Class NewSv1File

  extended by java.io.File
      extended by VersionedFile
          extended by NewSv1File
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<File>

final class NewSv1File
extends VersionedFile

A transient 'new-Sv1' versioned file. Used in creation of a new series, its specially formatted name is detected and initiates redirection past the version 0 file. Although version 0 is loaded first (so to appear in history) the user does not actually want to see it.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class VersionedFile
DISCRIMINATOR, loadAsNewVersion_releaseReason, NAME_PATTERN, originalNameBody, originalNameDotExtension, series, version
Fields inherited from class java.io.File
pathSeparator, pathSeparatorChar, separator, separatorChar
Constructor Summary
NewSv1File(File originalFile, int series, String originalNameBody, String originalNameDotExtension)
          Creates a NewSv1File.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class VersionedFile
after, fromFile, getOrCreateDocumentAsModifiableFile, initRedirect, loadAsNewVersion, originalFile, saveToOriginal
Methods inherited from class java.io.File
canExecute, canRead, canWrite, compareTo, createNewFile, createTempFile, createTempFile, delete, deleteOnExit, equals, exists, getAbsoluteFile, getAbsolutePath, getCanonicalFile, getCanonicalPath, getFreeSpace, getName, getParent, getParentFile, getPath, getTotalSpace, getUsableSpace, hashCode, isAbsolute, isDirectory, isFile, isHidden, lastModified, length, list, list, listFiles, listFiles, listFiles, listRoots, mkdir, mkdirs, renameTo, setExecutable, setExecutable, setLastModified, setReadable, setReadable, setReadOnly, setWritable, setWritable, toString, toURI, toURL
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


NewSv1File(File originalFile,
           int series,
           String originalNameBody,
           String originalNameDotExtension)
Creates a NewSv1File.