Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexBlock

Uses of IndexBlock in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard

Fields in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard with type parameters of type IndexBlock
protected  ArrayList<IndexBlock> IndexBlockMap.list

Methods in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard that return IndexBlock
(package private)  IndexBlock IndexBlockMap.getIndexBlock(long clipIndex)
          Returns the index block within which a particular index falls.
(package private)  IndexBlock IndexBlockMapW.getOrCreateIndexBlock(File transferandDocumentFile, int geneCount, IndexBlockMapW.KeySD keySD, ClipIndexEncoder clipIndexEncoder)
          Returns the index block for a particular sourceDocumentFile, creating a new one if necessary.

Methods in textbender.a.u.transfer.clipboard with parameters of type IndexBlock
 int IndexBlock.compareTo(IndexBlock other)
          Compares based on clipIndex0.