--- Log opened Tue Jun 14 02:41:38 2011 --- Log closed Tue Jun 14 06:17:53 2011 --- Log opened Tue Jun 14 06:30:04 2011 07:10 < unfiunfi> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 07:11 < unfiunfi> whats this all about then 07:11 < unfiunfi> or have i missed some kind of boat? 08:40 < philpot> Keynote: "Mexico City: Digital City, Progressive City, City of the Future" 08:42 < philpot> Speaker: "Irak López Dávila, General Coordinator for Government Modernization in Mexico City" 08:57 < philpot> This keynote seeks to highlight the changing face of Mexico City. As Mexico develops, MC uses IT both to streamline and improve processes but also to assist with transparency and fighting corruption. 08:59 < philpot> Mexico will have standardized electronic signatures. Would the US ever do this? 09:01 < philpot> A web system for allowing evaluation and feedback of public servants/services. 09:04 < philpot> More people visit the Mexico City portal than visit the Mexican Federal Government portal or the home pages of the main Mexican newspapers. 09:10 < philpot> Mexico city has 1000 free WI FI points in the city, 1.5 million users. 09:19 < philpot> Lopez Davila: The two biggest challenges were to (1) develop infrastructure (2) close social gaps. Can they do both at the same time? 09:22 < philpot> Mexico would like to have a single ID card for all services, but currently solution is a set of many (smart) cards. In the US, we disavow a single ID, but practically speaking the state-issued Driver's License is the chief ID. Sigh. 09:23 < philpot> It appears (Lopez Davila seems to confirm) that the city of Mexico City is far ahead of the federal government in e-government, smart city, etc. 10:33 < philpot> In paper The “Dark Side” of Information Technology: A Survey of IT-related Complaints from Citizens Sunil Choenni, Erik Leertouwer and Tony Busker. 10:40 < philpot> Paper focuses on discovering/classifying complaints starting from fraud complaints made to the Dutch justice ministry. 10:42 < philpot> 8000 deceased persons and 2800 acquitted persons were still subject to active complaints to the authorities! 10:47 < philpot> End of Choenni et al 11:25 < tbonnema> good morning. anyone in the crowdsourcing session? ;-) 12:39 < tbonnema> morning Stephen. 12:40 < tbonnema> a bit quiet this morning. ;-) 12:41 < stephenbuckley> Thanks to @rgoodspeed for being the only person with a twitter-link to #dgo2011. (Sheesh!) 12:41 < tbonnema> there was some activity on Twitter today 12:41 < tbonnema> http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%22d.go+2011%22+OR+%23dgo2011&result_type=recent 12:42 < tbonnema> looks like interesting sessions, too (e-consultations in Korea, crowdsourcing in gov't) 12:42 < stephenbuckley> Yeah, but they are just tweeting to each other. No links for anyone to figure out what the event is. 12:42 < tbonnema> oh, that. 12:42 < tbonnema> happens. ;-) 12:45 < stephenbuckley> The two camps are "Do-ers" and "Thinkers" .. and each camp only wants to hang out with like-minded people. Example of Do-ers: "Don't think, just do." Example of Thinkers: "Don't do, until we think some more about it." 12:49 < stephenbuckley> The camp are too incestuous ... there needs to be some inter-breeding. Right now, it's like high-school cliques that self-segregate. 12:49 < tbonnema> are you referring to dg.o 2011 vs. the opengovdc event? 12:49 < tbonnema> or in general? 13:02 < tbonnema> good morning. 13:03 < Justin_> Hey everybody! How goes day two of #dgo2011? 13:03 -!- Justin_ is now known as justgrimes 13:08 < stephenbuckley> I have to go, but I just tweeted this (I'm @transpartisan). --> @rgoodspeed @justgrimes #dgo2011 -> mostly Thinkers; #opengovdc -> mostly Doers. Ironic that they both advocate #Collaboration, eh? #opengov 13:09 < tbonnema> need both. ;-) 13:09 < tbonnema> yin, meet yang. 15:33 < philpot> Harrison et al, "Open Government and E-Government: Democratic Challenges from a Public Value Perspective" research paper in progress (session 11) 15:33 < philpot> Transparency -- Participation -- Collaboration are the cornerstones of open govt. 15:34 < philpot> Question: How to assess new efforts in this area? 15:38 < philpot> Two interleaved thrusts: technology/e-government and e-governance. 15:41 < philpot> The early technology thrust was thought to provide greater openness, less restriction to information, hence practical democracy. 15:42 < philpot> The administrative/e-governance aspect actually reinforced old-fashioned bureaucratic government management styles. 15:48 < philpot> Is transparency an end or a means to an end? 15:56 < justgrimes> Are these questions for us? or discussions happening in a session 16:03 < philpot> End of Harrison et al 16:04 < philpot> Respond to questions posed by the research as you will. I'm just injecting the salient points I hear in the session. 16:05 < philpot> paper being presented "Open Government Implementation Model: A Stage Model for Achieving Increased Public Engagement Gwanhoo Lee and Young Hoon Kwak." 20:45 -!- tbonnema_ is now known as tbonnema --- Log closed Wed Jun 15 00:00:16 2011