--- Log opened Sat Jun 11 20:22:04 2011 20:23 <@mcallan> once more, now that we're logging: 20:23 * mcallan smashes champagne bottle 20:26 < conseo_temp> hey op 20:26 <@mcallan> greeting newcomer 20:27 <@mcallan> how come i am @mcallan here? 20:27 < conseo_temp> you are operator 20:27 < conseo_temp> (you created the channel) 20:27 <@mcallan> i though u created it 20:27 <@mcallan> *thought* 20:27 <@mcallan> oh cause i posted first? 20:27 < conseo_temp> you can extend operator status i think. nope i didn't, i just described what i have don with #metagov 20:28 < conseo_temp> because you joined a non existing channel 20:28 < conseo_temp> and created it 20:28 < conseo_temp> but i am not experienced with irc 20:28 <@mcallan> hmmm, i like it 20:29 <@mcallan> i'll make you operator too later, once i learn the ropes 20:29 < conseo_temp> my question about the resource management was if it is supposed to be generic, or if it is supposed to replacable like the feeds and maps 20:29 < conseo_temp> well, this nick is not permanent anyway 20:29 <@mcallan> oh each resource defines it's own content for the resource view 20:30 < conseo_temp> ok, so it is generic 20:30 < conseo_temp> good 20:30 <@mcallan> yes. only the rough structure (toolbar, slice stack, HUD) is fixed 20:30 < conseo_temp> brb, get something to chew on 20:31 < conseo_temp> yep, that makes sensimho 20:48 < conseo_temp> re 20:52 < conseo_temp> mcallan: cannot update v config 20:52 < conseo_temp> you need to do it 20:56 <@mcallan> conseo_temp: try again 20:58 < conseo_temp> xfbot: channels 20:58 < xfbot> Currently monitoring: #metagov 20:58 < conseo_temp> hmm, bug 20:58 <@mcallan> greetings newcomer 20:58 <@mcallan> xfbot: time 20:58 < xfbot> mcallan: The time is now Sat Jun 11 20:58:57 EDT 2011 20:59 <@mcallan> correct! 21:02 <@mcallan> conseo_temp: ownership was changed: 21:02 <@mcallan> -rw-rw-r-- 1 c users 2817 Jun 11 20:57 voharvester.js 21:02 <@mcallan> -rw-rw-r-- 1 v votorola 2776 Apr 22 14:39 voharvester.js~ 21:03 < conseo_temp> huh 21:04 < conseo_temp> just saved in emacs 21:04 <@mcallan> weird 21:05 <@mcallan> maybe because it is set to create backup? 21:06 <@mcallan> put in your .emacs: make-backup-files nil 21:07 <@mcallan> coif that fails, i could set your gid to votorola 21:07 <@mcallan> *if* 21:07 <@mcallan> conseo_temp: let me know 21:13 < conseo_temp> i have put exactly this string in ~/.emacs but no success 21:13 < conseo_temp> the gid still changes to users 21:13 < conseo_temp> mcallan: 21:14 <@mcallan> hmmm 21:15 <@mcallan> conseo_temp: try again (.emacs had syntax error) 21:16 < conseo_temp> me no lisp :-( 21:17 <@mcallan> :-) 21:17 < conseo_temp> not yet 21:17 < conseo_temp> works 21:17 < conseo_temp> not yet any lisp experience i meant 21:17 < conseo_temp> and now it works 21:17 <@mcallan> ok, looks good 21:28 < conseo_temp> mcallan: do you have a release plan or something, or what are you doing atm.? 21:28 <@mcallan> already released 21:28 <@mcallan> u didn't notice, 'cause you hate google 21:29 <@mcallan> at moment, i am "clearing decks" :-) 21:29 < conseo_temp> well, i also dislike facebook, but nowadays people on university discuss solutions and excercices on facebook 21:29 <@mcallan> nuisance 21:29 <@mcallan> (don't like fbook either) 21:30 < conseo_temp> i have leaks everywhere and i can't emancipate 21:30 < conseo_temp> it is ridiculous, but its convenience simply pulls everybody in 21:30 <@mcallan> two years in the making (almost): http://groups.google.com/group/votorola/t/6540bf5638790d21 21:30 < conseo_temp> even email seems to be outdated for many people 21:30 < conseo_temp> but you move to mailman, right? 21:31 <@mcallan> email will *never* be unseated, except by face2face 21:31 <@mcallan> mailman, unless there is better 21:31 <@mcallan> i will rebuild the server OS first 21:31 * mcallan hates google groups 21:32 < conseo_temp> ok 21:32 <@mcallan> big ugly red message stuck there for 6 months 21:32 <@mcallan> *google* hates google groups 21:32 < conseo_temp> ok, good, because i don't want to have communication issues with you on this level, otherwise i would swallow google groups, if you stick to it 21:33 <@mcallan> no gg is going, we wuz only waiting for the right moment 21:36 <@mcallan> conseo_temp: can u really *discuss* on fb? 21:36 < conseo_temp> nope, i know that they do, but i refuse to join it 21:36 < conseo_temp> i am not on facebook and have never discussed anything there 21:37 < conseo_temp> maybe i could get some dummy accounts, but i don't think that this will work out as emancipation in the long term 21:37 < conseo_temp> i am still hoping that free software comes up with something more open and emancipated for social web services 21:37 < conseo_temp> it is one big mess atm. 21:38 <@mcallan> even if they do discuss, i doubt they are public. useless 21:38 <@mcallan> (i have account on fb, but never used it. first thing after signing up, it showed me a picture of my ex girlfriend. blew me away) 21:39 < conseo_temp> :-/ 21:40 < conseo_temp> well it represents a new level of digital networking, but it is not done right 21:40 <@mcallan> if there is no discussion, it's not a social medium 21:41 < conseo_temp> for me it looks like a protestant platform for online prostitution. you go there to sell yourself to potential friends and that is all for what it is good for, although it could be much more imo 21:41 <@mcallan> yes exactly, it is for exhibition 21:43 < conseo_temp> sad that we have a consent on this 21:43 < conseo_temp> it is really cheap 21:44 < conseo_temp> but then people are connected through this medium all day and seems to represent a big part of communication between young people nowadays 21:44 < conseo_temp> so i guess we have to think about it someway or another in the not so distant future 21:44 <@mcallan> could be worse, beats mass media 21:45 < conseo_temp> yep, exactly 21:46 < conseo_temp> my printer drives me nuts, it has some weird issue with the duplex unit 21:47 <@mcallan> i gave up on printers, use kinko's print services 21:50 < conseo_temp> this one is really good it is chaep robust and has served me well (the first printer with these attributes), but since last week i have issues 21:52 < conseo_temp> it was aged already and i bought it on ebay, but it was very good at its time and it still is for a black-white laser printer. if a printer shop would be near (100 meters), than i might use that as well, but there is nothing like that here 21:53 < conseo_temp> i mean a print service 22:05 < conseo_temp> xfbot: time 22:05 < xfbot> conseo_temp: The time is now Sat Jun 11 22:05:07 EDT 2011 22:08 < conseo_temp> mcallan: i go to bed 22:08 < conseo_temp> cu soon 22:10 <@mcallan> cu, n8 c --- Log closed Sun Jun 12 00:00:29 2011