Uses of Interface

Packages that use Hold
textbender.g.hold Facilities to manage holding and releasing of programmatic resources 
textbender.o.awt Abstract Windowing Toolkit, related code 

Uses of Hold in textbender.g.hold

Fields in textbender.g.hold with type parameters of type Hold
static Catcher0<Hold> Spool.catcher0
          A common instance of a null catcher.

Methods in textbender.g.hold that return types with arguments of type Hold
 Iterator<Hold> Spool0.iterator()
 List<Hold> SpoolT.subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)

Methods in textbender.g.hold with parameters of type Hold
 boolean SpoolT.add(Hold hold)
          Adds the hold to the spool, or releases it immediately.
 boolean Spool0.add(Hold hold)
          Does nothing.
 boolean Spool1.add(Hold hold)
 boolean Spool.add(Hold hold)
          Adds the hold to the spool, or releases it immediately.
 void SpoolT.add(int index, Hold hold)
 void SpoolT.addElement(Hold hold)
 void Spool1.addFirst(Hold hold)
 void Spool1.addLast(Hold hold)
 void SpoolT.insertElementAt(Hold hold, int index)
 boolean Spool1.offer(Hold hold)

Method parameters in textbender.g.hold with type arguments of type Hold
 boolean SpoolT.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Hold> c)
 boolean Spool1.addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Hold> c)
 boolean SpoolT.unwind(Catcher<Hold> catcher)
 boolean Spool0.unwind(Catcher<Hold> catcher)
          Does nothing.
 boolean Spool1.unwind(Catcher<Hold> catcher)
 boolean Spool.unwind(Catcher<Hold> catcher)
          Commences to unwind this spool, removing and releasing each of its holds.

Uses of Hold in textbender.o.awt

Methods in textbender.o.awt with parameters of type Hold
 boolean SpoolEDT.add(Hold hold)

Method parameters in textbender.o.awt with type arguments of type Hold
 boolean SpoolEDT.unwind(Catcher<Hold> catcher)