Uses of Class

Packages that use ThreadRestricted
textbender.g.lang Java core related code 
textbender.g.util Java utility related code 
textbender.o.awt Abstract Windowing Toolkit, related code 

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._

Classes in textbender.a.b.rhinohideDemo._ with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class Core_1_Demo
          Demo of Rhinohide, Core Level 1.
 class Core_1_Test
          Test of Rhinohide, Core Level 1.
 class Core_1i_Test
          Test of Rhinohide, Core Level 1 (isolate).
 class Core_2_Demo
          Demo of Rhinohide, Core Level 2.
 class Events_2_Demo
          Demo of Rhinohide, Events Level 2.
 class Range_2_Demo
          Demo of Rhinohide, text selection and Range Level 2.
 class Traversal_2_Demo
          Demo of Rhinohide, Traversal Level 2.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class BootApplet
          The page daemon's default boot applet.
(package private)  class LeafGeneObjectV
          A view of the context of an impending user action, in the page.
 class ToolbarApplet
          The page daemon's primary user applet, which functions as a toolbar.
 class User
          A user.

Constructors in with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
PageVisitEDT(PageVisit pV)
PopupMenu(PageVisit vP)
          Creates a PopupMenu, and installs it in-page.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in

Classes in with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class ReloadAction
          An action to reload the working file as a new page.
 class SaveAction
          An action to save the current page (versioned file), by overwriting the original working file.
 class TestAction
          An action to undo-ably modify the current page, for purposes of testing and reference.

Constructors in with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
ReloadAction(PageVisit pV)
          Creates a ReloadAction.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.a.u.branch

Classes in textbender.a.u.branch with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class InPageBrancher
          Brancher of a Web document, via an in-page user-applet.

Constructors in textbender.a.u.branch with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
InPageBrancher(PageVisit pV)
          Creates an InPageBrancher.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.a.u.locusPoint

Classes in textbender.a.u.locusPoint with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class EnableButton
          Button model to enable/disable the shadow pointer.

Constructors in textbender.a.u.locusPoint with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
EnableButton(PageVisit pV, Spool spool)
          Creates an EnableButton.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard

Classes in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
(package private)  class ClipIndexEncoder
          Encodes/decodes clip-indeces to/from 'c' attribute values.
(package private)  class IndexBlock
          Maps between clip indeces and g-indeces.
(package private)  class IndexBlockMapW
          Writeable map of index blocks.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.g.lang

Classes in textbender.g.lang with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class PassLimiter
          Detector of endless loops, etc.
 class ThrowableHolderV
          View of a throwable holder in an option pane.
(package private)  class ThrowableHolderVST
          View of throwable holder, showing its full stack trace.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.g.util

Classes in textbender.g.util with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
static class MultiMap.UnmodifiableMultiMap<K,V>
          A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map to make it unmodifiable.
 class MultiMapRM<K,V>
          A multi-map optimized for the case of rare multiples.
 class MultiMapW<K,V>
          A multi-map that wraps an underlying multi-map.
 class UUIDStringifier
          UUID-to-string converter.

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.o

Constructors in textbender.o with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
CommonDOM(DOMAccessor accessor)
          Deprecated. Creates the single instance of CommonDOM, and makes it available via i().

Uses of ThreadRestricted in textbender.o.awt

Classes in textbender.o.awt with annotations of type ThreadRestricted
 class ComponentLocationPreference
          Preference storage for component location.
 class ComponentSizePreference
          Preference storage for component size.
 class RunBuffer
          A buffer for delayed and coalesced invocation of runnables.
 class SpoolEDT
          A spool restricted to the AWT event dispatch thread.