Property:Trust level
From Wiki
The trust level property specifies a level of authentication in the residential voter registry, of which the present wiki is the front-end component (streetwiki) . The value of this property is a number. Its exact meaning depends on the type of the subject page.
Poll pages
A poll page may specify a trust level as a threshold of voter eligibility. For example, in a poll page:
To vote in this poll, you need a trust level of [[trust level::1]].
If no trust level is specified, or if the level is zero, then trust is not an eligibility criterion for the poll.
User pages
A user page may specify the trust level of its user. Trust levels are calculated by a separate trustserver (votrace) and then written back to the wiki. However the write back is not yet implemented, so the only available source is the trustserver's output.
See also
- Property:Division - another property that may serve as an eligibility criterion for polling purposes.
- Property:Truster - for information on trust sources and instructions on extending trust
- Trust network defining trust in the context of a streetwiki.