--- Log opened Sat Jul 27 00:00:40 2013 06:23 < conseo> good morning :-) 08:04 < conseo> interesting: http://news.slashdot.org/story/12/06/21/224222/reddit-cofounder-says-site-was-built-by-a-horde-of-fake-accounts 13:39 < conseo> i have integrated rss-feeds in my social network installation, which basically makes it a social media news feed mix and lets you share entries and comment them transparently 13:39 < conseo> the discussion still vanishes quickly though 14:39 < conseo> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendica 14:45 < conseo> but for me it was the ultimate news reader once i hooked the rss-feeds in 14:46 < conseo> the lack of long-term deepening of discussion and the sheer amount of information has made it less valuable though imo 14:47 < conseo> it still is cool and was useful, i had this problem with all aggregators 14:52 < conseo> but i had quite some discussions there :-D, it might be a good starting point to keep threads alive, because they are bumped if anybody acts on them (comments, asks for new input, likes them= 14:52 < conseo> (just thinking loud) 17:30 < mcallan> good evening... catching up... 17:31 < conseo> if you have shifted your sleeping habbits, we can also shift the talk, don't set the alarm for me :-) 17:32 < mcallan> oh, 1700 utc... that was 4.5 hours ago... right, i was sleeping then :-) 17:35 < conseo> ok, you said yesterday at the same time that you get up ~5 hours before now 17:36 < conseo> i guess you will be awake for another 14h or so 17:37 < mcallan> online for another 12, very roughly 17:40 < conseo> ok 17:41 < mcallan> right, reditt isn't sincere discussion. even now it's mostly faked questions, red flags, red herrings. except they got the participants to do the faking 17:41 < mcallan> they seeded with garbage, and garbage grew 17:42 < conseo> well, i wouldn't call real users fake, i would just say that online discussions are flawed, very much like real world discourses, because you drown in them unless you want to become an academic expert in some aspect of it 17:44 < conseo> most web-media are fast lived, boards, forums, etc. probably topic related forums are the most long-lived and substantial debates 17:44 < conseo> at least in my experience 17:45 < mcallan> we don't need discussion media tho, but newsfeeders 17:58 < conseo> ok, tell me how you draw this distinction on the phone. i have thought that it might make sense to also put a pad or something between us for this discussion, to keep track of what we are trying to do 18:01 < mcallan> ok, the primary use case is here: http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2013-July/005640.html 18:01 < mcallan> there will be other requirements, but they are not especially important up front (almost certainly we'll have to code them ourselves) 18:02 < mcallan> all we want (if use case is correct) is newsfeed, extensible enough to experiment with 18:04 < mcallan> we don't want to choose one, we just want to know what's out there 19:28 < mcallan> at first blush, there are *no* dedicated news feeders, only news aggregators and readers 19:50 < mcallan> meaning we are looking for content generators, which could include (you're right after all) discussion media ... 19:53 < mcallan> but we use it (or abuse it) only to publish links to the discussion threads, not to publish discussion itself 19:56 < mcallan> example that is close to this use case: http://www.reddit.com/r/Economics 20:12 < mcallan> yes, reddit would work. a mailing list would work, but would need new ui. there are many options, no problem 20:13 < mcallan> conseo: open problem now is organization of labour and governance 21:10 < conseo> ok 21:10 < conseo> sounds interesting 21:28 < conseo> gn8 21:29 < mcallan> n8 c 22:35 < mcallan> the labour/governance problem turns out to be the problem of society in miniature. i think we can bootstrap the whole show on this issue alone 22:56 < mcallan> sweet, i think we could doc it convincingly enough to attract resources from online incubators 23:03 < mcallan> conseo: yes, i'm pretty sure this is the full practice for votorola now 23:05 < mcallan> what's interesting is that the core of the issue raising (seeding, planting) part is actually *external* to votorola. it can stand completely on it's own, with no tech supports aside from what's already out there --- Log closed Sun Jul 28 00:00:57 2013