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name() - Method in interface CountNode
The mailish username of the person for whom this node accounts.
name() - Method in class CountNodeW
name() - Method in class CountNodeJS
name() - Method in interface Poll
The name of the poll.
name() - Method in class PageProperty
The name of the property excluding the "Property:" namespace.
name() - Method in class VoterService.ConstructionContext
name - Variable in class VoterService
name() - Method in class VoterService
The local name of this service.
name() - Method in class VoteServer.ConstructionContext
The name of the vote-server.
name() - Method in class VoteServer
The login name of the local host account, under which the vote-server's data is stored and its processes are run.
name() - Method in class VOWicket
The name that nominally identifies this web interface.
name() - Method in class SMTPTransportX.SimpleAuthentication
name() - Method in class Switch
The unique name of this switch.
name() - Method in class TriaxialPollMap.MappedPoll
The name of this mapped poll.
name() - Method in class DummyScene.MappedPoll
The name of this mapped poll.
name() - Method in class PollJig
name() - Method in class PollJS
NAME - Static variable in class NodeV.BlindDeselect
NAME - Static variable in class NodeV.DefaultDeselect
NAME - Static variable in class NodeV.LaxDeselect
NAME_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class SacJS
A lexical comparator that sorts (1) by account name, and (2) by counting method.
NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class VoterService
The maximum length of a service name.
NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in class VoterService
The allowable pattern of a service name.
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_CountEngine
The left-hand navigation tab, fetching the overview page (an instance of WP_CountEngine).
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_Poll
The navigation tab that fetches the poll overview page, an instance of WP_Poll.
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_Rank
The navigation tab that fetches the ranking page, an instance of WP_Rank.
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_Votespace
The navigation tab that fetches the votespace page, an instance of WP_Votespace.
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_Activity
The navigation tab that fetches the vote-server activity page, an instance of WP_Activity.
NAV_TAB - Static variable in class WP_Server
The navigation tab that fetches the server page, an instance of WP_Server.
NavBar - Class in votorola.a.web.wic
A navigation bar containing a series of tabs.
NavBar() - Constructor for class NavBar
navBar() - Method in class NavTab
The navigation bar that contains this tab.
navBar() - Static method in class VOWicket
The top navigation bar for navigating among the pages of the vote-server.
navBar() - Static method in class WP_CountEngine
The bar for navigating among the count engine pages.
navBar() - Static method in class WP_Server
The bar for navigating among the server pages.
NavBar.SessionScope - Class in votorola.a.web.wic
Session scope for instances of NavBar.
NavBar.SessionScope(VSession) - Constructor for class NavBar.SessionScope
Constructs a SessionScope.
NavTab - Class in votorola.a.web.wic
A tab in a navigation bar, serving as a link to a page.
NavTab() - Constructor for class NavTab
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in interface TabbedPage
Finds and returns the navigation tab for this page.
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_CountEngine
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_Poll
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_Rank
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_Votespace
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_Activity
navTab(VRequestCycle) - Method in class WP_Server
Net - Class in
Networking utilities.
NetworkTrace - Class in
A completed trace of a neigbourhood trust network, which also serves as a residential voter register and (till we start aggregating multiple registers) a simple voter list.
NetworkTrace(ReadyDirectory) - Constructor for class NetworkTrace
Partially constructs a NetworkTrace.
NetworkTrace.VoteServerScope - Class in
API for all traces of trust networks within the scope of a vote-server.
NetworkTrace.VoteServerScope(VoteServer) - Constructor for class NetworkTrace.VoteServerScope
Constructs a VoteServerScope.
NetworkTracer - Class in
A tracer of trust edges.
NetworkTracer(TraceNodeW.Table, TrustEdge.Table) - Constructor for class NetworkTracer
Constructs a NetworkTracer.
newBodyOnlyFragment(String, String, MarkupContainer) - Static method in class VPage
Constructs a fragment that renders only its body, no tags.
newBridgeBox(Document, String, String) - Static method in class DifferenceShadowsV.BridgeBox
Constructs a bridge box.
newBundle(String, Locale, String, ClassLoader, boolean) - Method in class BundleControlU
newChangeEventOrNull(Vote, Vote) - Method in class PollService
Either constructs an event to record the change that occured between oldVote and newVote; or returns null, if no significant change occured.
newConverterLocator() - Method in class VOWicket
newDraftPair(DiffKeyParse, PollwikiVS) - Static method in class DraftPair
Constructs a DraftPair from a parsed difference key.
newDraftPair(String, String, VoteServer.Run, CountSource) - Static method in class DraftPair
Constructs a DraftPair from the latest revisions of the specified position cores.
newDraftPairs(ArrayList<String>, String, VoteServer.Run, CountSource, List<DraftPair>, List<Throwable>) - Static method in class DraftPair
Constructs a DraftPair for the latest of each of the specified position cores that resolves to a draft (aPageNameList) and appends it to the provided list of pairs.
newHeadsUp() - Method in class PolltrackV
newHeadsUpDisplay() - Method in class TalkTrackV
newHeadsUpDisplay() - Method in class VoteTrackV
newID(PollwikiVS, String, int, String) - Static method in class PositionIDPair
Constructs a PositionIDPair.
newInOut(String, Page, VRequestCycle) - Static method in class WC_LoginLink
Constructs a standard WC_LoginLink or WC_LogoutLink depending on the user's current login state.
newLabelNBSP(String) - Static method in class VPageHTML
Constructs a label containing a non-breaking space character (&nbsp;).
newListSerialFile(String) - Method in class ReadyDirectory
Constructs the file to which a registration list is serialized when mounted.
newLoginPage(PageParameters) - Method in class Authenticator
Constructs a login page that redirects to a newly constructed, bookmarkable, return page if authentication succeeds.
newLoginPage(PageParameters) - Method in class OpenIDAuthenticator
newLoginPage(PageParameters) - Method in class WikiAuthenticator
newMetaService(VoteServer.Run, JavaScriptIncluder) - Static method in class MailMetaService
Constructs a MailMetaService.
newNullComponent(String) - Static method in class VPage
Constructs a component that is invisible and does nothing.
newNullComponentAsLabel(String) - Static method in class VPageHTML
Constructs a label containing a non-breaking space character, for situations that preclude using a proper null component.
newPagingNavigator(String, DataView<?>) - Static method in class VPageHTML
Constructs a paging navigator with a standard configuration.
newPattern() - Static method in class AddressValidationP
Constructs the pattern of a valid email address consisting of the bare addr-spec having no personal part and no angle braces, and with no domain literals (like joe@[]).
newPersistCookie(String, String, boolean, Request) - Static method in class OpenIDAuthenticator
Constructs a login persistence cookie.
newPersistKey(String, String) - Method in class OpenIDAuthenticator
Calculates a secure hash of the user's login fingerprint and returns it as a string in radix 36.
newRequestHeader(URI, Map<String, List<String>>, CookieHandler) - Static method in class CookieHandlerX
Constructs a Cookie header value for a request.
newReverseKey(String) - Static method in class DiffKey
Constructs the reverse of the specified diff key in which the a-draft revision path and b-draft revision path are interchanged.
newReversePair() - Method in class DraftPair
Constructs the reverse of this draft pair, in which all components of a-draft and b-draft are interchanged.
newReverseParse() - Method in class DiffKeyParse
Constructs the reverse of this parse, in which all components of a-draft and b-draft are interchanged.
newSerialFile(String) - Method in class ReadyDirectory
Constructs the formal file to which the count for the specified poll service is serialized when mounted.
newSession(Request, Response) - Method in class VOWicket
newStreamReader(Reader) - Static method in class XMLColumnAppender
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the serialized XML.
newStreamReader(String, InputStream) - Static method in class XMLColumnAppender
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the serialized XML.
newStreamReader(String, Reader) - Static method in class XMLColumnAppender
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the serialized XML.
newTopBox(DifferenceShadows, Stage) - Static method in class DifferenceShadowsV.TopBox
Constructs the top box.
newTraceSerialFile() - Method in class ReadyDirectory
Constructs the file to which a network trace is serialized when mounted.
newTrustserver(VoteServer.Run, JavaScriptIncluder) - Static method in class Trustserver
Constructs a Trustserver.
newUnparseableInputException(String, String, XMLStreamException) - Method in class VoterInputTable
Constructs an exception that complains about "unparseable data from input table...".
newValidAddress(String, String) - Static method in class InternetAddressX
Constructs an email address from a local-part and a domain name, and validates it.
newVBar(String, NavBar) - Method in class WC_NavPile
Constructs a view of the specified navigation bar.
newVBarLeader(String, NavBar) - Method in class WC_NavPile
Constructs a component to precede the specified navigation bar.
newView(StageV) - Method in class LinkTrack
newView(StageV) - Method in class Polltrack
newView(StageV) - Method in class TalkTrack
Create a new view for the stage.
newView(StageV) - Method in interface Track
Constructs a view of this track.
newView(StageV) - Method in class VoteTrack
newVoterServiceArray() - Method in class VoteServer.Run
Returns all non-poll voter services provided in this run.
newXMLStreamReader(Reader) - Static method in class InputStore.U
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the input files for vote-mirroring and such.
newXMLStreamReader(String, Reader) - Static method in class InputStore.U
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the input files for vote-mirroring and such.
newXMLStreamReader(Reader) - Static method in class OutputStore
Constructs a stream reader configured to read the snapshot summary file, and such.
newXMLStreamReader(InputStream, Spool) - Static method in class MediaWiki
Constructs a new stream reader suitable for reading a MediaWiki API response, and reads just to the 'api' element.
next() - Method in class PipermailHarvester.UpdateContext
nextAncestorElement(Node) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the next ancestor that is an element, or null if there is none.
nextElement(Node, String, boolean) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the next element in document order; or null if n is null, or the document has no more elements.
nextNode(Node, boolean) - Static method in class NodeX
Returns the next node in document order; or null if n is null, or the document has no more nodes.
nextPattern(char) - Method in class SegmentPatternBuilder
Returns the search pattern for the next segment of the diff commencing at p.diffText.charAt( p.d ).
nextPeriodStart() - Method in class PipermailHarvester.Archive
NO_DIFF_PATTERN - Static variable in class DiffCache
The pattern of a negative 'diff' result, where the two files are identical.
NO_PARTICIPANTS - Static variable in class Tier.CountCumulate
The negative value of holdVolume that signals a poll without participants.
NOBODY - Static variable in class IDPair
An ID pair for a non-existent user.
NodalSensor - Interface in
A lighting sensor common to node views and the podium.
node() - Method in class CountJS.NodeRequestRecord
The count node, or null if the request failed.
node() - Method in class CountNodeEvent
The node concerned in this event.
node() - Method in class ShadowedDiff
The count node of the other (non-anchor) author.
node(int) - Method in class Board
Returns the node occupying the specified dart sector, or null if there is none.
nodeRequestRecord(String) - Method in class CountJS
Returns a cached record of a node request, or null if no record is cached.
nodeV(int) - Method in class Circle
Returns the node view at the specified dart sector offset.
NodeV - Class in
A view of a count node.
NodeV(VotespaceV, int) - Constructor for class NodeV
Constructs a NodeV.
NodeV - Class in
A view of a count node in the shape of an arrow segment.
NodeV(NodeV.Box, int, VoteTrack) - Constructor for class NodeV
Constructs a NodeV.
NodeV.BlindDeselect - Class in
The "Blind" deselection guard.
NodeV.BlindDeselect() - Constructor for class NodeV.BlindDeselect
NodeV.Box - Class in
A container of node views.
NodeV.Box(XCastRelation, VoteTrackV) - Constructor for class NodeV.Box
Creates a new Box.
NodeV.DefaultDeselect - Class in
The "Default" deselection guard.
NodeV.DefaultDeselect() - Constructor for class NodeV.DefaultDeselect
NodeV.DeselectionGuard - Interface in
A controller that determines whether a selected node view may be deselected.
NodeV.LaxDeselect - Class in
The "Lax" deselection guard.
NodeV.LaxDeselect() - Constructor for class NodeV.LaxDeselect
NodeV.Sensor - Class in
A lighting sensor for a node view.
nodeViews() - Method in class BoardV
nodeViews() - Method in class CandidateV
nodeViews() - Method in class NodeV.Box
The nodal components of this view.
NodeVPainter - Class in
A device to calculate the dimensions and drawing parameters of node views.
NodeVPainter(MajorV) - Constructor for class NodeVPainter
Partially creates a NodeVPainter for init to finish.
NodeX - Class in votorola.g.web.gwt
Node utilities.
nodularStandOff() - Method in class CenterCircle
nodularStandOff() - Method in class Circle
The radius of clear space surrounding each count node of this circle.
nodularStandOff() - Method in class VoterCircle
NOMINAL_DIFF - Static variable in class NominalDifferenceTargeter
The difference that is staged whenever the difference link is nominally targeted.
NominalDifferenceLight - Class in
The stage light for the nominal difference targeter.
NominalDifferenceLight(Stage, NominalDifferenceTargeter) - Constructor for class NominalDifferenceLight
Creates the single instance of NominalDifferenceLight.
NominalDifferenceTargeter - Class in
A targeter for a difference link with support for nominal targeting.
NominalDifferenceTargeter(LinkTrackV, AnchorElement) - Constructor for class NominalDifferenceTargeter
Creates a NominalDifferenceTargeter.
nominee() - Method in class ComponentPipeRevision
The nominee drafter.
normalUsername(String) - Static method in class IDPair
Translates the mailish username to normal form by shifting the first letter to uppercase and substituting spaces for underscores.
normalUsername(String) - Static method in class MediaWiki
Translates the username to normal form by shifting the first letter to uppercase and substituting spaces for underscores.
NoSuchItem - Exception in votorola.s.gwt.scene.feed
Thrown when a request cannot be fulfilled because an item does not exist.
NoSuchItem(String) - Constructor for exception NoSuchItem
NOT_A_POLL - Static variable in interface Poll
A name that is guaranteed not to designate an actual poll, though it is otherwise valid as a poll name.
NULL_BOARD - Static variable in class CountNodeJS
An array of length 20 filled with null values.
nullEquals(Object, Object) - Static method in class ObjectX
Returns true iff the objects are either 'equal', or both null.
nullSuperaccount() - Method in class CountJS
The superaccount for the null count.
NZZ_DUMMY - Static variable in class Votorola
A dummy declaration to ensure stable, referenceable page numbering in the javadoc index.
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