--- Log opened Mon Jul 25 00:00:05 2011 --- Log opened Mon Jul 25 07:27:26 2011 07:37 -!- You're now known as mcallan 19:13 < conseo> mcallan: ping 20:48 < conseo> url test for bot 20:52 < conseo> another url test for the bot 20:54 < conseo> resume 20:54 < conseo> mcallan: ping 21:18 < mcallan> conseo: pong 21:19 < conseo> mcallan: i will make the routine for generating the url to irc mentionings of the diff-urls javascriptable in the config 21:19 < conseo> then you can use any bot for logging as you prefer 21:19 < conseo> there are some caveats, but we should be able to get it working rel. fine 21:20 < conseo> if you like the perl bot you showed me then maybe you could install it so we have a really nice irc log 21:20 < conseo> mcallan: and i will drop my own logger it is too simple and a bit buggy 21:21 < conseo> what do you think? 21:21 < mcallan> if URL formation can be scripted (never thought of that) it sounds ideal 21:23 < mcallan> i'm overloaded for work though, and way behind - still don't have resource counts - so not sure how long it would take to look at IRC logging, if I'm the one to do it 21:23 < mcallan> it looks like Perl 6's log is custom coded (last I looked), but I'm not sure 21:27 < conseo> mcallan: http://moritz.faui2k3.org/en/ilbot 21:27 < conseo> we can chose any logging option, i will write the necessary javascript code 21:29 < conseo> mcallan: i'd do it this way: http://paste.ubuntu.com/652090/ 21:30 < conseo> i can install a log solution, if you like to 21:34 < mcallan> ilbot looks too difficult to install tho, needs mysql and i would be reluctant to run two DB engines 21:36 < mcallan> i know my own logs are kind of ugly, but just temporarily (till we get more help) could you link to those using your config script? 21:36 < conseo> i do already 21:36 < conseo> yep 21:36 < mcallan> you do!? 21:36 < conseo> have a look at the pastebin routine 21:37 < conseo> it is basically a scraper ported to a javascript routine 21:37 < mcallan> you there xfbot? 21:38 < conseo> there are problems like timezone difference, but if you run it on your side i should be able to match closely and maybe check +-1 day 21:38 < mcallan> conseo: what's xfb_benj? :-) 21:38 < mcallan> xfbot: time 21:38 < xfbot> mcallan: The time is now Mon Jul 25 21:38:21 EDT 2011 21:38 < conseo> its the bot on my laptop (hostname benjamin) 21:38 < mcallan> xfb_benj: time 21:38 < xfb_benj> mcallan: The time is now Tue Jul 26 03:39:13 CEST 2011 21:38 < mcallan> ok, never mind 21:39 < conseo> does the javascript code make sense or should i try to use more javascript routines instead? 21:39 < mcallan> let's test it 21:39 < mcallan> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:39 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:39 < xfbot> AUTHOR: Mike-ZeleaCom 21:39 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4524 21:39 < conseo> (it works here if i hardcode the timezone shift) 21:41 < conseo> Wrapped java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Unmatched closing ')' near index 42 21:41 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:41 < conseo> ^ (/home/voff/votorola/voharvester.js#59) in /home/voff/votorola/v ... 21:41 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:41 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 21:41 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 21:41 < mcallan> it's trying to fetch tomorrows log page from the webserver 21:41 < conseo> sure, i have to fix that or run it on your side 21:42 < mcallan> i misunderstood then, i thought xfbot was doing this 21:42 < mcallan> to fix that bug, do regexp quoting on the search string, know what i mean? 21:43 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:43 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:43 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 21:43 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 21:44 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:44 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:44 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 21:44 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 21:45 < conseo> hmm needs more work, but i just wanted to ask you if this is ok or too much javascript usage 21:45 < conseo> since scraping has to happen there as well to 21:45 < conseo> allow adjusting to any log solution 21:47 < mcallan> i guess it affects only voharvester process, so it's your call. if it's too slow you can always optimize it later 21:48 < mcallan> but i like the flexibility for sure 21:49 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:49 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:49 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 21:49 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 21:54 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 21:54 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 21:54 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 21:54 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 21:56 < conseo> mcallan: performance is not an issue, my problem is that it is not trivial javascript code as one might expect from a config 21:56 < conseo> the problem is that you simply have to write some code to adjust it to any specific logging solution 21:58 < mcallan> hairy config is ok, so long as there are good defaults. not possible in ur case, but second best is to provide links to good examples 21:59 < conseo> anyway i will work on it and as soon as it works i will tell you to pull and i'll set it up 22:00 < conseo> re 22:00 < mcallan> ok. in the config script, point to your working config for irssi links: http://zelea.com/system/host/u/home/v/votorola/voharvester.js 22:08 < conseo> ok 22:08 < conseo> i am finished for today, i'll ping you tomorrow once it is working properly 22:08 < mcallan> ok 22:10 < conseo> what do you think of the new home page c ;-) http://zelea.com:8080/v/w/D?a=4214&b=4524 22:10 < xfbot> POLL: G/p/vohall 22:10 < xfbot> AUTHOR: 4consensus WebDe 22:10 < xfbot> POSURL: http://zelea.com/mediawiki/index.php?oldid=4214 --- Log closed Tue Jul 26 00:00:36 2011