--- Log opened Tue Dec 13 00:00:05 2011 00:03 < wtfmates> http://www.myoccupy.info/videos/view/501/joe-rogan-on-the-american-war-machine 00:25 < wtfmates> http://www.myoccupy.info/bookmarks/view/502/occupy-vancouver-activists-arrested-after-port-protest 00:28 < wtfmates> Occupy Oakland is dancing away the revolution at the Ports http://www.livestream.com/occupyvan 00:50 -!- Andrew_Mallis_ is now known as Andrew_Mallis --- Log closed Tue Dec 13 02:41:46 2011 --- Log opened Tue Dec 13 02:41:46 2011 10:03 -!- amgine is now known as Amgine 15:44 -!- V is now known as V|AFK 15:45 -!- V|AFK is now known as V 15:46 -!- V is now known as Article-1 15:49 -!- Article-1 is now known as V 16:02 -!- V is now known as Nemini 16:03 -!- Nemini is now known as ObamasBinLying 16:16 -!- ObamasBinLying is now known as WTF 17:05 -!- WTF is now known as V 17:58 < wtfmates> /amsg This is a HUGE breaking story guys http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/995-lawsuit-end-tyranny 21:28 < JohnEvans> Hey, white people! The fourteen words are: "We must preserve the existence of our race, and a future for white children" Why are you made to feel guilty for wanting your own people to survive? Why is the desire to exist called "Nazi" or "Fascist"? Remember and act on the fourteen words! The facts of race: http://heretical.com/miscellx/race.html 21:28 < JohnEvans> Hey, white people! The fourteen words are: "We must preserve the existence of our race, and a future for white children" Why are you made to feel guilty for wanting your own people to survive? Why is the desire to exist called "Nazi" or "Fascist"? Remember and act on the fourteen words! The facts of race: http://heretical.com/miscellx/race.html 21:28 < JohnEvans> Hey, white people! The fourteen words are: "We must preserve the existence of our race, and a future for white children" Why are you made to feel guilty for wanting your own people to survive? Why is the desire to exist called "Nazi" or "Fascist"? Remember and act on the fourteen words! The facts of race: http://heretical.com/miscellx/race.html 22:01 -!- V is now known as VZzzz 22:45 < wtfmates> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/376470_158901884210789_100002729359741_178014_1908775396_n.jpg --- Log closed Wed Dec 14 00:00:20 2011