Package textbender.g.lang

Java core related code


Interface Summary
Catcher<S> A catcher of errors and exceptions.
RunDelayer Delays runs.
ThrowableHolder A holder of a throwable.
ThrowableHolderModel MVC model of a throwable holder.

Class Summary
Catcher.X Catcher utilities.
Catcher0<S> Null implementation of a catcher, it re-throws all errors and exceptions.
CatcherL<S> A catcher that logs exceptions, but rethrows errors.
CatcherP<S> A catcher that prints exceptions to the standard error stream, but rethrows errors.
CharSequenceX CharSequence utilities.
ClassLoaderX ClassLoader utilities.
ClassX Class utilities.
ObjectX Object utilities.
PassLimiter Detector of endless loops, etc.
ProcessX Process utilities.
Runnable0 Null implementation of a runnable.
ThreadSafe.U Thread-safety utilities.
ThreadX Thread extensions and utilities.
ThrowableHolder1 Basic implementation of a throwable holder.
ThrowableHolderV View of a throwable holder in an option pane.
ThrowableHolderVST View of throwable holder, showing its full stack trace.

Exception Summary
PassLimiter.ExceededException Thrown when a pass limit is exceeded.

Error Summary
AnnotationError Thrown when an illegal annotation is detected at runtime.

Annotation Types Summary
ThreadRestricted Warns that access to a field, constructor or method is restricted to a particular thread, or to a thread that holds a particular lock.
ThreadSafe Indicates thread safety of fields, constructors and methods.

Package textbender.g.lang Description

Java core related code.

See Also: