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uiString() - Method in class CountJS
A timestamped identifier based on count.
Uncached - Annotation Type in votorola.a.web.wap
Marks a call to indicate that its responses are meant to be uncached.
uncachePerson() - Method in class BiteJig
Fetches a person jig from the cache, or creates a new jig if the cache is empty.
uncast() - Method in class CountNodeW
Withdraws the vote if one was cast, and returns the resulting vote trace.
uncastCyclic(CountNodeW[]) - Method in class CountNodeW
Withdraws cast and carried votes from a cyclic trace that involves this node.
uncastStraight(CountNodeW[]) - Method in class CountNodeW
Withdraws cast and carried votes from an acyclic trace.
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class ThreadX.UncaughtExceptionLogger
uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class ThreadX.UncaughtExceptionPrinter
unList() - Method in class Feed.UnScoper
The unfiltered reference list of bites from which the filtered list is derived during scoping.
unmessagedDetails(Throwable) - Static method in class Votorola
Returns any details of the throwable t that are known to be informative, but are not part of its standard t.toString().
unmount(VoteServer.Run) - Method in class ReadyDirectory
Reverses a previous mount, erasing the results from the database and filebase.
unmount(VoteServer.Run) - Method in class ReadyDirectory
Reverses a previous mount, erasing the results from the database and filebase.
unwind() - Method in interface Spool
Commences to unwind this spool.
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in interface Spool
Commences to unwind this spool, removing and releasing each of its holds.
unwind() - Method in class Spool0
Does nothing and returns false.
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class Spool0
Does nothing and returns false.
unwind() - Method in class Spool1
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class Spool1
unwind() - Method in class SpoolT
unwind(Catcher<Hold>) - Method in class SpoolT
unwrap(IModel<?>) - Static method in class IWrapModelX
Recursively unwraps the model, returning the underlying, wrapped model.
update(String) - Method in class StateTable
Recalculate the PERM marker by setting the newest FIN marked Marker, which is not newer than any temporary marker to PERM and deleting all older markers.
update(boolean) - Method in class UpdateButton
Called from TalkTrackV when new data is loaded in the view.
updateButton - Variable in class TalkTrackV
UpdateButton - Class in
UpdateButton(TalkTrackV) - Constructor for class UpdateButton
UpdateKick - Class in votorola.a.diff.harvest.kick
Raised when one of the detectors finds a difference-url.
uri() - Method in class PollwikiVS
The base location for requesting pages from the pollwiki.
URI_STRIP_PATTERN - Static variable in class VSession
Pattern to strip from an HTTP URI the mangling that occurs temporarily for new sessions.
uriFor(Class<? extends Page>) - Method in class VRequestCycle
Constructs an absolute, normalized URI for a bookmarkable page.
uriFor(Class<? extends Page>, PageParameters) - Method in class VRequestCycle
Constructs an absolute, normalized URI for a bookmarkable page with parameters.
uriForContextPath() - Method in class VRequestCycle
Constructs an absolute URI for the context path, without a trailing slash (/).
uriStripped(String) - Static method in class VSession
Returns the stripped version of the HTTP URI string if it matches URI_STRIP_PATTERN; otherwise the original string.
URIX - Class in
URI utilities.
url() - Method in class AbstractFetcher
Base-url and path combined to complete url.
url() - Method in interface Fetcher
The actual Url to fetch.
url - Variable in class VOHarvest.Archive
URLConnectionX - Class in
URLConnection utilities.
URLEncodedWriter - Class in
A writer that outputs strings encoded in MIME format application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
URLEncodedWriter(String, Writer) - Constructor for class URLEncodedWriter
Constructs a URLEncodedWriter.
URLX - Class in votorola.g.web.gwt
URL utilities.
user() - Method in class CommandResponder.Session
user() - Method in interface ServiceSession
The authenticated user, or null if the user is unauthenticated.
user() - Method in class VSession
user() - Method in class PersonJig
This person's user identifier, if it is known.
UserInformative - Interface in votorola.g
Something a user might need to know.
username() - Method in class IDPair
Identifies the user by mailish username.
username() - Method in interface Person
This person's username.
username() - Method in class PersonJS
username() - Method in class PersonJig
USERNAME_ARRAY - Static variable in class Dummy
Hard-coded names of users that are supported by the various dummy implementations.
USERNAME_QUERY_ITEM_PATTERN - Static variable in class DiffWAP
The pattern of a single mailish username in a list-form query value, such as "Jack-ThisOrg(Jill-ThatNet(Up HillCom".
userOrNobody() - Method in class CommandResponder.Session
userOrNobody() - Method in interface ServiceSession
The authenticated user, or NOBODY if the user is unauthenticated.
userOrNobody() - Method in class VSession
UserSettings - Class in votorola.a.voter
A user's service preferences and other settings backed by a row of the vote-server's user-settings table.
UserSettings(String, UserSettings.Table) - Constructor for class UserSettings
Constructs a UserSettings, reading its initial state from the user table.
UserSettings.Table - Class in votorola.a.voter
The user-settings table of a vote-server, storing the settings in relational form.
UserSettings.Table(Database) - Constructor for class UserSettings.Table
Constructs a Table, physically creating it if it does not already exist.
userTable() - Method in class VoteServer.Run
The relational store of service preferences and other settings, for the users of this vote-server.
UZZ_DUMMY - Static variable in class Votorola
A dummy declaration to ensure stable, referenceable page numbering in the javadoc index.
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