--- Log opened Sun Oct 07 00:00:41 2012 07:45 < conseo> mcallan: re 08:33 < mcallan> conseo: hey c, no problem on the timing. we're in good shape i think 08:34 < mcallan> all's well here. doing mop up of other things, and then i should be ready to start on polltrack, if nothing else pops up 08:42 < conseo> ok 09:20 < conseo> mcallan: when i am on this site: http://havoc.zelea.com/w/User:4consensus_WebDe/Mann/p/urgar and click on votespace, would it make sense to set the voting box to 4consensus WebDe already? otherwise i need to copy and paste the name out of the page somewhere 10:06 < conseo> (not too important though) 10:26 < mcallan> it is already set to that, at least that's what i see when i follow the link from the link track. it takes me here: http://benjamin.polyc0l0r.net:8090/voff/w/Votespace?p=Mann!p!urgar&u=4consensus+WebDe 10:30 < mcallan> conseo: wicket is serving german there, tho my browser is set to english. that's strange. how did that happen? 10:32 < conseo> ok. i have not tuned any language settings to my knowledge 10:34 < mcallan> what language do you see here? should be german, whether you're logged in or out: http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/ 10:34 < mcallan> (unless your browser is set to english, ofc) 10:59 < conseo> is german 11:04 < mcallan> there's a problem on line 29 here: http://zelea.com/var/db/repo/votorola/file/da8ed650c7e9/votorola/a/web/wic/VRequestCycle.java 11:05 < mcallan> for some reason, it's returning german on your side, even when the browser is set to english. can u replicate by setting one of your browsers to english? 11:10 < mcallan> probably this is doing the job: http://zelea.com/_/_/java/servlet-2_5-mrel-spec/javadocs/javax/servlet/ServletRequest.html#getLocale() 11:14 < mcallan> or is the fault on my side? i see my browser is *not* setting language preference 11:16 < conseo> i'll try 11:19 < mcallan> you're server is ok when i use chrome, because chroms *is* adding this header to request: Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,de;q=0.4 11:19 < mcallan> i wonder why ff doesn't do that? i know it does if set german as my lang 11:22 < conseo> mcallan: i have installed firefox en for windows in wine and opened: http://benjamin.polyc0l0r.net:8090/voff/w/Votespace?p=Mann!p!urgar&u=4consensus+WebDe 11:22 < conseo> it is english 11:26 < mcallan> right, looks like problem is my firefox. thx c 11:30 < conseo> mcallan: http://havoc.zelea.com/w/User:4consensus_WebDe/Mann/p/urgar if you click on the votetrack for Test1... it animates confusingly 11:36 < mcallan> re lang: there *is* something wrong on your side. ff is now sending "Accept-Language: en", and your wicket is serving german 11:39 < mcallan> still, you can't replicate... so i have to replicate here by setting my server to de. (ignore me, thinking out loud) 11:44 < conseo> ok, no prob. sry i had to help my sister to get the excerices for her cs studies right. the beginning of the studies is always the hardest where nobody really helps you (at least here it is pretty poor and an insane speed for somebody unpreprared) 11:44 < conseo> so again time lost 11:46 < mcallan> no problem c, it was me making noise. i need to work at it on my side first 11:49 < mcallan> conseo: i think you just update your stage code 11:49 < mcallan> i can no longer replicate the strange animation you pointed to 11:50 < mcallan> (updated) 11:50 < conseo> yes 11:50 < conseo> sry 11:50 < conseo> is this a problem? 11:51 < mcallan> nope, solution i guess :-) 11:51 < conseo> ok, good :-D 13:26 < conseo> cool tomcat runs in the eclipse debugger, too 13:32 < mcallan> that's handy, esp. because printouts would go to log, not console 13:44 < conseo> yes, i'm still trying to find out how to inspect state deeply (otherwise i have to rebuild and restart tomcat all the time to get all the data first like with logging) 13:47 < conseo> works :-D 13:49 < conseo> its not as lightwight as text editing, but its handy for this task 13:51 < conseo> weight 13:55 < mcallan> i have log tails as my desktop "wallpaper", otherwise i'd probably need a debugger for tomcat, too 13:56 < conseo> mcallan: yes that is nice, i will set it up similarly i guess 13:57 < conseo> i could just watch it go through the servlet fetching my first message and seeing it in the talktrack after refresh then (because it took too long in the debugger, have to retry): http://havoc.zelea.com/w/User:4consensus_WebDe/Mann/p/urgar 14:00 < conseo> mcallan: it works, yepeee :-) 14:00 < mcallan> looking good! 14:02 < conseo> (i meant the update button in 10s) 14:09 < conseo> mcallan: if i want to tune the wikicache (e.g. have a short churn time during development or even none) what should i do? 14:10 < mcallan> ah, kicks from the track are working... looking good indeed 14:10 < mcallan> hmmm, i never had to do that... 14:11 < conseo> ok, i will just rm files if i know they are outdated 14:14 < mcallan> to force an actual churn, can rm ~/votorola/in/wiki/lastChurn.serial 14:16 < conseo> ok, cool 14:18 < mcallan> maybe, or maybe i am lying... 14:20 < mcallan> well, looking quickly at the code, i think i am probably lying 14:23 < mcallan> i'm for the day c, cu soon 14:24 < mcallan> (*off*) 14:26 < conseo> ok 14:26 < conseo> gn8 --- Log closed Mon Oct 08 00:00:58 2012