, ready for copying to the codebase. This page is for technical purposes. Copy the rendering below to a/locale/. Not all browsers will correctly preserve the rendered whitespace when copying to the clipboard. Chrome 18 will, Firefox 9 will not.a
a.pageNav-prefix = Page a.pageNav-suffix = of %,d
a.voter.ActivityEvent.lapse.seconds = seconds a.voter.ActivityEvent.lapse.minutes = minutes a.voter.ActivityEvent.lapse.hours = hours a.voter.ActivityEvent.lapse.days = days a.voter.ActivityEvent.lapse.weeks = weeks
a.voter.IDPairConverter.malformedUsername = Username '%1$s' is invalid: %2$s
a.web.wic.WC_NavigationHead.home = server home
a.web.wic.WP_Message.sessionFeedbackDump = Something is wrong
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1 = Login - Email authentication 1
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.explanation = You are logging in with a new OpenID, or one that requires re-authentication by email.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.openIDDescription = This is your identifier according to your OpenID provider.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.submit = Send a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.submit-cancel = Cancel
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.userEmail = Email address a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen1.userEmailDescription = Enter your email address. An authentication message will be sent. Note that your address will be visible to other users, but only in a form that is obfuscated to guard against spam.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2 = Login - Email authentication 2
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.explanation = An email message was sent to %3$s. The header subject is "%2$s", and the sender is %1$s. The message contains an authentication key.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.key.mismatch = The key does not match. a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.key.mismatchCount = Too many attempts. Please press Cancel. a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.key.Required = The key is required! a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.keyLabel = Key
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.keyDescription = Enter the authentication key that you received in the email message.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.submit = OK a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.submit-cancel = Cancel
a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.message.subject = Login to vote-server a.web.wic.authen.WP_EmailAuthen2.message.body = A request to login as %2$s was received by the vote-server at %1$s. Did you make the request?\n\nIf you made the request, then please enter the following key on the login page:\n\n\ \ \ \ %3$s\n\nIf not, then please ignore this message.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login = Login a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.or_XHT = <span style='font-size:1.2em'><strong>Or</strong>,</span> a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.Required = Please enter your login particulars in one of the fields. a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.single = Please enter your login particulars in a single field, not in multiple fields.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.persist = Keep me logged in a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.persistFull = Use cookies to keep me logged in on this browser
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.reauth = Re-authenticate OpenID a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.reauthDescription = Check here if you are logging in by OpenID, and wish to associate it with a different email address. If you do not check here, you will be logged in under the same address/username as last time.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.submit = Login
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.openid_identifier = OpenID a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.openid_identifier.xDiscovery = Unable to discover ID service provider: %s a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.openid_identifier.xDiscovery.noEndPoint = Unable to discover ID service provider: identifier has no valid provider. a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.openid_identifierDescription_XHT = Enter your <a href='%s/Help:OpenID'>OpenID</a>.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.or-loginByEmail = login by email authentication:
a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.or-test = login under an alias: a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.alias = Alias a.web.wic.authen.WP_Login.aliasDescription = Enter a nickname or other alias. You will have access to the vote-server as an authenticated user, but only for test purposes. Your input will eventually be erased.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_OpenIDReturn.cancelled = Authentication cancelled. = Authentication failed: %s a.web.wic.authen.WP_OpenIDReturn.fail0 = Authentication failed.
a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.wikiDescription_XHT = Enter your account credentials for the <a href='%1$s'>pollwiki</a>. Or if you have none, then <a href='%1$s/Special:UserLogin?type=signup'>create an account</a>. a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.submitPrequalifier_XHT = You are logging into the Votorola vote-server. You must have cookies enabled. If you have <a href='%1$s'>authenticated</a> your email address on the pollwiki, then selecting <label for='persist'>Keep me logged in</label> below will log you into the pollwiki, too:
a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.password = Password a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.password.missing = Enter a password = Authenticate your email address in the pollwiki a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.mailFail.title = Email authentication failure a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.mailFailMessage.none = Your email address is not authenticated in the pollwiki. a.web.wic.authen.WP_WikiLogin.mailFailMessage.wrong = Your login address differs from your email address as authenticated in the pollwiki.
s.wic.count.WP_CountEngine.pollwiki = Pollwiki
s.wic.count.WP_CountEngine.superTab.shortTitle = (Polling) = Count engine
s.wic.count.WP_Poll.reconstruct = Reconstruct/refresh poll s.wic.count.WP_Poll.reconstructTip = Reconstruct the poll from scratch, ignoring any cached configuration items = Poll s.wic.count.WP_Poll.title = Poll
s.wic.count.WP_Rank = Rank s.wic.count.WP_Rank.title = Ranked results
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateBar_XHT = The vote is <span class='barWarn'>barred</span>.
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateGo = Go s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateVote = Vote s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateUnvote = Unvote
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLnCy1 = The results below were counted on\u0020 s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLnCy2 = .
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCn = You are currently voting for %s.
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySn1 = You were then voting for %s. s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySn2 = You are still voting for\u0020 s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySn3 = .
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySy1 = You were then voting for\u0020 s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySy2 = . s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySy3 = You are now voting for\u0020 s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.candidateLyCySy4 = .
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.login = login to vote
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.orphanVoter-non_XHT = <p>Not voting.</p>
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.otherNodes = others s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.otherNodes0 = no votes cast, no candidates = Outflow votes = O = Held votes = H = Received votes = R = Cast vote = C = Voter = Base candidate = Non-voter
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.turnout = turnout s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.turnout_XHT = <p>The total of votes held is equal to the total cast. Turnout is therefore %1$,d of %2$,d eligible voters, or %3$.2f%%.</p> s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.turnout0_XHT = <p>The total of votes held is equal to the total cast. Proportional turnout cannot be calculated, because the number of eligible voters is unknown.</p>
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.vCor.n = The display below is not corrected for your vote shift. s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.vCor.y = The display below is corrected for your vote shift.
s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.vCorUndo.n = show corrected results s.wic.count.WP_Votespace.vCorUndo.y = show uncorrected results
s.wic.diff.WP_D.title = Difference bridge %1$s/%2$s
s.wic.diff.WP_D.checkTitle = Select this hunk for patching
s.wic.diff.WP_D.login = login
s.wic.diff.WP_D.patchBar.componentPipe = You are a component pipe, patching is disallowed s.wic.diff.WP_D.patchBar.sameUser = Patching between revisions of a single position is not supported
s.wic.diff.WP_D.patchButtonTitle = Patch the selected hunks into your position draft s.wic.diff.WP_D.patchButtonValue = Patch
s.wic.diff.WP_D.patchFail.noHunk = Please select one or more hunks to patch
s.wic.server.WP_Activity.eventHeader-lapse = Age s.wic.server.WP_Activity.eventHeader-message = Event description
s.wic.server.WP_Activity.footer_XHT = <li>Only web activity is recorded here. Events initiated through other interfaces are not shown.</li><li><span class='unreported'>Greyed-out vote shifts</span> are not yet counted. Except where otherwise noted, they are omitted from results pages until after the next count.</li>
s.wic.server.WP_Activity.startEvent = Brought online. s.wic.server.WP_Activity.startEventLapse = Brought online after being off for %s. = Activity s.wic.server.WP_Activity.title = Recent activity on this server
s.wic.server.WP_Activity.voteCastEvent_XHT = %2$s voted for %3$s, %1$s.
s.wic.server.WP_Activity.voteWithdrawalEvent_XHT = %2$s withdrew a vote from %3$s, %1$s.
s.wic.server.WP_Server.hPolling = Polling facilities s.wic.server.WP_Server.hPolling.count = Count s.wic.server.WP_Server.hPolling.mirror = Mirror s.wic.server.WP_Server.hRegistry = Voter registry s.wic.server.WP_Server.hRegistry.trace = Trace = Software s.wic.server.WP_Server.version = Version = Pollwiki