Package textbender.g.util

Java utility related code


Interface Summary
CollectionListener<E> A listener for collection events.
CollectionListener.Registry<E> Where listeners can register for collection events.
EventListenerR A remote event listener.
MultiMap<K,V> A map that permits duplicate keys (multiple values per key).

Class Summary
CollectionEvent<E> An event generated by a change to a collection.
CollectionEvent.ElementAdded<E> An event generated by addition to a collection.
CollectionEvent.ElementRemoved<E> An event generated by removal from a collection.
CollectionRelayer<E> Relayer of collection events to listeners.
CollectionRelayerLL<E> Relayer of collection events, with a collection of listeners that is guarded by a lock.
DateX Date common implementations.
EventListenerR.WrapperL<R extends EventListenerR> A wrapper of a remote event listener that conforms it to an equivalent local type, by handling any remote exceptions.
ListIterator0<E> Deprecated.
MultiMap.U Multi-map utilities.
MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap<K,V> A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map to make it unmodifiable.
MultiMapRM<K,V> A multi-map optimized for the case of rare multiples.
MultiMapW<K,V> A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map.
RandomX Random generator extensions.
RandomX.Gaussian A Gaussian (normal) distribution.
RandomX.LimitedGaussian A Gaussian distribution, limited by a minimum and maximum.
SequenceCircler Circular indexing for a fixed-length sequence.
UUIDStringifier UUID-to-string converter.

Package textbender.g.util Description

Java utility related code.

See Also: