14 Feb 2010 Michael Allan * incorporated patch for 64-bit architecture * set 1.07_z2 in configure.in 27 Jan 2007 Michael Allan * allowed user to specify full, formal name in action '-b', to support control of extended states (like _OB_WM_STATE_UNDECORATED) * allowed user to specify desktop = 0xFFFFFFFF in action '-t' (made 'desktop' unsigned long) to support window display on all desktops * other related mods, for details grep 'MCA' * set 1.07_z1 in configure.in 03 Jan 2005 Tomas Styblo * 1.07 released 03 Jan 2005 Christopher Chan-Nui * fixed a formatting bug that made the window list unintelligible for desktop_ids == -1 or desktop_ids > 9 03 Jan 2005 Tomas Styblo * 1.06 released 03 Jan 2005 Christian V. J. Brüssow * added support for WM_CLASS 03 Jan 2005 Jack Erwin * added the ability to address the currently active window (:ACTIVE:) 03 Jan 2005 Mads Martin Joergensen * added support for 64-bit environments 03 Jan 2005 Shyamal Prasad * provided a wmctrl(1) manpage 05 Jan 2004 Tomas Styblo * Fixed some typos in --help * 1.05 released 05 Jan 2004 Russ Nelson * New option (-G) - Include geometry in the window list. 05 Jan 2004 Jonathan Hudson * Fix for a segafult in UTF-8 mode. (action_window_str()) 03 Oct 2003 Tomas Styblo * 1.04 released 03 Oct 2003 Tomas Styblo * added ability to change name and icon name of the window * added ability to select the desired window by clicking on it (ala xprop or xwininfo) * the -r option was changed to -R * a few small bugfixes and code cleanups 20 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * 1.03 released 20 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * fallback to xlib functions when the WM doesn't support _NET_MOVERESIZE_WINDOW => better compatibility * changes in the "activate window" function for better compat. 20 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * 1.02 released 19 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * added ability to activate/deactivate the _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP mode * added ability to change viewport * added ability to change number of desktops * added ability to change desktop geometry * added ability to resize windows and move them around the desktop * added ability to change _NET_WM_STATE of a window - it's possible to make windows maximized, minimized, fullscreen, always-above etc.. * added the -F option to make the window title matching more strict 17 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * a bug in the "Move a window to the current desktop" feature was fixed * the "--version" command line argument is recognized * state of the _NET_SHOWING_DESKTOP mode was added to the output of "-m" * desktop list - support for _NET_DESKTOP_GEOMETRY * desktop list - support for _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT * desktop list - support for _NET_WORKAREA * a few small bugfixes 16 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * 1.01 released 16 Sep 2003 Sergey Pinaev * i18n fixes * fixed warnings with g_ascii_strup and nonexistent env's * fixed desktop IDs of omnipresent windows (-1) in the window list * workaround for non-ascii desktop titles with Window Maker 15 Sep 2003 Tomas Styblo * Initial release.