--- Log opened Thu Jan 12 00:00:46 2012 07:20 < conseo> mcallan: i think the nycga working group rule of being on the ground for working groups is undemocratic, maybe we can attack it 07:20 < conseo> i feel discriminated against by it 07:20 < conseo> while occupy organizes locally, its perspective and rough goals are global 07:21 < conseo> my interests are maybe more touched by the decisions on wallstreet and by nyc based companies than by occupy frankfurt or occupy berlin... 07:21 < conseo> but i am definetly related 07:22 < conseo> so i should be allowed to participate in the discussion process of finding solutions 07:22 < conseo> (one can make this argument more concrete...) 09:07 < mcallan> conseo: true, i've thought the same. but in the end, i'd rather spend my energy developing technology 09:08 < mcallan> conseo: i'm rebuilding my worstation, so i may be offline now and again 09:08 < mcallan> _workstation_ 09:08 < conseo> ok, why not try ubuntu?= 09:09 < conseo> should be easy for you... 09:09 < mcallan> it's easy enough for me, i am not having problems 09:09 < mcallan> (thx tho) 09:10 < conseo> yeah once you know what to do, gentoo is not hard 09:10 < conseo> but it is very time consuming 09:10 < conseo> atm. i am on fedora and i like redhats expertise 09:10 < conseo> but it is a little bit too bleeding edge maybe 09:11 < mcallan> yes, but it's been improving, so i will stick with it. if i have to move, it will be to debian or arch 09:11 < conseo> ok 09:11 < conseo> i am just mentioning it, because rebuilds of the workstation are history for me 09:12 < conseo> bin package installs fly :-) 09:13 < mcallan> i like the feeling of control it gives. i am typing on a box on which 276 packages (including the x server) were just rebuilt and upgraded... 09:13 < mcallan> and it is still running without a hiccup... 09:14 < mcallan> though i had to shut down postgresql and mailman temporarily (so the list is down) 09:14 < conseo> you can easily use apt or rpm to build packages selectively as well and even deploy your own repo 09:15 < conseo> for me it was just a time factor, but you do your maths well in general, so i just wanted to point that out 09:15 < conseo> got to go 09:15 < conseo> bbl 09:15 < mcallan> ok, cu 11:17 < conseo> mcallan: have a look at the nycga forum 11:30 < mcallan> conseo: i see some activity there 11:30 < mcallan> (herr Onseo :-) 11:38 < conseo> well, they wanted a name and they got one :-P 11:39 < conseo> just posted 11:41 < conseo> mcallan: i don't like the layout of difference bridge, i think there are better layouts putting the segments horizontally besides each other and hiding the rest of the draft. maybe you know this from diff tools, i am still searching for the ideal layout 11:41 < conseo> 3-way diff tools might be inspiring for this 11:41 < conseo> (actually 2-way) 11:43 < mcallan> it's you and serapath... interesting 11:43 < mcallan> i have to reboot my box and get it stable, and hopefully i can join in a couple hours 11:44 < conseo> why? i just thought alex should start to use the tool and he is involved in occupy and votorola, so why not pull him in... 11:44 < conseo> ok 11:44 < conseo> a couple of hours? 11:44 < conseo> hehe 11:44 < conseo> dist-upgrade of ubuntu takes 20 mins or so 11:45 < conseo> (i won't let you waste your time on this without bugging you :-P) 11:45 < mcallan> 20 minutes = 20 hours in gentoo time, even with an expert like me ;-) 11:46 < mcallan> but oh, to see that custom compiled and optimized gcc run through Chromium like a hot knife through butter... :-) 11:46 < mcallan> (enuff, back to work) 11:47 < conseo> yeah, i can send you tapes with my old emerge kde logs :-) 11:47 < conseo> takes days even on a dual core machine --- Log closed Fri Jan 13 00:00:01 2012