndexBlockMap
Creates an IndexBlockMap from the persistent store.
create() - Static method in class IndexBlockMapW
Creates the single instance of IndexBlockMapW, and makes it available via i().
createAttribute() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
createAttribute(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createCDATASection() - Method in class RhiDocument_XML_1
createCDATASection(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
createComment() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
createComment(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation
Not yet coded.
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
createDocumentFragment() - Method in class RhiDocument
createDocumentType(String, String, String) - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation
Not yet coded.
createElement() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
createElement(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createElementNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createEntityReference() - Method in class RhiDocument_XML_1
createEntityReference(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
createG(String, Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Creates an unattached gene meta-data ('g') element.
createGG(Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Creates an unattached 'g' list ('gg') element.
createJSORelay_orNull(RhiWindow) - Method in class RelaySI
createJSORelay_orNull(RhiWindow) - Method in class RelaySIP
createNewDirectory(File) - Static method in class FileX
Atomically creates a new, empty directory if and only if the directory does not yet exist.
createNodeIterator(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Method in class RhiDocument
createOrReturn(char[], int, int) - Static method in class CharactersEvent
Creates a CharactersEvent or, if length is zero or less, returns i0().
createOrReturn(char[], int, int) - Static method in class CommentEvent
Creates a CommentEvent or, if length is zero or less, returns i0().
createOrReturn(char[], int, int) - Static method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
Creates an IgnorableWhitespaceEvent or, if length is zero or less, returns i0().
createProcessingInstruction() - Method in class RhiDocument_XML_1
createProcessingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
createRange() - Method in class RhiDocument
createRevisionLine(Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Revision
Creates an unattached revisionLine element.
createTextNode() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
createTextNode(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
createTreeWalker(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Method in class RhiDocument
createWindow(Applet) - Static method in class RhiWindow
Creates a RhiWindow.


data() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
DateX - Class in textbender.g.util
Date common implementations.
DECODE - Static variable in class Base64
Specify decoding.
decode(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class Base64
Very low-level access to decoding ASCII characters in the form of a byte array.
decode(String) - Static method in class Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decode(String, int) - Static method in class Base64
Decodes data from Base64 notation, automatically detecting gzip-compressed data and decompressing it.
decodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class Base64
Reads infile and decodes it to outfile.
decodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class Base64
Convenience method for reading a base64-encoded file and decoding it.
decodeToFile(String, String) - Static method in class Base64
Convenience method for decoding data to a file.
decodeToObject(String) - Static method in class Base64
Attempts to decode Base64 data and deserialize a Java Object within.
defaultImage() - Static method in class ImageX
A default image to use when the desired image is unavailable.
delayMillisecondsMinimum() - Method in interface RunDelayer
Returns the minimum delay in milliseconds.
delayMillisecondsMinimum() - Method in class RunBuffer
deleteContents() - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
deleteData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
deleteData(int, int) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
deleteRecursive(File) - Static method in class FileX
As per File.delete() except it will work with non-empty directories.
deleteRecursiveFrom(File) - Static method in class FileX
Same as deleteRecursive(), except it works only on the contents of the specified directory.
DeskDaemon - Class in textbender.a.r.desk
The desk daemon as a whole.
DeskDaemon() - Constructor for class DeskDaemon
Creates the single instance of DeskDaemon, and makes it available via i().
destroy() - Method in class Core_1_Demo
destroy() - Method in class Core_1_Test
destroy() - Method in class Core_1i_Test
destroy() - Method in class Core_2_Demo
destroy() - Method in class Events_2_Demo
destroy() - Method in class Range_2_Demo
destroy() - Method in class Traversal_2_Demo
destroy() - Method in class ToolbarApplet
detach() - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
dialog() - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Returns the main dialog of this view, as created from the option pane.
dialogST() - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Returns the dialog containing the supplementary stack trace view.
dimension() - Static method in class AWT
A shared dimension, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
DIRECTORY - Static variable in class SourceDocumentFile
disableChecking() - Static method in class ThreadSafe.U
disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class Chromography1
disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class LocusPoint1
disabledPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class LocusPoint1
disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in class PRTransferS
disabledPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry
Signals that a previously registered listener is no longer needed.
disabledPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListenerR) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN
Signals that a previously registered listener is no longer needed.
DISCRIMINATOR - Static variable in class VersionedFile
Unique discriminator in the name of each versioned file.
dispatchAdaptor - Variable in class RelaySI
Called from JavaScript side when event occurs.
dispatchEvent(Event) - Method in class RhiEventTarget
Not yet coded.
doctype() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
document() - Method in class PageVisit
The page as a DOM document.
documentBody - Variable in class InPageStainer
documentElement() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
documentElement - Variable in class InPageStainer
documentFile() - Method in class Transferand
A file containing a copy of the source document.
DocumentRT - Class in textbender.d.gene
Recombinant texts as XML documents.
DocumentRT() - Constructor for class DocumentRT
DOM - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
Grab-bag of utilities for DOM.
DOMErrorHandlerPW - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
A DOM error handler that outputs messages to a print writer.
DOMErrorHandlerPW(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Creates a DOMErrorHandlerPW.
DOMErrorWrapper - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
DOM error wrapper that passes calls to an underlying error instance.
DOMErrorWrapper(DOMError) - Constructor for class DOMErrorWrapper
Creates a DOMErrorWrapper.
domException() - Method in class Rhinohide_1
This test fails on both Firefox and IE (see source comments), so there is little point in running it.
DOMImplementationRegistryX - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom.bootstrap
Utilities for the DOM implementation registry.
DOMLocator0 - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
Null implementation of a DOM locator.
DOMLocator0() - Constructor for class DOMLocator0
DOMPointer - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
A pointer into a node.
DOMPointer() - Constructor for class DOMPointer
Creates a DOMPointer with an initial node of null.
DONT_BREAK_LINES - Static variable in class Base64
Don't break lines when encoding (violates strict Base64 specification)
duplicateAttributeNS(Element, String, String, Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class ElementX
Duplicates the named attribute, copying it from 'fromElement' to 'toElement'.


edt() - Method in class PageVisit
Facilities restricted to the AWT event dispatch thread.
element - Variable in class CollectionEvent
elementAdded(CollectionEvent.ElementAdded<E>) - Method in interface CollectionListener
Called for each ElementAdded event.
elementAdded(CollectionEvent.ElementAdded<E>) - Method in class CollectionRelayer
Relays the event to the listeners.
ElementListNL - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
A list of elements backed by a NodeList.
ElementListNL(NodeList) - Constructor for class ElementListNL
Creates a ElementListNL.
elementRemoved(CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved<E>) - Method in interface CollectionListener
Called for each ElementRemoved event.
elementRemoved(CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved<E>) - Method in class CollectionRelayer
Relays the event to the listeners.
ElementX - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
Element utilities.
EM - Static variable in class FontX
Rough size of the typographic em space, in pixels.
EMBEDDABLE_STUB_LOCAL_NAME - Static variable in class Gene
Local name of stub elements that represent contained genes in embeddable forms.
emptyStringBuilder() - Static method in class AWT
Empties and returns the shared string builder.
EN - Static variable in class FontX
Rough size of the typographic en space, in pixels.
EnableButton - Class in textbender.a.u.locusPoint
Button model to enable/disable the shadow pointer.
EnableButton(PageVisit, Spool) - Constructor for class EnableButton
Creates an EnableButton.
ENCODE - Static variable in class Base64
Specify encoding.
encodeBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int) - Static method in class Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encodeBytes(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class Base64
Encodes a byte array into Base64 notation.
encoded(InputStream, TransformerFactory, DOMErrorHandler) - Static method in class Encoder
Returns a Recombinant XHTML document read from an input stream, and then encoded.
encodeFileToFile(String, String) - Static method in class Base64
Reads infile and encodes it to outfile.
encodeFromFile(String) - Static method in class Base64
Convenience method for reading a binary file and base64-encoding it.
encodeObject(Serializable) - Static method in class Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
encodeObject(Serializable, int) - Static method in class Base64
Serializes an object and returns the Base64-encoded version of that serialized object.
Encoder - Class in textbender.a.u.encoding
A genetic encoder.
Encoder(Element, List<Element>, Replacer, StringBuilder, UUIDStringifier) - Constructor for class Encoder
Creates an Encoder for a document.
encodeRecursively(Node) - Method in class Encoder
Encodes the node and its descendants.
encodeToFile(byte[], String) - Static method in class Base64
Convenience method for encoding data to a file.
encodingName() - Method in class StringOutputStream
Character encoding of this stream's bytes.
endCDATA() - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
endDTD() - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
EndElementEvent - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Persistent capture of a SAX endElement() event.
EndElementEvent(String, String, String) - Constructor for class EndElementEvent
Creates an EndElementEvent.
endEntity(String) - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
ensureGG(Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Returns a document's 'gg' element; if necessary creating it.
ensureMetaData(Document, StringBuilder) - Static method in class RecombinantXHTML
Returns a Recombinant XHTML document's meta-data (tail) element; if necessary creating it (complete with a 'gg' element).
ensureNodeType(Rhinohide, short) - Static method in class RhiNode
ensureRegistry() - Static method in class RegistryX
Ensures a boot-registry exists on the local host at the standard port, and returns a reference to it.
ensureRevisionLine(Element, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Revision
Returns a document's 'revision-line' element; if necessary creating it and attaching it into the document.
EntityResolverCP - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax.ext
A resolver that searches the class path for entities.
EntityResolverCP(String[]) - Constructor for class EntityResolverCP
Creates an EntityResolverCP.
EPOCH - Static variable in class DateX
The "epoch", namely January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
equals(Object) - Method in class IndexBlock
Returns true iff o is an index block with the same clipIndex0.
equals(Object) - Method in class IndexBlockMapW.KeySD
equals(Object) - Method in class Transferand
Returns true iff o is a transferand from the same document file, and with the same g-indeces.
equals(Object) - Method in class EventListenerR.WrapperL
Returns true iff o wraps, or is, an 'equal' underlying remote listener.
equals(Object) - Method in class DOMPointer
Returns true iff o is a DOMPointer, and points to an 'equals' node and offset.
equals(Object) - Method in class ColorPair
Returns true iff both colours are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class RhiNode
Returns true iff o is a RhiNode, and wraps the same JavaScript node, according to Node.isSameNode().
equals(Object) - Method in class Rhinohide
Returns true iff o is a Rhinohide, and has an 'equal' JSObject bridge.
error - Variable in class DOMErrorWrapper
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Outputs an error through the print writer.
ErrorHandlerPW - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
A SAX error handler that outputs messages to a print writer.
ErrorHandlerPW(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class ErrorHandlerPW
Creates an ErrorHandlerPW.
escape_embeddable(StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Tranforms an embeddable sequence from unescaped to escaped form.
eval(String) - Method in class Rhinohide
Evaluates an expression in the context of the underlying JavaScript object, via the bridge.
evalV(String) - Method in class Rhinohide
Same as checkV(eval(expression)).
EventListenerR - Interface in textbender.g.util
A remote event listener.
EventListenerR.WrapperL<R extends EventListenerR> - Class in textbender.g.util
A wrapper of a remote event listener that conforms it to an equivalent local type, by handling any remote exceptions.
EventListenerR.WrapperL(R) - Constructor for class EventListenerR.WrapperL
Creates a WrapperL.
EventQueueX - Class in textbender.o.awt
EventQueue utilities.
Events_2_Demo - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Demo of Rhinohide, Events Level 2.
Events_2_Demo() - Constructor for class Events_2_Demo
executor() - Method in class DeskDaemon
The general-purpose desk executor, an asynchronous executor that employs a single thread, the "desk executor" thread.
extractContents() - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.


fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Outputs a fatal error through the print writer.
file() - Method in class PageVisit
Returns the source of the page as a local file, or null if the source is not a local file.
FileFilterX - Class in textbender.g.io
FileFilter common implementations.
filename(long, ClipIndexEncoder) - Static method in class SourceDocumentFile
FileX - Class in textbender.g.io
File utilities.
FilterChainer - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Links together a chain of SAX filters.
FilterChainer() - Constructor for class FilterChainer
FilterChainerL - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Links together a chain of SAX filters of extended, LexicalHandler type.
FilterChainerL() - Constructor for class FilterChainerL
FIND_META_DATA_FAILURE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class DocumentRT
Standard error message that clients of meta-data element can show to user.
findChildProcessingInstruction(Node, String) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the named processing instruction, if one exists as a child of the parent node.
findGG(Element) - Static method in class Gene
Finds a document's 'gg' element.
findMetaData(Node) - Static method in class DocumentRT
Finds a document's meta-data element.
findRegistry() - Static method in class HostServiceRegistry.X
Returns a remote reference to the registry.
findRevisionLine(Element) - Static method in class Revision
Finds a document's 'revision-line' element.
FINE - Static variable in class LoggerX
FINER - Static variable in class LoggerX
FINEST - Static variable in class LoggerX
fireUp(BeanContextServicesListener, BeanContextServices) - Static method in class BeanContextServicesX
Fires up a listener to the current service state.
fireUp(ListModel, ListDataListener) - Static method in class ListModelX
Immediately calls listener.intervalAdded(), if necessary, to bring the listener up to date with the current state of the specified list model.
first() - Method in class FilterChainer
The first filter of the chain.
firstChild() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
firstLastChild() - Method in class RhiNode_1
FloatPreference - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A float in a preference node.
FloatPreference(Preferences, String, float) - Constructor for class FloatPreference
Creates a FloatPreference.
FloatPreferenceDC - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A default-clear float preference.
FloatPreferenceDC(Preferences, String, float) - Constructor for class FloatPreferenceDC
Creates a FloatPreferenceDC.
flush() - Method in class OutputStream0
Does nothing.
flush() - Method in class StringOutputStream
flush() - Method in class WriterSwitch
flushBase64() - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Method added by PHIL.
flushSpi() - Method in class Preferences0
FontX - Class in textbender.o.awt
Font utilities and constants.
foreground - Variable in class ColorPair
The foreground colour.
FrameX - Class in textbender.o.swing
JFrame extension.
FrameX() - Constructor for class FrameX
fromFile(File) - Static method in class VersionedFile
Returns the file as a VersionedFile; or null if it is not actually a versioned file.


G_INDEX_FLAG_DOUBLE_DASH - Static variable in class Gene
G-index flag indicating a 'g' attribute value that begins '--'.
G_INDEX_FLAG_NONE - Static variable in class Gene
G-index flag indicating that a node has no 'g' attribute.
G_INDEX_FLAG_SINGLE_DASH - Static variable in class Gene
G-index flag indicating a 'g' attribute value that begins with a single '-'.
G_INDEX_FLAG_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class Gene
G-index flag indicating an unrecognized 'g' attribute value.
Gene - Class in textbender.d.gene
Utilities for working with genes.
geneList() - Method in class PageVisit
Sparse list of genes, indexed by g-index.
geneList - Variable in class IndexBlock.SourceParse
get() - Method in interface Holder
Returns the thing held.
get() - Method in class Holder1
Returns the thing held.
get(Object) - Method in interface MultiMap
Returns the values for the specified key.
get(Object) - Method in class MultiMapRM
get(Object) - Method in class MultiMapW
get() - Method in class BooleanPreference
Retrieves the value of this preference from storage.
get() - Method in class FloatPreference
Retrieves the value of this preference from storage.
get() - Method in class IntegerPreference
Retrieves the value of this preference from storage.
get() - Method in class StringPreference
Retrieves the value of this preference from storage.
get(int) - Method in class ElementListNL
get(int) - Method in class NodeListNL
getAltKey() - Method in interface KeyEvent
getAltKey() - Method in class RhiKeyEvent
getAltKey() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getAnchors() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getAnchorSelectionIndex() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getApplets() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class RhiElement
getAttributeNode(String) - Method in class RhiElement
getAttributeNodeNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
getAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
getAttributes() - Method in class RhiNode
getBackground() - Method in class ColorPair
Returns the background colour.
getBaseURI() - Method in class RhiNode
getBody() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
getBubbles() - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
getButton() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getByteOffset() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns -1.
getCancelable() - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
getCenterLocation(Dimension) - Static method in class WindowX
Returns the location that would center the specified area on the screen.
getCenterLocation(Dimension, Dimension) - Static method in class WindowX
Returns the location that would center the specified area within the specified surrounding.
getChildNodes() - Method in class RhiNode
getClassName() - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
getClientX() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getClientY() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getCollapsed() - Method in class RhiRange
getColumnNumber() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns -1.
getCommonAncestorContainer() - Method in class RhiRange
getComputedStyle(Element, String) - Method in class RhiWindow
Not yet coded.
getCookie() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getCtrlKey() - Method in interface KeyEvent
getCtrlKey() - Method in class RhiKeyEvent
getCtrlKey() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getCurrentNode() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
getCurrentServiceSelectors(BeanContextServices, Class) - Method in class SimpleServiceProvider
getCurrentTarget() - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
getCursor() - Method in class SequenceCircler
Returns the index of the cursor.
getData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData
getData() - Method in class RhiProcessingInstruction
Not yet coded.
getDefault() - Method in class BooleanPreference
Returns the default value of this preference.
getDefault() - Method in class FloatPreference
Returns the default value of this preference.
getDefault() - Method in class IntegerPreference
Returns the default value of this preference.
getDefault() - Method in class StringPreference
Returns the default value of this preference.
getDefaultView() - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
getDetail() - Method in class RhiUIEvent
Not yet coded.
getDir() - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
getDoctype() - Method in class RhiDocument
getDocument() - Method in class RhiWindow
getDocumentElement() - Method in class RhiDocument
getDocumentURI() - Method in class RhiDocument
getDomain() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getDomConfig() - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
getElement() - Method in class CollectionEvent
Returns the element that is the object of this event.
getElementById(Node, String) - Static method in class Core_1_Demo
A Core 1 version of Document.
getElementById(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
getElementsByName(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getElementsByTagName() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
getElementsByTagName() - Method in class RhiElement_1
getElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
getElementsByTagName(String) - Method in class RhiElement
getElementsByTagNameNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiDocument
getElementsByTagNameNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
getEndContainer() - Method in class RhiRange
getEndOffset() - Method in class RhiRange
getEntities() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
Not yet coded.
getErrorCount() - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Returns the error count.
getErrorCount() - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Returns the error count.
getEventPhase() - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
getExpandEntityReferences() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
getFatalErrorCount() - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Returns the fatal error count.
getFatalErrorCount() - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Returns the fatal error count.
getFeature(String, String) - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation
Not yet coded.
getFeature(String, String) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
getFilter() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
getFirstChild() - Method in class RhiNode
getForeground() - Method in class ColorPair
Returns the foreground colour.
getForms() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getGene() - Method in class User
Returns the gene object of an impending user action.
getId() - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
getImages() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getImplementation() - Method in class RhiDocument
getIndex(String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getIndex(String, String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getIndexBlock(long) - Method in class IndexBlockMap
Returns the index block within which a particular index falls.
getInputEncoding() - Method in class RhiDocument
getInputEncoding() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
getInternalSubset() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
getKeyCode() - Method in interface KeyEvent
getKeyCode() - Method in class RhiKeyEvent
getLang() - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
getLastChild() - Method in class RhiNode
getLeadSelectionIndex() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getLeafGene() - Method in class User
Returns the leaf gene object of an impending user action.
getLength() - Method in class Attributes2_0
getLength() - Method in class RhiCharacterData
getLength() - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
getLength() - Method in class RhiNodeList
getLineNumber() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns -1.
getLinks() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getLocalName(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getLocalName() - Method in class RhiElement
getLocalName() - Method in class RhiNode
getLocation() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getLocus() - Method in interface LocusPoint
Returns the locus currently pointed to, on the desktop.
getLocus() - Method in class LocusPoint1
getMaximumSize() - Method in class SlimComboBox
Returns a maximum size of width infinity, and of height equal to the preferred height.
getMaxSelectionIndex() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getMember(String) - Method in class Rhinohide
Returns a property of the underlying JavaScript object, via the bridge.
getMemberV(String) - Method in class Rhinohide
Same as checkV(getMember(name)).
getMessage() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getMetaKey() - Method in interface KeyEvent
getMetaKey() - Method in class RhiKeyEvent
getMetaKey() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getMinSelectionIndex() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getModel() - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Returns the model that is viewed.
getModel() - Method in class ThrowableHolderVST
Returns the model that is viewed.
getName() - Method in class RhiAttr
getName() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
getNamedItem(String) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
getNamedItemNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
getNamespaceURI() - Method in class RhiNode
getNextSibling() - Method in class RhiNode
getNode() - Method in class User
Returns the node object of an impending user action.
getNodeName() - Method in class RhiNode
getNodeType() - Method in class RhiNode
getNodeType(Rhinohide) - Static method in class RhiNode
Returns the node type of a JavaScript node.
getNodeValue() - Method in class RhiNode
getNotationName() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
getNotations() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
Not yet coded.
getOrCreateDocumentAsModifiableFile(PageVisit) - Static method in class VersionedFile
If the current page source is local, returns it as a file.
getOrCreateIndexBlock(File, int, IndexBlockMapW.KeySD, ClipIndexEncoder) - Method in class IndexBlockMapW
Returns the index block for a particular sourceDocumentFile, creating a new one if necessary.
getOwnerDocument() - Method in class RhiNode
getOwnerElement() - Method in class RhiAttr
Not yet coded.
getParentNode() - Method in class RhiNode
getPrefix() - Method in class RhiNode
getPreviousSibling() - Method in class RhiNode
getPublicId() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
getPublicId() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
getPublicId() - Method in class RhiNotation
Not yet coded.
getQName(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getRangeAt(int) - Method in class RhiSelection
getRangeCount() - Method in class RhiSelection
getReferenceSeries() - Method in interface Chromography
Returns the loaded reference series.
getReferenceSeries() - Method in class Chromography1
getReferrer() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getRegistryOrNull() - Static method in class RegistryX
Returns a remote reference to the boot-registry on the local host at the standard port, but only if one exists.
getRelatedData() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getRelatedException() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getRelatedNode() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns null.
getRelatedTarget() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getReleaseReason() - Method in class PageVisit
Returns the reason why the page vist is coming to an end.
getRoot() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
getSchemaTypeInfo() - Method in class RhiAttr
Not yet coded.
getSchemaTypeInfo() - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
getScreenX() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getScreenX() - Method in class RhiWindow
getScreenY() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getScreenY() - Method in class RhiWindow
getSelection() - Method in class RhiWindow
User-selected text (non-standard).
getSelectionMode() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getService(Class<S>) - Method in interface HostServiceRegistry
Returns an instance of the specified service.
getService(Class<S>) - Method in class HostServiceRegistry1
getService(Class) - Method in class ServiceRegistryCIU
Returns a service previously added to the registry.
getService(BeanContextServices, Object, Class, Object) - Method in class SimpleServiceProvider
getSetIterateRemove() - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap_1
getSeverity() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getShiftKey() - Method in interface KeyEvent
getShiftKey() - Method in class RhiKeyEvent
getShiftKey() - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
getShortName(Class) - Static method in class ClassX
Returns the name of the class, without the qualifying package prefix.
getSpecified() - Method in class RhiAttr
getSpi(String) - Method in class Preferences0
getStartContainer() - Method in class RhiRange
getStartOffset() - Method in class RhiRange
getStrictErrorChecking() - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
getSystemId() - Method in class RhiDocumentType
getSystemId() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
getSystemId() - Method in class RhiNotation
Not yet coded.
getTagName() - Method in class RhiElement
getTarget() - Method in class RhiProcessingInstruction
Not yet coded.
getTarget() - Method in class RhiEvent
getTextContent() - Method in class RhiNode
getThrowable() - Method in class User
Returns the last throwable shown to the user.
getThrowable() - Method in interface ThrowableHolder
Returns the throwable held.
getThrowable() - Method in class ThrowableHolder1
Returns the throwable held.
getThrowable() - Method in interface ThrowableHolderModel
Returns the throwable held.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
getTitle() - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Returns the title of the view, if any.
getTitle() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getTitle() - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
getTransferand() - Method in interface PRTransfer
Returns the loaded transferand.
getTransferand() - Method in class PRTransferCHub
Returns the object loaded for transfer, according to the latest event received from the server.
getTransferand() - Method in class PRTransferS
getType() - Method in class DOMErrorWrapper
getType(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getType(String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getType(String, String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getType() - Method in class RhiEvent
getType(Rhinohide) - Static method in class RhiEvent
Returns the type of an event.
getUri() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns null.
getURI(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getURL() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
getUserData(String) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
getUtf16Offset() - Method in class DOMLocator0
Returns -1.
getValue(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getValue(String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getValue(String, String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
getValue() - Method in class RhiAttr
getValueIsAdjusting() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
getView() - Method in class RhiUIEvent
Not yet coded.
getWarningCount() - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Returns the warning count.
getWarningCount() - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Returns the warning count.
getWhatToShow() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
getWholeText() - Method in class RhiText
Not yet coded.
getWriter() - Method in class WriterSwitch
Returns the underlying writer, to which all requests are passed.
getXmlEncoding() - Method in class RhiDocument
getXmlEncoding() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
getXmlStandalone() - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
getXmlVersion() - Method in class RhiDocument
getXmlVersion() - Method in class RhiEntity
Not yet coded.
gg - Variable in class IndexBlock.SourceParse
gIndex0() - Method in class Transferand
Returns the g-index of the first gene of the transferand, in document order.
gIndex1() - Method in class Transferand
Returns the g-index of the last gene of the transferand, in document order.
gIndexIsGene(int) - Static method in class Gene
Returns true iff gIndexOf >= 0, indicating a gene.
gIndexIsNonGenetic(int) - Static method in class Gene
Returns true iff gIndexOf indicates a non-genetic element; either G_INDEX_FLAG_SINGLE_DASH or G_INDEX_FLAG_DOUBLE_DASH.
gIndexOf(long) - Method in class IndexBlock
gIndexOf(Element) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the g-index of an element, derived from its 'g' attribute value.
gIndexOf(String) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the g-index of a 'g' attribute value.
gIndexOfNode(Node) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the g-index of a node.
gList() - Method in class PageVisit
List of gene meta-data ('g') elements, ordered by g-index.
gList - Variable in class IndexBlock.SourceParse
gOf(int) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the g-index encoded as a string suitable for a 'g' attribute value.
gR() - Method in class IndexBlockMapW.KeySD
Re-index counter of the document, per SourceDocumentFile.
gR() - Method in class SourceDocumentFile
Re-index counter of the document, per attribute 'gR' of element 'gg'.
gROf(Element) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the effective 'gR' attribute of an element.
GZIP - Static variable in class Base64
Specify that data should be gzip-compressed.


HANDLE_EVENT_SCRIPT - Static variable in class RelaySI
Implementation of rhiRelay listener, expressed as a script fragment.
HANDLE_EVENT_SCRIPT - Static variable in class RelaySIP
Implementation of rhiRelay listener, expressed as a script fragment.
handleError(DOMError) - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Outputs an error through the print writer.
handleEvent(JSObject) - Method in class RelayS.DispatchAdaptor
handleEvent(JSObject) - Method in class RelaySI.DispatchAdaptor
handleEvent() - Method in class RelaySIP.DispatchPuller
hasAttribute(String) - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
hasAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
hasAttributes() - Method in class RhiNode
hasChildGene(Node) - Static method in class Gene
Returns true iff the node has a child gene.
hasChildNodes() - Method in class RhiNode
hasFeature() - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation_1
hasFeature(String, String) - Method in class RhiDOMImplementation
hashCode() - Method in class IndexBlockMapW.KeySD
hashCode() - Method in class EventListenerR.WrapperL
Returns the same hash code as the underlying remote listener.
hashCode() - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded, non-trivial.
hashCode() - Method in class Rhinohide
Defers to the bridge, returning jsObject.hashCode().
hasNext() - Method in class ListIterator0
hasPrevious() - Method in class ListIterator0
highlightByHue(ColorPair, float) - Static method in class ColorPair.X
Highlights a colour-pair to a specified hue.
Hold - Interface in textbender.g.hold
Something that may be released, or undone.
Holder<T> - Interface in textbender.g
A holder of something.
Holder1<T> - Class in textbender.g
Basic implementation of a holder.
Holder1() - Constructor for class Holder1
Creates a Holder1.
Holder1(T) - Constructor for class Holder1
Creates a Holder1.
HostServiceRegistry - Interface in textbender.a.r.desk
Registry of services for this host.
hostServiceRegistry() - Method in class Connections
A reference to the service registry of the desk daemon on the local host.
HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID - Class in textbender.a.r.desk
An identifier, each instance of which is guaranteed to be unique within a single run of the desk daemon.
HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID(byte[]) - Constructor for class HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID
HostServiceRegistry.X - Class in textbender.a.r.desk
Service registry utilities.
HostServiceRegistry1 - Class in textbender.a.r.desk
Service registry implementation.
HostServiceRegistry1() - Constructor for class HostServiceRegistry1
Creates the single instance of HostServiceRegistry1; makes it available via i(); and binds it in the RMI boot-registry.
hue(Color) - Static method in class ColorX
Returns the hue of the color, per the HSB model.


i() - Static method in class DeskDaemon
The single instance of DeskDaemon.
i() - Static method in class HostServiceRegistry1
The single instance of HostServiceRegistry1, or null if there is none.
i() - Static method in class Run
The single instance of Run.
i() - Static method in class PageDaemons
The single instance of PageDaemons.
i() - Static method in class PageDaemonsEDT
The single instance of PageDaemonsEDT.
i() - Static method in class Run
The single instance of Run.
i() - Static method in class Run
The single instance of Run.
i() - Static method in class Run
The single instance of Run.
i() - Static method in class Copier
The single instance of Copier.
i() - Static method in class IndexBlockMapW
The single instance of IndexBlockMapW.
i() - Static method in class RecombinantXHTML
The single instance of RecombinantXHTML.
i() - Static method in class BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0
The common instance of BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0.
i() - Static method in class ServiceRegistryCIU
The common instance of ServiceRegistryCIU.
i() - Static method in class Spool0
A common instance of Spool0.
i() - Static method in class OutputStream0
A common instance of OutputStream0.
i() - Static method in class Catcher0
A common instance of Catcher0.
i() - Static method in class Runnable0
A common instance of Runnable0.
i(Class) - Static method in class LoggerX
Returns the standard logger for a class.
i(String) - Static method in class LoggerX
Returns the standard logger for a class name.
i() - Static method in class Preferences0
A common instance of Preferences0.
i() - Static method in class DOMLocator0
A common instance of DOMLocator0.
i() - Static method in class Attributes2_0
A common instance of Attributes2_0.
i() - Static method in class ClipboardOwner0
A common instance of ClipboardOwner0.
i() - Static method in class CommonDOM
Deprecated. The single instance of CommonDOM.
i() - Static method in class ListSelectionModel0
A common instance of ListSelectionModel0.
i0() - Static method in class CharactersEvent
The common instance of an empty CharactersEvent.
i0() - Static method in class CommentEvent
The common instance of an empty CommentEvent.
i0() - Static method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
The common instance of an empty IgnorableWhitespaceEvent.
i0() - Static method in class ImageX
A null implementation of an image, having dimensions of zero.
IgnorableWhitespaceEvent - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Persistent capture of a SAX ignorableWhitespace() event.
IgnorableWhitespaceEvent(char[], int, int) - Constructor for class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
Creates an IgnorableWhitespaceEvent.
ImageIconX - Class in textbender.o.swing
Image icon utilities.
ImageX - Class in textbender.o.awt
Image utilities.
implementation() - Method in class RhiDocument_1
implementation() - Static method in class DOMImplementationRegistryX
Fetches a standard implementation from the registry.
implementationLS() - Static method in class DOMImplementationRegistryX
Fetches a standard 'Load and Save' implementation from the registry.
importNode(Node, boolean) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
IndexBlock - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Maps between clip indeces and g-indeces.
IndexBlock(long, int, File) - Constructor for class IndexBlock
Creates an IndexBlock.
IndexBlock.SourceParse - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Parser results...
IndexBlock.SourceParse(Document, StringBuilder) - Constructor for class IndexBlock.SourceParse
IndexBlockMap - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Map of index blocks.
IndexBlockMap() - Constructor for class IndexBlockMap
IndexBlockMapW - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Writeable map of index blocks.
IndexBlockMapW.KeySD - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
A key for index block lookup, per getOrCreateIndexBlock.
IndexBlockMapW.KeySD(String, String) - Constructor for class IndexBlockMapW.KeySD
Creates a KeySD.
indexIn(Node, Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the index of the specified child in the parent node.
indexOf(int) - Method in class SequenceCircler
Returns the circular (wrapped) index of an offset from the cursor.
INFO - Static variable in class LoggerX
init2(ThrowableHolderModel, Component, Preferences) - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Finishes and returns the new ThrowableHolderV.
initEvent(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class RhiEvent
Not yet coded.
initMouseEvent(String, boolean, boolean, AbstractView, int, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, short, EventTarget) - Method in class RhiMouseEvent
Not yet coded.
initRedirect(RhiWindow) - Method in class VersionedFile
If this is a new series, initializes it and redirects the browser to the first versioned file.
initUIEvent(String, boolean, boolean, AbstractView, int) - Method in class RhiUIEvent
Not yet coded.
InPageBrancher - Class in textbender.a.u.branch
Brancher of a Web document, via an in-page user-applet.
InPageBrancher(PageVisit) - Constructor for class InPageBrancher
Creates an InPageBrancher.
InPageFactory - Class in textbender.a.u.chromography
Reference series loader that responds to transfers loaded in a Web page, as detected via a user-applet.
InPageFactory(PageVisit) - Constructor for class InPageFactory
Creates an InPageFactory.
InPageFactory - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer
Transferand-loader that responds to text selections in a Web page, detected via a user-applet.
InPageFactory(PageVisit) - Constructor for class InPageFactory
Creates an InPageFactory.
InPageHighlighter - Class in textbender.a.u.locusPoint
Highlighter for a Web document, via an in-page user-applet.
InPageHighlighter(PageVisit) - Constructor for class InPageHighlighter
Creates an InPageHighlighter.
InPagePointer - Class in textbender.a.u.locusPoint
Point detector/publisher for a Web document, via an in-page user-applet.
InPagePointer(PageVisit) - Constructor for class InPagePointer
Creates an InPagePointer.
InPageStainer - Class in textbender.a.u.chromography
Chromograph stainer for a Web document, via an in-page user-applet.
InPageStainer(PageVisit, InPageFactory) - Constructor for class InPageStainer
Creates an InPageStainer.
InputStreamX - Class in textbender.g.io
InputStream utilities.
insertBefore() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
insertBefore(Node, Node) - Method in class RhiNode
insertData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
insertData(int, String) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
insertElementAt(Hold, int) - Method in class SpoolT
insertIndexInterval(int, int, boolean) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
insertNode(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
insets() - Static method in class AWT
A shared insets, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
InstanceList - Class in textbender.g
Utilities for instance lists.
IntegerPreference - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
An int in a preference node.
IntegerPreference(Preferences, String, int) - Constructor for class IntegerPreference
Creates an IntegerPreference.
IntegerPreferenceDC - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A default-clear integer preference.
IntegerPreferenceDC(Preferences, String, int) - Constructor for class IntegerPreferenceDC
Creates an IntegerPreferenceDC.
interBright(Color, float, float) - Static method in class ColorX
Creates a colour intermediate between two other colours with respect to brightness.
interColor(Color, Color, float) - Static method in class ColorX
Creates a colour intermediate between two other colours.
interHued(Color, float, float) - Static method in class ColorX
Creates a colour intermediate between two other colours with respect to hue.
interSaturated(Color, float, float) - Static method in class ColorX
Creates a colour intermediate between two other colours with respect to saturation.
intervalAdded(ListDataEvent) - Method in class ListDataRelayer
Relays the event to the listeners.
intervalRemoved(ListDataEvent) - Method in class ListDataRelayer
Relays the event to the listener list.
invert() - Method in class ColorPair
Interchanges background and foreground.
invokeNowOrLater(Runnable) - Static method in class EventQueueX
Invokes the runnable now, if called from the dispatch thread; otherwise schedules it to be invoked in a later dispatch thread.
invokeNowOrWait(Runnable) - Static method in class EventQueueX
Invokes the runnable now, if called from the dispatch thread; otherwise waits for a dispatch thread.
isAsync() - Method in class RhiEvent
Returns true iff this event is to be asynchronously dispatched.
isCheckingEnabled() - Static method in class ThreadSafe.U
Returns true if thread-safety checks are actually performed (normal situation); false if they were disabled in this classloader's runtime.
isDeclared(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isDeclared(String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isDeclared(String, String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isDefaultNamespace(String) - Method in class RhiNode
isDispatchThread() - Method in class CommonDOM
Deprecated. Returns true if the calling thread is probably the DOM access dispatch thread.
isElementContentWhitespace() - Method in class RhiText
Not yet coded.
isEnabled() - Method in interface LocusPoint
Returns true iff locus-point is enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in class LocusPoint1
isEqualNode(Node) - Method in class RhiNode
isExecutorThread() - Method in class DeskDaemon
Returns true if the calling thread is the desk executor thread.
isFileSystemCaseSensitive() - Method in class Run
isGene(Element) - Static method in class Gene
Returns true if the element is a gene.
isId() - Method in class RhiAttr
Not yet coded.
isMarginal(Element) - Static method in class Encoder
Answers whether the element is abutted with the left margin.
isPageSilent() - Method in class PageVisit
Returns true if the page is remote, and therefore blocks LiveConnect JavaScript messages to the page daemon.
isSameNode(Node) - Method in class RhiNode
isSelectedIndex(int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
isSelectionEmpty() - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
isSpecified(int) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isSpecified(String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isSpecified(String, String) - Method in class Attributes2_0
isSupported(String, String) - Method in class RhiNode
isThreadSafe(Class, Method) - Static method in class ThreadSafe.U
Tests whether a method is effectively annotated thread safe.
isThreadSafe(Object, String, Class...) - Static method in class ThreadSafe.U
Tests whether a public method is effectively annotated thread safe.
isTransferMutant(Element, Element, List<Element>, MutantAbstractor, DOMImplementationLS, LSParser, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Transfer
Returns true if the gene's sequence has changed enough that the mutation should be recorded in transfer ancestry.
isUnwinding() - Method in interface Spool
Returns true if the spool is unwinding (or unwound).
isUnwinding() - Method in class Spool0
isUnwinding() - Method in class Spool1
isUnwinding() - Method in class SpoolT
isWindows() - Static method in class OperatingSystem
Returns true if the operating system is Windows.
isXML(Document) - Static method in class Browser
item(int) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
item(int) - Method in class RhiNodeList
iterate() - Method in class RhiNodeList_1
iterator() - Method in class Spool0


jsObject() - Method in class Rhinohide
Bridge to underlying JavaScript object.


key - Variable in class Preference
key() - Method in class Preference
Returns the unique key under which the preference value is stored, per Preferences.put() and get().
KeyEvent - Interface in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
An event generated by a keystroke.
keysSpi() - Method in class Preferences0


LabelX - Class in textbender.o.swing
Label extensions.
LabelX() - Constructor for class LabelX
LabelX(String) - Constructor for class LabelX
largest2PowerFractionalPointSize(Font, String, Dimension2D, FontRenderContext) - Static method in class FontX
largest2PowerMultiplePointSize(Font, String, Dimension2D, FontRenderContext) - Static method in class FontX
largest2PowerPointSize(Font, String, Dimension2D, FontRenderContext) - Static method in class FontX
largestPointSize(Font, String, Dimension2D, FontRenderContext) - Static method in class FontX
last() - Method in class FilterChainer
The last filter of the chain.
lastChild() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
lastTextOffset(Node) - Method in class DOMPointer
Positions the pointer at the last offset among Text children of the specified parent.
lastTextOffsetOrNode(Node) - Method in class DOMPointer
Positions the pointer at the last offset among Text children of the specified parent, or the last non-Text child, whichever comes later.
LeafGeneObjectV - Class in textbender.a.r.page
A view of the context of an impending user action, in the page.
LeafGeneObjectV(PageVisit) - Constructor for class LeafGeneObjectV
Creates an LeafGeneObjectV.
leafLocusSetArray() - Method in class ReferenceSeries
Returns the series as an array of loci, in document order.
length() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
length() - Method in class CharactersEvent
length() - Method in class CommentEvent
length() - Method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
linkG(Element, Element, Element, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Links a gene meta-data ('g') element into the document.
list - Variable in class IndexBlockMap
ListDataListenerX - Class in textbender.o.swing.event
Types for ListDataListener.
ListDataListenerX.Registry - Interface in textbender.o.swing.event
Where listeners can register for list-data events.
ListDataRelayer - Class in textbender.o.swing.event
Relayer of list-data events to listeners.
ListDataRelayer(EventListenerList) - Constructor for class ListDataRelayer
Creates a ListDataRelayer.
listenersCopy() - Method in class CollectionRelayer
Returns a copy of the listener collection.
listenersCopy() - Method in class CollectionRelayerLL
ListIterator0<E> - Class in textbender.g.util
ListIterator0() - Constructor for class ListIterator0
ListModelX - Class in textbender.o.swing
ListModel utilities and common implementations.
ListSelectionModel0 - Class in textbender.o.swing
A dummy implementation of a list selection model.
ListSelectionModel0() - Constructor for class ListSelectionModel0
loadAsNewVersion(PageVisit) - Method in class VersionedFile
Loads the newly created versioned file into the browser, for initial viewing.
loadAsNewVersion_releaseReason - Static variable in class VersionedFile
localName() - Method in class EndElementEvent
localName() - Method in class StartElementEvent
localOriginRegistry() - Method in class PRTransferCHub
Registry for events (e) of local origin only.
location() - Method in class ComponentBoundsPreference
Returns the preference storage for the component's location.
LocusPoint - Interface in textbender.a.u.locusPoint
The locus-point service.
LocusPoint1 - Class in textbender.a.u.locusPoint
Shadow-point service implementation.
LocusPoint1() - Constructor for class LocusPoint1
Creates the single instance of LocusPoint1 and registers it as a service.
locusToGeneMap() - Method in class PageVisit
Map of genes, keyed by locus.
logAndShow(Throwable) - Method in class User
Logs a throwable and shows it to the user in a non-modal dialog, per getThrowable().
LoggerX - Class in textbender.g.util.logging
Logger utilities.
lookupNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class RhiNode
lookupPrefix(String) - Method in class RhiNode
lostOwnership(Clipboard, Transferable) - Method in class Copier
lostOwnership(Clipboard, Transferable) - Method in class ClipboardOwner0
Does nothing.
LSResourceResolver0 - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom.ls
A resolver that ignores all resources.
LSResourceResolver0(DOMImplementationLS) - Constructor for class LSResourceResolver0
Creates a LSResourceResolver0.
LSResourceResolverCP - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom.ls
A resolver that searches the class path for resources.
LSResourceResolverCP(DOMImplementationLS) - Constructor for class LSResourceResolverCP
Creates a LSResourceResolverCP.
LSResourceResolverCP.Failure - Exception in textbender.g.xml.dom.ls
Signals an unexpected failure of resource resolution.
LSResourceResolverCP.Failure(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception LSResourceResolverCP.Failure


main(String[]) - Static method in class Run
Starts the run from the command line, or from JNLP (e.g.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Run
Starts the run from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Run
Starts the run from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Base64
Encodes or decodes two files from the command line; feel free to delete this method (in fact you probably should) if you're embedding this code into a larger program.
max - Variable in class RandomX.LimitedGaussian
mean - Variable in class RandomX.Gaussian
MEDIAN_GENE_COUNT - Static variable in class PageVisit
An estimate of the median gene count, per page.
min - Variable in class RandomX.LimitedGaussian
moveElementsNS(Node, String, String, Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Removes from 'fromParent' all child elements of the specified name, and appends them to 'toParent'.
MS_PER_DAY - Static variable in class DateX
Milliseconds in a typical day.
MultiMap<K,V> - Interface in textbender.g.util
A map that permits duplicate keys (multiple values per key).
multiMap() - Method in class MultiMapW
Returns the underlying multi-map.
MultiMap.U - Class in textbender.g.util
Multi-map utilities.
MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap<K,V> - Class in textbender.g.util
A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map to make it unmodifiable.
MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap(MultiMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap
MultiMapRM<K,V> - Class in textbender.g.util
A multi-map optimized for the case of rare multiples.
MultiMapRM() - Constructor for class MultiMapRM
Creates a MultiMapRM, with default initial capacity etc. per java.util.HashMap.
MultiMapW<K,V> - Class in textbender.g.util
A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map.
MultiMapW(MultiMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class MultiMapW
Creates a MultiMapW.
MutantAbstractor - Interface in textbender.d.transfer


name() - Method in class RhiAttr_1
NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class VersionedFile
Matches the simple (end-of-path) name of a versioned file.
NewSv1File - Class in textbender.a.r.page.navdo
A transient 'new-Sv1' versioned file.
NewSv1File(File, int, String, String) - Constructor for class NewSv1File
Creates a NewSv1File.
next() - Method in class ListIterator0
nextGaussian(RandomX.Gaussian) - Method in class RandomX
Returns the next pseudorandom Gaussian (normal) value.
nextIndex() - Method in class ListIterator0
nextNode(Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the next node, in document order.
nextNode(Node, boolean) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the next node, in document order.
nextNode() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
nextSibling() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
nextTextOffset() - Method in class DOMPointer
Moves this pointer forward to the next Text offset among sibling nodes.
nextTextOffsetOrNode() - Method in class DOMPointer
Moves this pointer forward to the next Text offset, or the next non-Text sibling node, whichever comes first.
nextUniqueID() - Method in interface HostServiceRegistry
Returns the next unique identifier.
nextUniqueID() - Method in class HostServiceRegistry1
NO_OPTIONS - Static variable in class Base64
No options specified.
node - Variable in class DOMPointer
The node pointed at.
NodeListNL - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
A list of nodes backed by a NodeList.
NodeListNL(NodeList) - Constructor for class NodeListNL
Creates a NodeListNL.
nodeName() - Method in class RhiNode_1
nodeType() - Method in class RhiNode_1
nodeValue() - Method in class RhiNode_1
NodeX - Class in textbender.g.xml.dom
Node utilities.
normalize() - Method in class RhiElement_1i
normalize() - Method in class RhiNode
normalizeDocument() - Method in class RhiDocument
nullEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class ObjectX
Returns true iff the objects are either 'equal', or both null.
nullModel - Static variable in class ListModelX
A null list model.
nullSame(Node, Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns true iff the nodes are either the 'same nodes', or both null.


ObjectX - Class in textbender.g.lang
Object utilities.
OFF - Static variable in class LoggerX
offBright(Color, float) - Static method in class ColorX
Returns a darker or brighter shade of the colour.
offBright(Color, float, boolean) - Static method in class ColorX
Returns a darker or brighter shade of the colour.
offer(Hold) - Method in class Spool1
offset - Variable in class DOMPointer
The offset pointed at, within the node.
OPAQUE - Static variable in class FileFilterX
A filter that rejects all files.
open() - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
OperatingSystem - Class in textbender.o
Operating system utilities.
ORDERED - Static variable in class Base64
Encode using the special "ordered" dialect of Base64 described here: http://www.faqs.org/qa/rfcc-1940.html.
origin() - Method in class ReferenceSeries
Identifies the origin of the series.
origin() - Method in class Transferand
Identifies the program agent that constructed the transferand.
originalFile() - Method in class VersionedFile
Original file of the series, typically the user's working document.
originalNameBody - Variable in class VersionedFile
Body part of the simple name of the original file.
originalNameDotExtension - Variable in class VersionedFile
Dot-extension of original file.
output(String, DOMError) - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
OutputStream0 - Class in textbender.g.io
Null implementation of an output stream.
OutputStream0() - Constructor for class OutputStream0
OutputStreamX - Class in textbender.g.io
OutputStream utilities.
ownerDocument() - Method in class RhiNode_1


PACKAGE_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class IndexBlockMap
PageDaemons - Class in textbender.a.r.page
Common to page daemons.
PageDaemons() - Constructor for class PageDaemons
Creates the single instance of PageDaemons, and makes it available via i().
PageDaemonsEDT - Class in textbender.a.r.page
Common to page daemons, on the AWT event dispatch thread.
PageDaemonsEDT() - Constructor for class PageDaemonsEDT
Creates the single instance of PageDaemonsEDT, and makes it available via i().
pageExitSupressionMessage(Exception) - Static method in class Browser
Returns the message "assuming page exit in progress, suppressing failure: x".
PageVisit - Class in textbender.a.r.page
A single page visit (or refresh) in a browser.
PageVisit(RhiWindow, File, VersionedFile, ToolbarApplet) - Constructor for class PageVisit
Waits for page to become ready, and creates a PageVisit.
PageVisitEDT - Class in textbender.a.r.page
Facilities of the page visit, restricted to the AWT event dispatch thread.
PageVisitEDT(PageVisit) - Constructor for class PageVisitEDT
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class LabelX
Enables anti-aliasing.
parentNode() - Method in class RhiNode_1
parentNode() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
pass() - Method in class PassLimiter
Registers a single pass.
PassLimiter - Class in textbender.g.lang
Detector of endless loops, etc.
PassLimiter(int) - Constructor for class PassLimiter
Creates a PassLimiter.
PassLimiter.ExceededException - Exception in textbender.g.lang
Thrown when a pass limit is exceeded.
PassLimiter.ExceededException() - Constructor for exception PassLimiter.ExceededException
passthrough - Variable in class XMLFilterImplX
Passes events through to the XMLFilterImpl implementation, which passes them to the attached handler, unmodified.
PERSISTANT_STORE_FILE - Static variable in class IndexBlockMap
point() - Static method in class AWT
A shared point, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
populateAndInsert() - Method in class RhiDocumentFragment_1i
PopupMenu - Class in textbender.a.r.page
A pop-up menu for control of in-page tools.
PopupMenu(PageVisit) - Constructor for class PopupMenu
Creates a PopupMenu, and installs it in-page.
Preference - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
Convenience wrapper for preference nodes.
Preference(Preferences, String) - Constructor for class Preference
Creates a Preference.
preferences - Variable in class Preference
preferences() - Method in class Preference
Returns the preference node used for storage.
preferences() - Method in class ComponentLocationPreference
Returns the preference node used for storage.
preferences() - Method in class ComponentSizePreference
Returns the preference node used for storage.
preferences() - Method in class ColumnWidthsPreference
Returns the preference node used for storage.
Preferences0 - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A dummy implementation of preferences.
Preferences0() - Constructor for class Preferences0
Creates a Preferences0.
PreferencesX - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
Preferences utilities.
prepend(XMLFilterCH) - Method in class FilterChainer
Prepends a new filter as the chain's first.
preSpool() - Method in class PageVisit
Spool unwound before this instance is released.
preSpool - Variable in class ToolbarApplet
Spool unwound before this applet is destroyed.
preventDefault() - Method in class RhiEvent
previous() - Method in class ListIterator0
previousIndex() - Method in class ListIterator0
previousNode() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
previousSibling() - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
Not yet coded.
previousTextOffset() - Method in class DOMPointer
Moves this pointer back to the previous Text offset among sibling nodes.
previousTextOffsetOrNode() - Method in class DOMPointer
Moves this pointer back to the previous Text offset, or the previous non-Text sibling node, whichever comes first.
printStackTrace(Object, Throwable, PrintStream) - Static method in class Catcher.X
Prints a source indication and a stack trace, to the stream.
ProcessX - Class in textbender.g.lang
Process utilities.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class LeafGeneObjectV
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class InPageFactory
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class InPageStainer
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class EnableButton
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class InPageHighlighter
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class InPagePointer
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class Copier
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class PRTransferCHub
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerR
Called when a bound property value is changed, per PropertyChangeListener.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class PropertyChangeListenerR.WrapperL
Relays the event to the underlying remote listener.
propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class PropertyChangeRelayer
Relays the event to the listener list.
PropertyChangeEventAD - Class in textbender.g.beans
Auto-dispatch property change event, for asynchronous dispatch.
PropertyChangeEventAD(Object, String, Object, Object, PropertyChangeSupport) - Constructor for class PropertyChangeEventAD
Creates a PropertyChangeEventAD
PropertyChangeListenerR - Interface in textbender.g.beans
A remote listener for property change events.
PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcher - Class in textbender.g.beans
For property event dispatchers, a catcher that treats exception-throwing listeners as disabled.
PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcher(PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry) - Constructor for class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcher
Creates a DispatchCatcher.
PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN - Class in textbender.g.beans
For property event dispatchers, by name, a catcher that treats exception-throwing listeners as disabled.
PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN(PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN, String) - Constructor for class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN
Creates a DispatchCatcherN.
PropertyChangeListenerR.Registry - Interface in textbender.g.beans
Where remote listeners can register for property change events, per PropertyChangeListenerX.Registry.
PropertyChangeListenerR.RegistryN - Interface in textbender.g.beans
Where remote listeners can register for property change events, by property name, per PropertyChangeListenerX.RegistryN.
PropertyChangeListenerR.WrapperL - Class in textbender.g.beans
A wrapper of PropertyChangeListenerR that conforms it to PropertyChangeListener.
PropertyChangeListenerR.WrapperL(PropertyChangeListenerR, Catcher<PropertyChangeListenerR>) - Constructor for class PropertyChangeListenerR.WrapperL
Creates a WrapperL.
PropertyChangeListenerX - Class in textbender.g.beans
Types for PropertyChangeListener.
PropertyChangeListenerX.Registry - Interface in textbender.g.beans
Where listeners can register for property change events.
PropertyChangeListenerX.RegistryN - Interface in textbender.g.beans
Where listeners can register for property change events, by property name.
PropertyChangeRelayer - Class in textbender.g.beans
Relays events to a PropertyChangeSupport listener list.
PropertyChangeRelayer(PropertyChangeSupport) - Constructor for class PropertyChangeRelayer
Creates a PropertyChangeRelayer
propertyName - Variable in class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN
PRTransfer - Interface in textbender.a.u.transfer
The paired-regions transfer service.
PRTransfer.Server - Interface in textbender.a.u.transfer
The paired-regions transfer server.
PRTransferCHub - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer
Client-side paired-regions transfer hub.
PRTransferCHub(HostServiceRegistry, Spool) - Constructor for class PRTransferCHub
Creates a PRTransferCHub.
PRTransferS - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer
Paired-regions transfer server implementation.
PRTransferS() - Constructor for class PRTransferS
Creates the single instance of PRTransferS and registers it as a service.
put(K, V) - Method in interface MultiMap
Adds a value for the specified key.
put(K, V) - Method in class MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap
put(K, V) - Method in class MultiMapRM
put(K, V) - Method in class MultiMapW
put(boolean) - Method in class BooleanPreference
Stores a new value for the preference.
put(boolean) - Method in class BooleanPreferenceDC
Stores a new value for the preference, or removes it if it matches the default.
put(float) - Method in class FloatPreference
Stores a new value for the preference.
put(float) - Method in class FloatPreferenceDC
Stores a new value for the preference, or removes it if it matches the default.
put(int) - Method in class IntegerPreference
Stores a new value for the preference.
put(int) - Method in class IntegerPreferenceDC
Stores a new value for the preference, or removes it if it matches the default.
put(String) - Method in class StringPreference
Stores a new value for the preference.
put(String) - Method in class StringPreferenceDC
Stores a new value for the preference, or removes it if it matches the default.
putSpi(String, String) - Method in class Preferences0


qName() - Method in class EndElementEvent
qName() - Method in class StartElementEvent


RandomX - Class in textbender.g.util
Random generator extensions.
RandomX() - Constructor for class RandomX
RandomX.Gaussian - Class in textbender.g.util
A Gaussian (normal) distribution.
RandomX.Gaussian(double, double) - Constructor for class RandomX.Gaussian
Creates a Gaussian.
RandomX.LimitedGaussian - Class in textbender.g.util
A Gaussian distribution, limited by a minimum and maximum.
RandomX.LimitedGaussian(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class RandomX.LimitedGaussian
Creates a LimitedGaussian.
Range_2_Demo - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Demo of Rhinohide, text selection and Range Level 2.
Range_2_Demo() - Constructor for class Range_2_Demo
read() - Method in class Base64.InputStream
Reads enough of the input stream to convert to/from Base64 and returns the next byte.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Base64.InputStream
Calls Base64.InputStream.read() repeatedly until the end of stream is reached or len bytes are read.
ReaderX - Class in textbender.g.io
Reader utilities.
RECOMBINANT_XHTML_PUBLIC_ID - Static variable in class RecombinantXHTML
Public identifier of Recombinant XHTML documents.
RecombinantXHTML - Class in textbender.d.gene.xhtml
Recombinant XHTML definitions and utilities.
RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolver - Class in textbender.d.gene.xhtml
A resolver for Recombinant XHTML resources.
RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolver(DOMImplementationLS) - Constructor for class RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolver
Creates a DOMResourceResolver.
RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolverMin - Class in textbender.d.gene.xhtml
A minimal resolver for Recombinant XHTML resources.
RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolverMin(DOMImplementationLS) - Constructor for class RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolverMin
Creates a DOMResourceResolverMin.
recordAsTransferSource(Element, Element, List<Element>, Element, DOMSource, Transformer, StringWriter, StreamResult, StringBuilder) - Static method in class Transfer
Records a gene as a transfer source.
rectangle() - Static method in class AWT
A shared rectangle, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
ReferenceSeries - Class in textbender.a.u.chromography
A chromographic reference series.
ReferenceSeries(HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID, Element[], List<Element>) - Constructor for class ReferenceSeries
Creates a ReferenceSeries.
refresh() - Method in class Connections
Refreshes all links, dropping and reforming them if dead.
regionMatches(CharSequence, int, CharSequence, int, int) - Static method in class CharSequenceX
Like String.
register(I, List<I>, Spool) - Static method in class InstanceList
Registers an instance, and spools it to be unregistered on disposal.
RegistryX - Class in textbender.g.rmi
RMI boot-registry utilities and definitions.
Relay - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
Relay to transfer events from JavaScript to Java.
Relay() - Constructor for class Relay
relayFactorySI() - Method in class RhiWindow
Factory to create event relays on the JavaScript side, for RelaySI.
relayFactorySIP() - Method in class RhiWindow
Factory to create event relays on the JavaScript side, for RelaySIP.
RelayS - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A basic synchronous relay [but with bugs].
RelayS() - Constructor for class RelayS
RelayS.DispatchAdaptor - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
Relay adaptor that wraps each event from the JavaScript side, as a proper Java Event.
RelayS.DispatchAdaptor() - Constructor for class RelayS.DispatchAdaptor
RelaySI - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A synchronous relay, based on an intermediate JavaScript listener/relay [but with bugs] The JavaScript side listener/relay pushes events out to the Java side.
RelaySI() - Constructor for class RelaySI
Creates a RelaySI.
RelaySI(boolean) - Constructor for class RelaySI
Creates a modified RelaySI.
RelaySI.DispatchAdaptor - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
Relay adaptor that wraps each event from the JavaScript side, as a proper Java Event.
RelaySI.DispatchAdaptor() - Constructor for class RelaySI.DispatchAdaptor
RelaySIP - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A synchronous relay, based on an intermediate JavaScript listener/relay, from which events are pulled.
RelaySIP() - Constructor for class RelaySIP
Creates a RelaySIP.
RelaySIP.DispatchPuller - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
Relay adaptor that pulls events from the JavaScript side, and wraps each as a proper Java Event.
RelaySIP.DispatchPuller() - Constructor for class RelaySIP.DispatchPuller
release() - Method in interface Hold
Releases this hold.
release() - Method in class RhiWindow
releaseService(BeanContextServices, Object, Object) - Method in class SimpleServiceProvider
Does nothing.
ReloadAction - Class in textbender.a.r.page.navdo
An action to reload the working file as a new page.
ReloadAction(PageVisit) - Constructor for class ReloadAction
Creates a ReloadAction.
reloadAction() - Method in class PageVisitEDT
A shared load action.
remaining - Variable in class PassLimiter
remoteListener - Variable in class EventListenerR.WrapperL
remoteListener() - Method in class EventListenerR.WrapperL
Underlying remote listener.
remove() - Method in class ListIterator0
remove() - Method in class Preference
Removes this preference.
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface ActionListenerX.Registry
Unregisters a previously registered action listener.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class RhiElement
removeAttributeNode() - Method in class RhiElement_1
removeAttributeNode(Attr) - Method in class RhiElement
removeAttributeNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
removeChild() - Method in class RhiNode_1
removeChild(Node) - Method in class RhiNode
removeCollectionListener(CollectionListener<E>) - Method in interface CollectionListener.Registry
Unregisters a previously registered collection listener.
removeEventListener(String, EventListener, boolean) - Method in class RhiEventTarget
removeFrom(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class Relay
Removes this relay from the specified target.
removeFrom(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class RelayS
removeFrom(RhiEventTarget, String, boolean) - Method in class RelaySI
removeHighlight(Element) - Static method in class Events_2_Demo
removeIndexInterval(int, int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
removeListDataListener(ListDataListener) - Method in interface ListDataListenerX.Registry
Unregisters a previously registered list-data listener.
removeListeners() - Method in class WindowX.SpoolTie
Unregisters listeners.
removeListSelectionListener(ListSelectionListener) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
removeNamedItem(String) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
Buggy on IE.
removeNamedItemNS(String, String) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
removeNodeSpi() - Method in class Preferences0
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class User
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class User
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PRTransferCHub
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class PRTransferS
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerX.Registry
Unregisters a previously registered property change listener.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in interface PropertyChangeListenerX.RegistryN
Unregisters a previously registered property change listener, by property name.
removeSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
removeSpi(String) - Method in class Preferences0
renameFrom(File, File) - Static method in class FileX
Tries hard to rename a file, despite bug 6213298.
renameFromDefaultsToCopy(File, File) - Static method in class FileX
First tries renameFrom, and failing that, makes a copy.
renameNode(Node, String, String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
replaceChild() - Method in class RhiNode_1i
replaceChild(Node, Node) - Method in class RhiNode
replaceData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
replaceData(int, int, String) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
Replacer - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
A clip-gene replacer.
Replacer(Element, List<Element>, StringBuilder, DOMImplementationLS, MutantAbstractor, LSParser, TransformerFactory, UUIDStringifier) - Constructor for class Replacer
Creates a Replacer for a document.
replaceRecursively(Node) - Method in class Replacer
Transforms a node into a proper gene, if it is a clip gene; and likewise transforms all of its descendants.
replaceWholeText(String) - Method in class RhiText
Not yet coded.
reset() - Method in class StringOutputStream
Resets this stream, discarding any output in the string builder.
reset() - Method in class DOMErrorHandlerPW
Resets all counts to zero.
reset() - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Resets all counts to zero.
resolveEntity(String, String, String, String) - Method in class EntityResolverCP
resolveFile(RhiWindow) - Static method in class BootApplet
Resolves the source of the page as a local file, per file().
resolveJarURL() - Method in interface HostServiceRegistry
resolveJarURL() - Method in class HostServiceRegistry1
resolveResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolver
Overridden to recognize a request for the Recombinant XHTML DTD, and fulfill it regardless of systemId.
resolveResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class RecombinantXHTML.DOMResourceResolverMin
Overridden to recognize a request for the Recombinant XHTML DTD, and fulfill it regardless of systemId.
resolveResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class LSResourceResolver0
resolveResource(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class LSResourceResolverCP
Resolves the resource by submitting its systemId (adjusted for the baseURI) to ClassLoader.
restore(Point) - Method in class ComponentLocationPreference
Restores the preferred location, and begins automatically storing changes.
restore(int, int) - Method in class ComponentLocationPreference
Restores the preferred location, and begins automatically storing changes.
restore(Dimension) - Method in class ComponentSizePreference
Restores the preferred size, and begins automatically storing changes.
restore(int, int) - Method in class ComponentSizePreference
Restores the preferred size, and begins automatically storing changes.
restore() - Method in class ColumnWidthsPreference
Restores the preferred widths, and begins automatically storing changes.
resumeEncoding() - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Resumes encoding of the stream.
Revision - Class in textbender.d.revision
Utilities for revision lines and working documents.
revisionLineID() - Method in class IndexBlockMapW.KeySD
Revision-line ID of the document, per SourceDocumentFile.
revisionLineID() - Method in class SourceDocumentFile
Revision-line ID of the document.
revokeService(Class, BeanContextServiceProvider, boolean) - Method in class ServiceRegistryCIU
RhiAttr - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
An attribute node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript attribute node.
RhiAttr_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiAttr_1() - Constructor for class RhiAttr_1
RhiCDATASection - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A CDATA section implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript CDATA section.
RhiCharacterData - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A character node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript character node.
RhiCharacterData(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiCharacterData
RhiCharacterData_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiCharacterData_1() - Constructor for class RhiCharacterData_1
RhiComment - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A comment node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript comment node.
RhiComment_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiComment_1() - Constructor for class RhiComment_1
RhiDocument - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A document implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document.
RhiDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiDocument
RhiDocument_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiDocument_1() - Constructor for class RhiDocument_1
RhiDocument_XML_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of XML Level 1 (Core Level 1, extended).
RhiDocument_XML_1() - Constructor for class RhiDocument_XML_1
RhiDocumentFragment - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A document fragment implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document fragment.
RhiDocumentFragment_1i - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (isolate).
RhiDocumentFragment_1i() - Constructor for class RhiDocumentFragment_1i
RhiDocumentType - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A document type node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript document type node.
RhiDOMImplementation - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A DOM implementation as an overlay of a JavaScript DOM implementation.
RhiDOMImplementation_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiDOMImplementation_1() - Constructor for class RhiDOMImplementation_1
RhiElement - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
An element implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript element.
RhiElement(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiElement
RhiElement_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiElement_1() - Constructor for class RhiElement_1
RhiElement_1i - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (isolate).
RhiElement_1i() - Constructor for class RhiElement_1i
RhiEntity - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
An entity node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript entity node.
RhiEntityReference - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
An entity reference implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript entity reference.
RhiEvent - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
An event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript event.
RhiEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Constructor for class RhiEvent
RhiEventTarget - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
An event target implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript event target.
RhiEventTarget(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiEventTarget
RhiEventTarget(JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiEventTarget
RhiHTMLDocument - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.html
An HTML document implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript HTML document.
RhiHTMLDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiHTMLDocument
RhiHTMLElement - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.html
An HTML element implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript HTML element.
RhiHTMLElement(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiHTMLElement
RhiKeyEvent - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A key event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript key event.
RhiKeyEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Constructor for class RhiKeyEvent
RhiMouseEvent - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A mouse event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript mouse event.
RhiMouseEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Constructor for class RhiMouseEvent
RhiNamedNodeMap - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A named node map implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node map.
RhiNamedNodeMap_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiNamedNodeMap_1() - Constructor for class RhiNamedNodeMap_1
RhiNode - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node.
RhiNode(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiNode
RhiNode_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiNode_1() - Constructor for class RhiNode_1
RhiNode_1i - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (isolate).
RhiNode_1i() - Constructor for class RhiNode_1i
RhiNodeList - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A node list implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript node list.
RhiNodeList_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiNodeList_1() - Constructor for class RhiNodeList_1
Rhinohide - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide
An overlay/wrapper of a JavaScript object, based on an intermediate JSObject bridge.
Rhinohide(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class Rhinohide
Creates a Rhinohide.
Rhinohide(JSObject) - Constructor for class Rhinohide
Rhinohide_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
Rhinohide_1() - Constructor for class Rhinohide_1
RhinohideRuntimeException - Exception in textbender.o.rhinohide
Thrown when a runtime exception specific to Rhinohide occurs.
RhinohideRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception RhinohideRuntimeException
RhinohideRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception RhinohideRuntimeException
RhinohideRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception RhinohideRuntimeException
RhinohideRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception RhinohideRuntimeException
RhiNotation - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A notation node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript notation node.
RhiProcessingInstruction - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A processing instruction implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript processing instruction.
RhiRange - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges
A range implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript range.
RhiRange(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiRange
rhiRelay - Variable in class RelaySI
The listener/relay on the JavaScript side.
RhiSelection - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges
A text selection implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript text selection.
RhiSelection(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiSelection
RhiText - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.core
A text node implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript text node.
RhiText(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiText
RhiText_1 - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
Test of Core Level 1 (unextended).
RhiText_1() - Constructor for class RhiText_1
RhiTreeWalker - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.traversal
A tree walker implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript tree walker.
RhiTreeWalker(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiTreeWalker
RhiUIEvent - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide.events
A UI event implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript UI event.
RhiUIEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Constructor for class RhiUIEvent
RhiWindow - Class in textbender.o.rhinohide
A global 'window' implemented as an overlay of a JavaScript global 'window'.
RhiWindow(JSObject) - Constructor for class RhiWindow
rootComponent - Variable in class UIManagerX.LookAndFeelUpdater
run() - Method in class Core_1_Demo
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Core_1_Test
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Core_1i_Test
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Core_2_Demo
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Events_2_Demo
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Range_2_Demo
Runs this test applet.
run() - Method in class Traversal_2_Demo
Runs this test applet.
Run - Class in textbender.a.r.desk
A run of the desk daemon.
Run - Class in textbender.a.r.page
A run of the page daemon code.
Run - Class in textbender.a.u.branch
A run of the revision brancher.
Run - Class in textbender.a.u.encoding
A run of the genetic encoder.
run() - Method in class PropertyChangeEventAD
Dispatches this event to the listener list.
run() - Method in class Runnable0
Does nothing.
runBuffer - Static variable in class ComponentBoundsPreference
A slow run buffer, anywhere from 500 to 2000 ms.
RunBuffer - Class in textbender.o.awt
A buffer for delayed and coalesced invocation of runnables.
RunBuffer(int) - Constructor for class RunBuffer
Creates a RunBuffer.
runClose(InputStream) - Static method in class InputStreamX
Same as in.close(), but throws only runtime exceptions.
runClose(OutputStream) - Static method in class OutputStreamX
Same as out.close(), but throws only runtime exceptions.
runClose(Reader) - Static method in class ReaderX
Same as in.close(), but throws only runtime exceptions.
runClose(Writer) - Static method in class WriterX
Same as out.close(), but throws only runtime exceptions.
RunDelayer - Interface in textbender.g.lang
Delays runs.
Runnable0 - Class in textbender.g.lang
Null implementation of a runnable.
Runnable0() - Constructor for class Runnable0


s - Variable in class RandomX.Gaussian
saturation(Color) - Static method in class ColorX
Returns the saturation of the color, per the HSB model.
SaveAction - Class in textbender.a.r.page.navdo
An action to save the current page (versioned file), by overwriting the original working file.
SaveAction(PageVisit) - Constructor for class SaveAction
Creates a SaveAction.
saveAction() - Method in class PageVisitEDT
A shared save action.
saveToOriginal() - Method in class VersionedFile
Saves this versioned file's contents to the original file.
SAX - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Grab-bag of utilities for SAX.
SAXEvent - Interface in textbender.g.xml.sax
Persistent capture of a SAX event.
schedule(Runnable) - Method in interface RunDelayer
Schedules a delayed run.
schedule(Runnable) - Method in class RunBuffer
Ensures the run is scheduled.
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorL - Class in textbender.g.util.concurrent
A ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor that logs uncaught exceptions.
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorL(int, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorL
selectNode(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
selectNodeContents(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
selfOrAncestorAsGene(Node) - Static method in class Gene
Returns the node if it is a gene; otherwise the nearest ancestor that is a gene.
send(ContentHandler) - Method in class CharactersEvent
send(ContentHandler) - Method in class EndElementEvent
send(ContentHandler) - Method in class CommentEvent
send(ContentHandler) - Method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
send(ContentHandler) - Method in interface SAXEvent
Sends this event to the specified content handler.
send(ContentHandler) - Method in class StartElementEvent
SequenceCircler - Class in textbender.g.util
Circular indexing for a fixed-length sequence.
SequenceCircler(int) - Constructor for class SequenceCircler
Creates a SequenceCircler.
serializedPage() - Method in class PageVisit
Returns a serialized copy of the page.
series - Variable in class VersionedFile
Series number of this versioned file.
server() - Method in class PRTransferCHub
Returns a remote reference to the desk daemon's paired-regions transfer server.
ServiceRegistryCIU - Class in textbender.g.beans.beancontext
A simplified registry for childless, irrevocable and unique services.
ServiceRegistryCIU() - Constructor for class ServiceRegistryCIU
serviceRevoked(BeanContextServiceRevokedEvent) - Method in class BeanContextServiceRevokedListener0
set(T) - Method in class Holder1
Sets the thing held.
set(E) - Method in class ListIterator0
set(Node, int) - Method in class DOMPointer
setAnchorSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
setAttributeNode(Attr) - Method in class RhiElement
setAttributeNodeNS(Attr) - Method in class RhiElement
setAttributeNS(String, String, String) - Method in class RhiElement
setBackground(Color) - Method in class ColorPair
Sets the background colour, per getBackground().
setBody(HTMLElement) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
setClassName(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
setCookie(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
setCurrentNode(Node) - Method in class RhiTreeWalker
setCursor(int) - Method in class SequenceCircler
Sets the index of the cursor.
setData(String) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
setData(String) - Method in class RhiProcessingInstruction
Not yet coded.
setDefault(boolean) - Method in class BooleanPreference
Sets the default value, per getDefault().
setDefault(float) - Method in class FloatPreference
Sets the default value, per getDefault().
setDefault(int) - Method in class IntegerPreference
Sets the default value, per getDefault().
setDefault(String) - Method in class StringPreference
Sets the default value, per getDefault().
setDir(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
setDocumentURI(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface LocusPoint
Enables or disables locus-point.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class LocusPoint1
setEnd(Node, int) - Method in class RhiRange
setEndAfter(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
setEndBefore(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
setForeground(Color) - Method in class ColorPair
Sets the foreground colour, per getForeground().
setFrom(DOMPointer) - Method in class DOMPointer
setFromComponent(Component) - Method in class ColorPair
Sets the colour-pair from the background and foreground of a component.
setIconified(boolean) - Method in class FrameX
Iconifies or de-iconifies the frame.
setId(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
setIdAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
setIdAttributeNode(Attr, boolean) - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
setIdAttributeNS(String, String, boolean) - Method in class RhiElement
Not yet coded.
setLang(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
setLeadSelectionIndex(int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
setLocus(String) - Method in interface LocusPoint
Sets the locus currently pointed to.
setLocus(String) - Method in class LocusPoint1
setMember(String, Object) - Method in class Rhinohide
Sets a property of the underlying JavaScript object, via the bridge.
setModel(ThrowableHolderModel) - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Sets the model that is viewed, per getModel().
setModel(ThrowableHolderModel) - Method in class ThrowableHolderVST
Sets the model that is viewed, per getModel().
setNamedItem(Node) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
setNamedItemNS(Node) - Method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
setNode(Node) - Method in class User
Sets the node.
setNodeValue(String) - Method in class RhiNode
setOnComponent(Component) - Method in class ColorPair
Sets the component background and foreground to the colour-pair.
setOutputDoctypeFrom(Document, Transformer) - Static method in class TransformerX
Configures a transformer to output the same DOCTYPE declaration as a given DOM document.
setOutputEncodingFrom(Document, Transformer) - Static method in class TransformerX
Configures a transformer to output the same encoding declared in a given DOM document.
setPageGraphedStyle(Element, boolean) - Static method in class InPageStainer
setPrefix(String) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
setReferenceSeries(ReferenceSeries) - Method in interface Chromography
Loads a new reference series.
setReferenceSeries(ReferenceSeries) - Method in class Chromography1
setReleaseReason(Object) - Method in class PageVisit
Sets the releaseReason.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class EnableButton
setSelectionInterval(int, int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
setSelectionMode(int) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
setStart(Node, int) - Method in class RhiRange
setStartAfter(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
setStartBefore(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
setStrictErrorChecking(boolean) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
setTextContent(String) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
setThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class ThrowableHolder1
Sets the throwable held.
setTitle(String) - Method in class ThrowableHolderV
Sets the title, per getTitle().
setTitle(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
setTitle(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLElement
Not yet coded.
setTransferand(Transferand) - Method in interface PRTransfer
Loads a transferand.
setTransferand(Transferand) - Method in class PRTransferCHub
Calls server.setTransferand(newTransferand).
setTransferand(Transferand) - Method in class PRTransferS
setUserData(String, Object, UserDataHandler) - Method in class RhiNode
Not yet coded.
setValue(String) - Method in class RhiAttr
setValueIsAdjusting(boolean) - Method in class ListSelectionModel0
setWriter(Writer) - Method in class WriterSwitch
Sets the underlying writer, per getWriter().
setXmlStandalone(boolean) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
setXmlVersion(String) - Method in class RhiDocument
Not yet coded.
SEVERE - Static variable in class LoggerX
siblings() - Method in class RhiNode_1
Side - Enum in textbender.g.rmi
The side of a remote connection.
SimpleServiceProvider - Class in textbender.g.beans.beancontext
A service provider that holds a single instance of an irrevocable service, which it provides to all requesting clients.
SimpleServiceProvider(Object) - Constructor for class SimpleServiceProvider
Creates a SimpleServiceProvider.
size() - Method in class IndexBlock
Capacity of this block, in terms of unique clip indeces it can map.
size() - Method in class Spool0
size() - Method in class SequenceCircler
Returns the size of the sequence.
size() - Method in class ElementListNL
size() - Method in class NodeListNL
size() - Method in class ComponentBoundsPreference
Returns the preference storage for the component's size.
SlimComboBox - Class in textbender.o.swing
A combo box whose maximum height is its preferred height.
SlimComboBox() - Constructor for class SlimComboBox
SlimComboBox(Object[]) - Constructor for class SlimComboBox
SlimComboBox(ComboBoxModel) - Constructor for class SlimComboBox
sourceDocumentFile() - Method in class IndexBlock
Cached copy of the transfer source document.
SourceDocumentFile - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
Modelling the...
SourceDocumentFile(long, IndexBlockMapW.KeySD, ClipIndexEncoder) - Constructor for class SourceDocumentFile
Creates an instance of SourceDocumentFile in the directory.
sourceParse(DOMImplementationLS, LSParser, StringBuilder, UUIDStringifier) - Method in class IndexBlock
Returns parser results for the document, and caches them for later calls.
specified() - Method in class RhiAttr_1
splitText() - Method in class RhiText_1
splitText(int) - Method in class RhiText
spool() - Method in class Run
Spool unwound just before this run ends, at VM shut-down.
spool() - Method in class PageVisit
Spool unwound as this instance is released.
spool() - Method in class PageVisitEDT
Spool unwound on the AWT event dispatch thread, as this instance is released.
spool - Variable in class ToolbarApplet
Spool unwound as this applet is destroyed.
Spool - Interface in textbender.g.hold
An unwindable spool of holds.
spool() - Method in class WindowX.SpoolTie
Returns the spool of this window/spool tie.
Spool0 - Class in textbender.g.hold
Null implementation of a spool; it is always empty and never unwinds.
Spool0() - Constructor for class Spool0
Spool1 - Class in textbender.g.hold
Basic implementation of a spool.
Spool1() - Constructor for class Spool1
spoolEDT - Variable in class ToolbarApplet
Spool unwound as this applet is destroyed.
SpoolEDT - Class in textbender.o.awt
A spool restricted to the AWT event dispatch thread.
SpoolEDT() - Constructor for class SpoolEDT
SpoolT - Class in textbender.g.hold
A thread-safe implementation of a spool, based on a Vector.
SpoolT() - Constructor for class SpoolT
STANDARD_REGISTRY_PORT - Static variable in class RegistryX
Default port for the RMI boot-registry.
start() - Method in class Core_1_Demo
start() - Method in class Core_1_Test
start() - Method in class Core_1i_Test
start() - Method in class Core_2_Demo
start() - Method in class Events_2_Demo
start() - Method in class Range_2_Demo
start() - Method in class Traversal_2_Demo
start() - Method in class Run
Starts the run programmatically.
start() - Method in class BootApplet
start() - Method in class Run
Starts the run.
start() - Method in class ToolbarApplet
start() - Method in class CharactersEvent
start() - Method in class CommentEvent
start() - Method in class IgnorableWhitespaceEvent
startCDATA() - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
startDTD(String, String, String) - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
StartElementEvent - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax
Persistent capture of a SAX startElement() event.
StartElementEvent(String, String, String, Attributes) - Constructor for class StartElementEvent
Creates a StartElementEvent.
startEntity(String) - Method in class XMLFilterImplX
stopPropagation() - Method in class RhiEvent
stringBuilder() - Method in class StringOutputStream
Underlying string builder, into which output strings are written.
stringBuilder() - Static method in class AWT
Returns a shared string builder, for use in the AWT event dispatch thread.
StringOutputStream - Class in textbender.g.io
An output stream that writes to a string builder.
StringOutputStream(StringBuilder, String) - Constructor for class StringOutputStream
Creates a StringOutputStream.
StringPreference - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A string in a preference node.
StringPreference(Preferences, String, String) - Constructor for class StringPreference
Creates a StringPreference.
StringPreferenceDC - Class in textbender.g.util.prefs
A default-clear string preference.
StringPreferenceDC(Preferences, String, String) - Constructor for class StringPreferenceDC
Creates a StringPreferenceDC.
stripQueryAndFragment(URI) - Static method in class URIX
Strips a URI of query and fragment components.
StubbornRhinoException - Exception in textbender.o.rhinohide._
Thrown on detection of a stubborn-rhino bug, in the JSObject bridge.
StubbornRhinoException() - Constructor for exception StubbornRhinoException
StubbornRhinoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StubbornRhinoException
StubbornRhinoException(String) - Constructor for exception StubbornRhinoException
StubbornRhinoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StubbornRhinoException
StunnedRhinoException - Exception in textbender.o.rhinohide._
Thrown on detection of spurious null values from the JSObject bridge.
StunnedRhinoException() - Constructor for exception StunnedRhinoException
StunnedRhinoException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception StunnedRhinoException
StunnedRhinoException(String) - Constructor for exception StunnedRhinoException
StunnedRhinoException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception StunnedRhinoException
subList(int, int) - Method in class SpoolT
substringData() - Method in class RhiCharacterData_1
substringData(int, int) - Method in class RhiCharacterData
surroundContents(Node) - Method in class RhiRange
Not yet coded.
suspendEncoding() - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Suspends encoding of the stream.
Swing - Class in textbender.o.swing
Swing utilities.
syncSpi() - Method in class Preferences0


TableColumnModelListener0 - Class in textbender.o.swing.event
A null implementation of TableColumnModelListener.
TableColumnModelListener0() - Constructor for class TableColumnModelListener0
tagName() - Method in class RhiElement_1
tempDirectory() - Static method in class FileX
Returns a new instance of file system's temporary directory, as defined by System property 'java.io.tmpdir'.
terminateFirst(XMLReader) - Method in class FilterChainer
Convenience method to terminate the chain's first filter, with a reader.
terminateFirst(XMLReader) - Method in class FilterChainerL
terminateLast(ContentHandler) - Method in class FilterChainer
Convenience method to terminate the chain's last filter, with a content handler.
test(Logger, Level) - Static method in class LoggerX
Logs a test message at the specified level.
test(Logger) - Static method in class LoggerX
Logs test messages at all levels.
TestAction - Class in textbender.a.r.page.navdo
An action to undo-ably modify the current page, for purposes of testing and reference.
TestAction(PageVisit) - Constructor for class TestAction
Creates a TestAction.
testsCaseSensitive() - Static method in class FileX
Tests whether or not the file system is case sensitive, and returns true iff it is.
Textbender - Class in textbender._
Definitions for project textbender.
textbender._ - package textbender._
textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._ - package textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core - package textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._.core
textbender.a.r.desk - package textbender.a.r.desk
textbender.a.r.page - package textbender.a.r.page
textbender.a.r.page.navdo - package textbender.a.r.page.navdo
textbender.a.u.branch - package textbender.a.u.branch
textbender.a.u.chromography - package textbender.a.u.chromography
textbender.a.u.encoding - package textbender.a.u.encoding
textbender.a.u.locusPoint - package textbender.a.u.locusPoint
textbender.a.u.transfer - package textbender.a.u.transfer
textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard - package textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard
textbender.d.gene - package textbender.d.gene
textbender.d.gene.xhtml - package textbender.d.gene.xhtml
textbender.d.revision - package textbender.d.revision
textbender.d.transfer - package textbender.d.transfer
textbender.g - package textbender.g
textbender.g.beans - package textbender.g.beans
Beans related code
textbender.g.beans.beancontext - package textbender.g.beans.beancontext
textbender.g.hold - package textbender.g.hold
Facilities to manage holding and releasing of programmatic resources
textbender.g.io - package textbender.g.io
IO related code
textbender.g.lang - package textbender.g.lang
Java core related code
textbender.g.net - package textbender.g.net
Java net related code
textbender.g.rmi - package textbender.g.rmi
Remote Method Invocation code
textbender.g.util - package textbender.g.util
Java utility related code
textbender.g.util.concurrent - package textbender.g.util.concurrent
textbender.g.util.logging - package textbender.g.util.logging
textbender.g.util.prefs - package textbender.g.util.prefs
textbender.g.xml.dom - package textbender.g.xml.dom
DOM related code
textbender.g.xml.dom.bootstrap - package textbender.g.xml.dom.bootstrap
textbender.g.xml.dom.ls - package textbender.g.xml.dom.ls
textbender.g.xml.sax - package textbender.g.xml.sax
SAX related code
textbender.g.xml.sax.ext - package textbender.g.xml.sax.ext
textbender.g.xml.sax.helpers - package textbender.g.xml.sax.helpers
textbender.g.xml.transform - package textbender.g.xml.transform
XML transformation related code
textbender.o - package textbender.o
textbender.o.awt - package textbender.o.awt
Abstract Windowing Toolkit, related code
textbender.o.awt.datatransfer - package textbender.o.awt.datatransfer
textbender.o.awt.event - package textbender.o.awt.event
textbender.o.rhinohide - package textbender.o.rhinohide
textbender.o.rhinohide._ - package textbender.o.rhinohide._
textbender.o.rhinohide.core - package textbender.o.rhinohide.core
textbender.o.rhinohide.events - package textbender.o.rhinohide.events
textbender.o.rhinohide.html - package textbender.o.rhinohide.html
textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges - package textbender.o.rhinohide.ranges
textbender.o.rhinohide.traversal - package textbender.o.rhinohide.traversal
textbender.o.swing - package textbender.o.swing
Java Swing related code
textbender.o.swing.event - package textbender.o.swing.event
textbender.o.swing.table - package textbender.o.swing.table
textbender.o.xhtml - package textbender.o.xhtml
TEXTBENDER_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class Textbender
TextbenderException - Exception in textbender._
Thrown when a textbender-specific exception occurs.
TextbenderException() - Constructor for exception TextbenderException
TextbenderException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception TextbenderException
TextbenderException(String) - Constructor for exception TextbenderException
TextbenderException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception TextbenderException
ThreadRestricted - Annotation Type in textbender.g.lang
Warns that access to a field, constructor or method is restricted to a particular thread, or to a thread that holds a particular lock.
ThreadSafe - Annotation Type in textbender.g.lang
Indicates thread safety of fields, constructors and methods.
ThreadSafe.U - Class in textbender.g.lang
Thread-safety utilities.
ThreadX - Class in textbender.g.lang
Thread extensions and utilities.
ThreadX() - Constructor for class ThreadX
ThreadX(Runnable) - Constructor for class ThreadX
ThreadX(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class ThreadX
ThreadX(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class ThreadX
ThrowableHolder - Interface in textbender.g.lang
A holder of a throwable.
ThrowableHolder1 - Class in textbender.g.lang
Basic implementation of a throwable holder.
ThrowableHolder1() - Constructor for class ThrowableHolder1
Creates a ThrowableHolder1.
ThrowableHolder1(Throwable) - Constructor for class ThrowableHolder1
Creates a ThrowableHolder1.
ThrowableHolderModel - Interface in textbender.g.lang
MVC model of a throwable holder.
ThrowableHolderV - Class in textbender.g.lang
View of a throwable holder in an option pane.
ThrowableHolderV(JOptionPane, Spool) - Constructor for class ThrowableHolderV
Partially creates a ThrowableHolderV, for init2() to finish.
ThrowableHolderVST - Class in textbender.g.lang
View of throwable holder, showing its full stack trace.
ThrowableHolderVST(ThrowableHolderModel, Container, Spool) - Constructor for class ThrowableHolderVST
Constructs a new ThrowableHolderVST in a container.
toBase64Name(UUID) - Method in class UUIDStringifier
Converts the UUID to a Base64 string, valid as an XML 'name'.
toJSObject(Rhinohide) - Static method in class Rhinohide
toolbar - Variable in class ToolbarApplet
ToolbarApplet - Class in textbender.a.r.page
The page daemon's primary user applet, which functions as a toolbar.
ToolbarApplet() - Constructor for class ToolbarApplet
Creates a ToolbarApplet.
toString() - Method in class EventListenerR.WrapperL
Returns the same string as the underlying remote listener, but prefixed by "local wrap of: ".
toString() - Method in class DOMPointer
toString() - Method in class RhiRange
toString() - Method in class Rhinohide
Defers to the bridge, returning jsObject.toString().
Transfer - Class in textbender.d.transfer
Utilities for conducting recombinant transfers.
transfer_inPageFactory() - Method in class PageVisit
This page as a region-transfer source.
Transferand - Class in textbender.a.u.transfer
An object of a paired-region transfer.
Transferand(HostServiceRegistry.UniqueID, File, int, int) - Constructor for class Transferand
Creates a Transferand.
transferCHub() - Method in class Connections
A client-side region-transfer hub.
transformerFactory() - Method in class PageDaemonsEDT
A shared transformer factory.
TransformerX - Class in textbender.g.xml.transform
Transformer utilities.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class FileFilterX
A filter that accepts all files.
TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class ColorX
The entirely transparent colour, in the default sRGB space.
Traversal_2_Demo - Class in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._
Demo of Rhinohide, Traversal Level 2.
Traversal_2_Demo() - Constructor for class Traversal_2_Demo
TreeModelListener0 - Class in textbender.o.swing.event
A null implementation of TreeModelListener.
TreeModelListener0() - Constructor for class TreeModelListener0
treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class TreeModelListener0
treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class TreeModelListener0
treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class TreeModelListener0
treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent) - Method in class TreeModelListener0
tryClose(InputStream) - Static method in class InputStreamX
Same as in.close(), but throws no exceptions.
tryClose(OutputStream) - Static method in class OutputStreamX
Same as out.close(), but throws no exceptions.
tryClose(Reader) - Static method in class ReaderX
Same as in.close(), but throws no exceptions.
tryClose(Writer) - Static method in class WriterX
Same as out.close(), but throws no exceptions.
tryCreate(URL, int) - Static method in class ImageX
Tries to create an image from a URL.
tryCreate(String, int) - Static method in class ImageIconX
Tries to create an image icon from a file.
tryCreate(String, int, int) - Static method in class ImageIconX
Tries to create an image icon from a file.
tryCreate(URL, int) - Static method in class ImageIconX
Tries to create an image icon from a URL.
tryCreate(URL, int, int) - Static method in class ImageIconX
Tries to create an image icon from a URL.
tryInvokeAndWait(Runnable) - Static method in class EventQueueX
A version of invokeAndWait() that throws only unchecked exceptions.
tryInvokeAndWait(DOMService, DOMAction) - Static method in class CommonDOM
Deprecated. A version of invokeAndWait() that throws only unchecked exceptions.
tryJoin() - Method in class ThreadX
Same as join(), but returns normally if interrupted.
tryJoin(long) - Method in class ThreadX
Same as join(milliseconds), but returns normally if interrupted.
trySleep(long) - Static method in class ThreadX
Same as sleep(milliseconds), but an interruption merely cuts short the sleep.
tryWait(Object) - Static method in class ObjectX
Same as object.wait(), but returns normally if interrupted.
tryWait(Object, long) - Static method in class ObjectX
Same as object.wait(milliseconds), but returns normally if interrupted.
tryWaitFor(Process) - Static method in class ProcessX
Same as process.waitFor(), but returns normally if interrupted.
typicalComponentFont() - Static method in class Swing
A typical font for a Swing component.


UIManagerX - Class in textbender.o.swing
UIManager utilities.
UIManagerX.LookAndFeelUpdater - Class in textbender.o.swing
Updates the UI of a component tree, whenever the look and feel changes.
UIManagerX.LookAndFeelUpdater(Component, Spool) - Constructor for class UIManagerX.LookAndFeelUpdater
Creates a LookAndFeelUpdater.
UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_LOGGER - Static variable in class ThreadX
A handler that logs uncaught errors and exceptions using the thread's associated logger.
UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION_PRINTER - Static variable in class ThreadX
A handler that prints stack traces of uncaught errors and exceptions to the standard error stream.
underlyingNodeList - Variable in class ElementListNL
underlyingNodeList() - Method in class ElementListNL
underlyingNodeList - Variable in class NodeListNL
underlyingNodeList() - Method in class NodeListNL
unescape_embeddable(StringBuilder) - Static method in class Gene
Tranforms an embeddable sequence from escaped to unescaped form.
uniqueID() - Method in class InPageFactory
The unique identifier of this referenceSeries origin.
uniqueID() - Method in class InPageFactory
The unique identifier of this source.
unmodifiableMultiMap(MultiMap<K, V>) - Static method in class MultiMap.U
Returns an unmodifiable view of a multi-map.
unwind() - Method in interface Spool
Commences to unwind this spool.
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in interface Spool
Commences to unwind this spool, removing and releasing each of its holds.
unwind() - Method in class Spool0
Does nothing.
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class Spool0
Does nothing.
unwind() - Method in class Spool1
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class Spool1
unwind() - Method in class SpoolT
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class SpoolT
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class SpoolEDT
update() - Method in class WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater
update() - Method in class UIManagerX.LookAndFeelUpdater
uri() - Method in class EndElementEvent
uri() - Method in class StartElementEvent
uriFromDOM(Node, String) - Static method in class SAX
Does a URI lookup on the node, for the specified prefix.
URIX - Class in textbender.g.net
URI utilities.
URL_SAFE - Static variable in class Base64
Encode using Base64-like encoding that is URL- and Filename-safe as described in Section 4 of RFC3548: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3548.html.
user() - Method in class PageVisit
The user.
user - Variable in class ToolbarApplet
User - Class in textbender.a.r.page
A user.
User(Component) - Constructor for class User
userNodeForClass(Class<?>) - Static method in class PreferencesX
Returns the preference node from the calling user's preference tree that is associated (by convention) with the specified class.
userNodeForClass(Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class PreferencesX
Returns the preference node from the calling user's preference tree that is associated (by convention) with the specified class.
userNodeForPackage(Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class PreferencesX
Returns the preference node from the calling user's preference tree that is associated (by convention) with the specified class's package.
UUIDStringifier - Class in textbender.g.util
UUID-to-string converter.
UUIDStringifier() - Constructor for class UUIDStringifier


value() - Method in class RhiAttr_1
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum Side
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum Side
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version - Variable in class VersionedFile
Version number of this versioned file.
VersionedFile - Class in textbender.a.r.page.navdo
A modified version of an original working file.
VersionedFile(File, int, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class VersionedFile
Creates a VersionedFile.
versionedFile() - Method in class PageVisit
Returns the source of the page as a versioned file, or null if the source is not a versioned file.


WARNING - Static variable in class LoggerX
warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class ErrorHandlerPW
Outputs a warning through the print writer.
wasStartCommenced() - Method in class Run
Returns true if this run has started.
window() - Static method in class Core_1_Test
Shared window for all tests.
window() - Static method in class Core_1i_Test
Shared window for all tests.
window() - Method in class PageVisit
Browser window visiting the page.
window() - Method in class WindowX.SpoolTie
Returns the the window of this window/hold-stack tie.
window - Variable in class Rhinohide
window() - Method in class Rhinohide
The global object.
WindowX - Class in textbender.o.awt
Window utilities.
WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater - Class in textbender.o.awt
Updates the UI of a window, whenever the look and feel changes.
WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater(Window, Spool) - Constructor for class WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater
Creates a LookAndFeelUpdaterW that does not pack the window.
WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater(Window, Spool, boolean) - Constructor for class WindowX.LookAndFeelUpdater
Creates a LookAndFeelUpdaterW.
WindowX.SpoolTie - Class in textbender.o.awt
Ties the disposal of a window to the unwinding of a spool.
WindowX.SpoolTie(Window, Spool) - Constructor for class WindowX.SpoolTie
Creates a SpoolTie. /** You must call addListeners() to activate it.
workaroundRepaintHiccup(JComponent) - Static method in class Swing
Works around a Swing rendering glitch in which top-level containers go through a repaint hiccup on first showing.
wrapAttr(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiAttr
Creates a RhiAttr.
wrapAttr(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiAttr
wrapAttr(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class RhiAttr
wrapCDATASection(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiCDATASection
Creates a RhiCDATASection.
wrapCDATASection(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiCDATASection
wrapComment(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiComment
Creates a RhiComment.
wrapComment(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiComment
wrapDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiDocument
Creates a RhiDocument.
wrapDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiDocument
wrapDocumentFragment(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiDocumentFragment
Creates a RhiDocumentFragment.
wrapDocumentFragment(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiDocumentFragment
wrapDocumentType(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiDocumentType
Creates a RhiDocumentType.
wrapDocumentType(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiDocumentType
wrapDOMImplementation(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiDOMImplementation
Creates a RhiDOMImplementation.
wrapElement(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiElement
Creates a RhiElement.
wrapElement(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiElement
wrapEntity(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiEntity
Creates a RhiEntity.
wrapEntity(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiEntity
wrapEntityReference(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiEntityReference
Creates a RhiEntityReference.
wrapEntityReference(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiEntityReference
wrapEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiEvent
Creates a RhiEvent.
wrapEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean, String) - Static method in class RhiEvent
Creates a RhiEvent of a specified event type.
wrapEventTarget(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiEventTarget
Creates a RhiEventTarget.
wrapHTMLDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Creates a RhiHTMLDocument.
wrapHTMLDocument(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiHTMLDocument
wrapHTMLElement(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiHTMLElement
Creates a RhiHTMLElement.
wrapHTMLElement(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiHTMLElement
wrapKeyEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiKeyEvent
Creates a RhiKeyEvent.
wrapMouseEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiMouseEvent
Creates a RhiMouseEvent.
wrapNamedNodeMap(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiNamedNodeMap
Creates a RhiNamedNodeMap.
wrapNode(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiNode
Creates a RhiNode.
wrapNode(RhiWindow, JSObject, short) - Static method in class RhiNode
Creates a RhiNode of a specified node type.
wrapNodeList(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiNodeList
Creates a RhiNodeList.
wrapNotation(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiNotation
Creates a RhiNotation.
wrapNotation(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiNotation
wrapProcessingInstruction(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiProcessingInstruction
Creates a RhiProcessingInstruction.
wrapProcessingInstruction(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiProcessingInstruction
wrapRange(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiRange
Creates a RhiRange.
wrapSelection(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiSelection
Creates a RhiSelection.
wrapText(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiText
Creates a RhiText.
wrapText(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiText
wrapTreeWalker(RhiWindow, JSObject) - Static method in class RhiTreeWalker
Creates a RhiTreeWalker.
wrapUIEvent(RhiWindow, JSObject, boolean) - Static method in class RhiUIEvent
Creates a RhiUIEvent.
write(Document, TransformerFactory, Result) - Static method in class RecombinantXHTML
Writes a Recombinant XHTML document.
write(byte[]) - Method in class OutputStream0
Does nothing.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class OutputStream0
Does nothing.
write(int) - Method in class OutputStream0
Does nothing.
write(int) - Method in class StringOutputStream
write(char[]) - Method in class WriterSwitch
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class WriterSwitch
write(int) - Method in class WriterSwitch
write(String, int, int) - Method in class WriterSwitch
write(String) - Method in class WriterSwitch
write(int) - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Writes the byte to the output stream after converting to/from Base64 notation.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class Base64.OutputStream
Calls Base64.OutputStream.write(int) repeatedly until len bytes are written.
write(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
writeln(String) - Method in class RhiHTMLDocument
Not yet coded.
WriterSwitch - Class in textbender.g.io
A writer that passes all requests to an underlying writer.
WriterSwitch() - Constructor for class WriterSwitch
WriterX - Class in textbender.g.io
Writer utilities.


XHTML - Class in textbender.o.xhtml
XHTML definitions.
XHTML_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class XHTML
Namespace reserved for XHTML within a document.
XMLFilterCH - Interface in textbender.g.xml.sax
A SAX filter that is also a content handler.
XMLFilterImplX - Class in textbender.g.xml.sax.helpers
XMLFilterImpl extension.
XMLFilterImplX() - Constructor for class XMLFilterImplX


_createUnchecked() - Static method in class IndexBlockMapW
_testWalk(Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Test code.

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