Uses of Class

Packages that use DOMPointer
textbender.g.xml.dom DOM related code 

Uses of DOMPointer in textbender.g.xml.dom

Methods in textbender.g.xml.dom that return DOMPointer
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.lastTextOffset(Node parent)
          Positions the pointer at the last offset among Text children of the specified parent.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.lastTextOffsetOrNode(Node parent)
          Positions the pointer at the last offset among Text children of the specified parent, or the last non-Text child, whichever comes later.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.nextTextOffset()
          Moves this pointer forward to the next Text offset among sibling nodes.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.nextTextOffsetOrNode()
          Moves this pointer forward to the next Text offset, or the next non-Text sibling node, whichever comes first.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.previousTextOffset()
          Moves this pointer back to the previous Text offset among sibling nodes.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.previousTextOffsetOrNode()
          Moves this pointer back to the previous Text offset, or the previous non-Text sibling node, whichever comes first.
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.set(Node node, int offset)
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.setFrom(DOMPointer other)

Methods in textbender.g.xml.dom with parameters of type DOMPointer
 DOMPointer DOMPointer.setFrom(DOMPointer other)