--- Log opened Thu Sep 19 00:00:04 2013 01:06 < mcallan> conseo: please join https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/no7-in 01:06 < mcallan> it's not quite ready yet. i will make you vetter later 01:07 < mcallan> i will introduce mirror to metagov in this thread: http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2013-September/005875.html 01:15 < conseo> argh, google wants to know so much stuff. ok 01:16 < conseo> i have to use my real name (?) 01:18 < mcallan> no, anything you prefer. but helpful if it begins with c :-) 01:19 < conseo> ok 01:58 < mcallan> there is message for you to vet 05:20 < conseo> mcallan: they want to have my mobile number 05:23 < conseo> i have had some trouble with google on another account with youtube lately, can we use something different for the trunk intake? 05:24 < conseo> would the reddit like thing suffice? then i would try to get it working for this first. i guess it is a matter of taste, one can chose a different list/group/stream system, at wish, right? 05:25 < conseo> well, i don't want to cause you trouble, if this holds you up. i would try to make it work by sunday if it only needs basic functionality (with persistency) 19:17 < mcallan> re mobile number. just don't enter one (i don't) 19:20 < mcallan> re trunk. you are unable to use google? how come? i can man it myself till we figure out a solution 19:23 < mcallan> re reddit like thing. are you suggesting to use it for trunk intake (input), in addition to mirror front (output)? 19:25 < mcallan> (otherwise there is no hurry. mirror is functional already, if not ideal) 21:58 < conseo> mcallan: yes, the trunk intake is similar, right? 21:59 < conseo> originally i could avoid verifying the google profile, but now they demand the mobile number 21:59 < conseo> when have you registered it? 22:06 < mcallan> mobile number? i never supplied it, period. i have none to supply 22:08 < mcallan> not similar the two parts of mirror, different function entirely. but we can add a tributary intake to the trunk, if you are unable to use google groups. once tributary intake proves itself, then we could look at swapping it for the trunk, and gg becomes tributary 22:08 < mcallan> thing is, mirror is now being used by 6 or 7 people, so we have to keep it running 22:11 < mcallan> there is no rush, however. i/we can operate, till we figure out how to get you in 23:44 < conseo> mcallan: no i mean the google account, because the first one i head when i joined the votorola list also didn't need it 23:45 < conseo> well, i can give away my mobile number, but i really don't like the attitude 23:45 < conseo> the first one i created 23:48 < mcallan> want me to create an account for you? i created two recently, and it didn't need mobile 23:48 < conseo> ok, weird 23:48 < mcallan> ok, moment 23:49 < mcallan> hmmm, what name? 23:55 < conseo> nope, even if i give it another mail address to verify, i cannot skip 23:56 < conseo> i'll try with non-anonymous ip 23:58 < conseo> ha, that works. screwing google, they block tor traffic --- Log closed Fri Sep 20 00:00:03 2013