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backingArray - Variable in class ArrayListU
BASE_CANDIDATE_TAIL - Static variable in class CountTable
A snippet of SQL "AND directVoterCount > 0 AND (isCycler OR NOT isCast)" that specifies a base candidate.
baseActuator() - Method in class DifferenceLight
The actuator for the sensor defined by the current actor and poll, which engages whenever the user is not pointing to a particular position sensor.
baseCandidateCount() - Method in class Count
The number of base candidate nodes.
baseCandidates() - Method in class CountJS
A sparse array of the dart sectored base candidates.
baseScheduler - Variable in class CoalescingScheduler
baseScheduler() - Method in class CoalescingScheduler
The base, non-coalescing scheduler that is wrapped by this coalescing scheduler.
BASH - Class in votorola.g
Utilities for the Bourne-Again Shell.
BasicAuthenticator - Class in votorola.a.diff.harvest.auth
This is a trivial authenticator, which author and addressee as email.
BasicAuthenticator() - Constructor for class BasicAuthenticator
bCore() - Method in class DraftPair
The core revision of the b-draft.
Bite - Interface in votorola.s.gwt.scene.feed
A real-world event as formalized in a bite feed.
BITE_COUNT - Static variable in class DummyFeedSS
The number of dummy bites in each response.
BiteJig - Class in
A serial jig for a bite.
BiteJig() - Constructor for class BiteJig
BiteJS - Class in votorola.s.gwt.scene.feed
A bite implemented as a JavaScript overlay type.
BiteJS() - Constructor for class BiteJS
Biter - Interface in
A configurer of bites on the server side.
Biter.U - Class in
Biter utilities.
biteSelection() - Method in class Scenes
The selection model for individual bites.
Board - Class in
A group of dart-sectored count nodes.
Board(VoteTrack) - Constructor for class Board
Constructs a Board.
BoardV - Class in
A view of a board rendered as an HTML table cell containing an SVG drawing.
BoardV(Board, VoteTrackV, TableCellElement, XCastRelation) - Constructor for class BoardV
Partially constructs a BoardV for init to finish.
BoardV.Painter - Class in
A painter for a board.
BoardV.Painter() - Constructor for class BoardV.Painter
BoardV.Palette - Class in
A workspace for intermediate calculations in painting a board.
BoardV.Palette() - Constructor for class BoardV.Palette
BODY_ANCHOR - Static variable in class DifferenceLight
The style class "voLiDi-anchor" assigned to the document body when a scene difference is set and is currently lighted from the vantage of the anchoring author.
BODY_DOTX_PATTERN - Static variable in class FileX
A pattern to split a filename (or path) into two groups: body and dot-extension.
BODY_REL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface LightableDifference
The common prefix "voLiDi-rel-" for all values of the bodyRelClass().
BODY_SCENE - Static variable in class DifferenceLight
The style class "voLiDi-scene" assigned to the document body when a scene difference is set and is currently lighted.
BODY_SEC_PREFIX - Static variable in interface LightableDifference
The common prefix "voLiDi-" for all values of the bodyRelClass().
bodyAncClass() - Method in interface DifferenceLight.Actuator_DL
The style class "voLiDi-anchor" to assign to the document body, or null to assign none.
bodyOrdClass() - Method in class ShadowedDiff
bodyOrdClass() - Method in interface LightableDifference
The name of the ordinal style class to set on the document body when this lightable difference is lit.
bodyOrdClass() - Method in class LightableDifference1
bodyRelClass() - Method in class ShadowedDiff
bodyRelClass() - Method in interface LightableDifference
The name of the cast-relational style class to set on the document body when this lightable difference is lit.
bodyRelClass() - Method in class LightableDifference1
bodyScnClass() - Method in interface DifferenceLight.Actuator_DL
The style class "voLiDi-anchor" to assign to the document body, or null to assign none.
bodySecClass() - Method in class ShadowedDiff
bodySecClass() - Method in interface LightableDifference
The name of the dart-sectoral style class to set on the document body when this lightable difference is lit, or null of there is none.
bodySecClass() - Method in class LightableDifference1
bookmark() - Method in class NavTab
The bookmark for the page to which this tab links.
bookmark() - Method in class SuperTab
Bookmark - Class in votorola.g.web.wic
The link particulars of a bookmarkable page, namely the page class and parameters.
Bookmark(Class<? extends Page>) - Constructor for class Bookmark
Constructs a Bookmark for a page without parameters.
Bookmark(Class<? extends Page>, PageParameters) - Constructor for class Bookmark
Constructs a Bookmark.
bookmark() - Method in class BookmarkRunner
The bookmark to set as the response page.
bookmark() - Method in class WP_Votespace.VotespaceTab
BookmarkablePageLinkX - Class in votorola.g.web.wic
An extended implementation of a bookmarkable page link.
BookmarkablePageLinkX(String, Bookmark) - Constructor for class BookmarkablePageLinkX
Constructs a BookmarkablePageLinkX, taking its parameters from a bookmark.
BookmarkablePageLinkX(String, Class<? extends Page>) - Constructor for class BookmarkablePageLinkX
Constructs a BookmarkablePageLinkX.
BookmarkablePageLinkX(String, Class<? extends Page>, PageParameters) - Constructor for class BookmarkablePageLinkX
Constructs a BookmarkablePageLinkX with parameters.
BookmarkRunner - Class in votorola.g.web.wic
A request cycle runner that sets the response page, according to a bookmark.
BookmarkRunner(Bookmark) - Constructor for class BookmarkRunner
Constructs a BookmarkRunner.
booleanToString(boolean) - Static method in class XMLColumnAppender
Returns a non-empty string if b is true, or null otherwise.
bottomBubbleFoot - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomField - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomField - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomFootRail - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomFootShuttle - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomRail - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomRail - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomShuttle - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
bottomShuttle - Variable in class HeadsUpDisplay
box() - Method in interface NodalSensor
The ancestral container of this sensor.
box() - Method in class NodeV
The ancestral container of this view, the spool of which controls its life cycle.
box() - Method in class NodeV.Sensor
bPath() - Method in class DiffKeyParse
The revision path for the second (b) draft revision.
BRAC_LINE_MARKER_PATTERN - Static variable in class LineTransformer1
The pattern of a "low bracket" or "high bracket" marker in a line of wikitext.
BreakableNodeV - Class in
A view of a count node that may appear in "broken" form.
BreakableNodeV(NodeV.Box, int, VoteTrack) - Constructor for class BreakableNodeV
Constructs a BreakableNodeV.
bridgeLink() - Method in class DifferenceShadowsV.BridgeBox
The link to the difference bridge.
bridgeLoc() - Method in class ShadowedDiff
The URL to the diff view of the difference bridge.
broadcast(Kick) - Method in class Kicker
Passes a kick to all registered harvesters.
Browser - Enum in votorola.g.web
A web browser.
browser() - Method in class GWTX
The browser under which the application is running.
builder() - Method in class StringSink
The underlying string builder.
builder() - Method in class StringSinkD
The underlying string builder.
builder() - Method in class StringWriterB
The underlying string builder.
buildRequestSummary(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class HTTPServletRequestX
Constructs a standard log message summarizing the request, and returns it in a string builder.
buildUserMnemonic(String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class IDPair
Appends a short abbreviation of the username to the string builder.
bunA() - Method in class CommandResponder.Session
The application (A) bundle formatter for this session.
bunA() - Method in class VRequestCycle
The application (A) bundle formatter.
bunCR() - Method in class CommandResponder.Session
The command/response (CR) bundle formatter for this session.
bundle - Variable in class BundleFormatter
bundle() - Method in class BundleFormatter
The local resource bundle.
BundleControlU - Class in votorola.g.util
A resource bundle control to enable loading of UTF-8 property files, as opposed the ISO-8859-1 encoding expected by the default control.
BundleControlU() - Constructor for class BundleControlU
BundleFormatter - Class in votorola.g.locale
A composite resource bundle and string formatter.
BundleFormatter(ResourceBundle) - Constructor for class BundleFormatter
Constructs a BundleFormatter.
BundleFormatter.GProvider - Interface in votorola.g.locale
A provider of a general (G) bundle formatter.
bunG() - Method in class VRequestCycle
bunG() - Method in interface BundleFormatter.GProvider
The general (G) bundle formatter.
bunW() - Method in class VRequestCycle
The web (W) bundle formatter.
bus() - Method in class GWTX
The general event bus.
bus() - Method in class HistoryX
The bus through which events are fired.
bUserMnemonic() - Method in class DraftPair
A short abbreviation of the username of the second draft's author.
byteToString(byte) - Static method in class XMLColumnAppender
Returns null if n is 0, otherwise the standard string representation of n.
BZZ_DUMMY - Static variable in class Votorola
A dummy declaration to ensure stable, referenceable page numbering in the javadoc index.
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