--- Log opened Thu Apr 11 00:00:56 2013 03:51 < mcallan> ps, i never saw firefug do that before. not important, and i haven't looked at your code, but can u confirm images are not preloaded repeatedly at runtime? 04:59 < conseo> chromium does not show this behaviour. wireshark does not show any activity when i hover the talk-track 05:00 < conseo> the bubble*.png transmission seems to be embedded, but maybe my filter is wrong as well. 05:00 < conseo> i could possibly hook into tomcat somehow, as it is delivering the file on v.polyc0l0r.net 05:07 < conseo> weird now i get an exception from the stage and tcpdump doesn't show activity for port 8080 either 05:08 < mcallan> conseo: just put println on the places where you set img.src, see how many calls 05:09 < conseo> ok 05:09 < mcallan> i was think firebug, despite being buggy, is accidently showing that something is really wrong. chrome may just ignore reduntant settings (if there really are any) 05:18 < conseo> mcallan: a println in the img.setSrc block prints once in firefox with dev-mode 05:26 < conseo> the problem is potentially that i immediatly set it to the other image source and firebug possibly gets that wrong 06:03 -!- edulix2 is now known as Edulix 06:03 -!- Edulix is now known as edulix 06:16 < mcallan> conseo: yes, that seems likely. i think you want this in js: new Image().src = URL 06:17 < mcallan> let there be a separate image per download 06:17 < mcallan> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8504764/preload-images 06:17 < mcallan> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10726289/preloading-images-in-javascript 07:17 < conseo> ImageElement has a protected constructor in GWT: https://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/1.5/com/google/gwt/dom/client/ImageElement.html 07:18 < conseo> i don't want to hack up the uibinder template to add a loader element to it 07:18 < conseo> probably i should use native code 07:20 < mcallan> http://zelea.com/system/host/havoc/opt/gwt/2.5.0+mca.1/doc/javadoc/com/google/gwt/dom/client/Document.html#createImageElement() 07:23 < conseo> LOL. ok 08:12 < conseo> Document.get().createImageElement().setSrc(bubbleFootRightSrc); gives weird errors in the firefox console, but builds and loads fine 08:25 < mcallan> hmmm, not ideal 08:43 < mcallan> i'm off for today, c --- Log closed Fri Apr 12 00:00:13 2013