Uses of Class

Packages that use Catcher0
textbender.g.beans Beans related code 
textbender.g.hold Facilities to manage holding and releasing of programmatic resources 
textbender.g.lang Java core related code 

Uses of Catcher0 in textbender.g.beans

Subclasses of Catcher0 in textbender.g.beans
static class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcher
          For property event dispatchers, a catcher that treats exception-throwing listeners as disabled.
static class PropertyChangeListenerR.DispatchCatcherN
          For property event dispatchers, by name, a catcher that treats exception-throwing listeners as disabled.

Uses of Catcher0 in textbender.g.hold

Fields in textbender.g.hold declared as Catcher0
static Catcher0<Hold> Spool.catcher0
          A common instance of a null catcher.

Uses of Catcher0 in textbender.g.lang

Methods in textbender.g.lang that return Catcher0
<S> Catcher0<S>
          A common instance of Catcher0.