Property:Display title

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The display title property specifies an informal, descriptive title for a page. In cases where the page name itself suffices for a display title, this property need not be set. It is commonly used in cases where the page name is formal and non-descriptive, as in poll and position pages. The form is text in wiki-style title case. In English, that typically means only the first letter of the leading word is capitalized.


The display title of this page is [[display title::Why I love pollwikis, part 2]].

How to change the display title

To change the actual title that users see (and not just set a property), use one of the following methods:

  • {{poll summary}} - Use this for a poll page, setting its title parameter to your chosen title.
  • {{position}} - Use this for a position page, setting its title parameter to your chosen title.
  • {{title}} - For other pages, use this convenience template to simultaneously set both the display title property (this property): and the actual {{DISPLAYTITLE}}.
  • {{DISPLAYTITLE}}   Use this to change the actual display title without setting a property. (If you don't know what a property is, then you probably don't need one.)

See also

Pages using the property "Display title"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

(previous 25) (next 25)


Test-cF-ZeleaCom/G/p/vohall +Framing
Test-cIn-ZeleaCom/G/p/vohall +Introduction
Test-cIs-ZeleaCom/G/p/vohall +Issue raising
Test-d-ZeleaCom/G/p/sandbox +Very long display title assigned here
Test-i-ZeleaCom/G/p/sandbox +Yet another title
ThomasvonderElbe GmxDe/G/p/0010 +Thomas's version
ThomasvonderElbe GmxDe/G/p/edor +Thomas's Proposal for the Registration framework
ThomasvonderElbe GmxDe/G/p/frvp +Thomas's Proposal for the Free Range Voting Project
ThomasvonderElbe GmxDe/G/p/sandbox +Completely new sand for the box
ThomasvonderElbe GmxDe/WPE/p/001 +Thomas' position in the Test poll
Tor +Toronto
Tor/p/grfin +Cash-in-lieu of construction of a green roof
Tor/p/m +Mayor of Toronto
Tor/p/sw14t +School trustee for ward 14
Tor/p/tsmp +Member of parliament for Trinity-Spadina
Tor/p/tsmpp +Member of provincial parliament for Trinity-Spadina
Tor/p/w19c +City councillor for ward 19
Tor/p/w20c +City councillor for ward 20


US +United States


Votorola/a/M0 +Endless continuity through myth
Votorola/a/M1 +Mythopoeic overguidance
Votorola/a/M2 +Maximizing personal freedom
Votorola/p/mA +Guidance of multi-winner assembly elections
Votorola/p/mE +Guidance of executive power structuring
Votorola/p/nB +Guidance of budgeting
(previous 25) (next 25)