--- Log opened Tue Jun 07 00:00:57 2011 07:31 < tbonnema> OP #edem 07:40 < tbonnema> sorry, still learning IRC commands. ;-) --- Log opened Tue Jun 07 16:30:06 2011 16:30 < tbonnema_> hi there. ;-) 16:31 < mcallan> tbonnema_: hi tim 16:31 < tbonnema_> sorry, was outside, didn't see you join the room. 16:31 < tbonnema_> are you using the web interface? 16:31 < mcallan> no, irssi 16:32 < tbonnema_> ah, ok. 16:32 < mcallan> it usually runs all the time, but for some reason went offline. i just reconnected 16:32 < tbonnema_> here's the log from last week's chat session: http://zelea.com/var/cache/irc/edem/11-06/01 16:33 < tbonnema_> to give you an idea. 16:33 < mcallan> ah, that's my own log! 16:33 < tbonnema_> doh. 16:33 < mcallan> lol 16:33 < tbonnema_> I took you for somebody else. ;-) 16:33 < tbonnema_> never mind. 16:39 < mcallan> tbonnema_: i quoted you here http://metagovernment.org/pipermail/start_metagovernment.org/2011-June/004060.html 16:39 < tbonnema_> ah, thanks. ;-) 16:40 < tbonnema_> a pretty fun niche, though. ;-) 16:40 < mcallan> you have more fun because you get to explore the ecosystem more 16:52 < tbonnema_> ;-) 16:55 < mcallan> not that it's your fault. i'm only agreeing with you ;-) 17:06 < tbonnema_> hi Phil 17:06 < tbonnema_> I mean... 17:07 < tbonnema_> hi Andrew 17:07 < tbonnema_> ;-) 17:17 < philpot> happens all the time ;-) 17:24 < tbonnema_> hehe 17:26 < philpot> Here's the page I put up on the conference web site, which includes some IRC pointers: http://dgo2011.dgsna.org/social-media 17:29 < tbonnema_> excellent! 17:34 < tbonnema_> I take it you'll give this a try then? ;-) 17:34 < tbonnema_> in which case... thank you very much. --- Log closed Wed Jun 08 00:00:10 2011