package wayic.Web.imager; import Breccia.parser.*; import Breccia.Web.imager.*; import Breccia.XML.translator.BrecciaXCursor; import Java.CharacterPointer; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import wayic.Waybrec.parser.WaybrecCursor; import static Breccia.Web.imager.ImageNodes.ownerFractum; import static java.nio.file.Files.exists; import static java.nio.file.Files.isDirectory; import static Java.Nodes.hasName; public final class WaybreccianFileTranslator extends BreccianFileTranslator { /** @see #sourceCursor() * @see #sourceXCursor * @param extracastTranslator The translator to use for extracast source files. * All other (namely intracast) source files will use the present translator. * Both translators may share the same {@linkplain #sourceXCursor `sourceXCursor`}. */ public WaybreccianFileTranslator( WaybrecCursor sourceCursor, BrecciaXCursor sourceXCursor, ImageMould mould, FileTranslator extracastTranslator, ImagingOptions opt ) { super( sourceCursor, sourceXCursor, mould ); this.extracastTranslator = extracastTranslator; this.opt = opt; } // ━━━ F i l e T r a n s l a t o r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ public @Override void finish( Path sourceFile, final Path imageFile ) throws ErrorAtFile { if( isIntracast( sourceFile )) super.finish( sourceFile, imageFile ); else extracastTranslator.finish( sourceFile, imageFile ); } public @Override Granum formalReferenceAt( final WaybrecCursor sourceCursor ) throws ParseError { Granum ref = super.formalReferenceAt( sourceCursor ); if( ref == null ) { /* TODO, any Waybreccian part */; } return ref; } public @Override void translate( final Path sourceFile, final Path imageDirectory ) throws ParseError, ErrorAtFile { if( isIntracast( sourceFile )) super.translate( sourceFile, imageDirectory ); else extracastTranslator.translate( sourceFile, imageDirectory ); } //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final FileTranslator extracastTranslator; /** Whether the given file is contained in a waycast. */ private static boolean isIntracast( final Path f ) { return ownerWaycast(f.getParent()) != null; } private final ImagingOptions opt; /** Returns the directory of the apparent waycast wherein `p` is contained (which may be `p` itself), * or null if `p` lies outside of a waycast. */ private static Path ownerWaycast( Path p ) { while( p.getNameCount() > 0 ) { if( waycastDirectoryName.equals( p.getFileName().toString() )) { final Path s = p.resolve( signatureWayFileName ); if( exists(s) && !isDirectory(s) ) return p; } p = p.getParent(); } return null; } private static final String signatureWayFileName = "README.brec"; private static final String waycastDirectoryName = "way"; // ━━━ B r e c c i a H T M L T r a n s f o r m e r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ protected @Override String hRefLocal( final Path f, final Element eRef, final String sRef, final boolean isAlteredRef, final URI uRef, final Path pRef, final Path pRefAbsolute ) { if( !isAlteredRef ) { // For what follows serves as a lint check on the original source only. final String message; { if( pRef.getRoot() != null) { // Not a relative-path reference. [RR] message = "Absolute-path reference in waycast"; } else if( !pRefAbsolute.normalize().startsWith( ownerWaycast(f).normalize() )) { message = "Referent lies outside of the waycast"; } else message = null; } if( message != null && !isPrivatized( ownerFractum( eRef ))) { /* Abiding here (as in `hRefRemote`) by an equivalent of a constraint on way models.,malformed,following */ final CharacterPointer p = characterPointer( eRef ); mould.warn( f, p, message + "; consider marking this reference as private:\n" + mould.markedLine( sRef, p, isAlteredRef )); }} /* Yet proceed with hyperlinking, for the purpose here is satified by flagging the fault in the waysource. */ return super.hRefLocal( f, eRef, sRef, isAlteredRef, uRef, pRef, pRefAbsolute ); } protected @Override String hRefRemote( final Path f, final Element eRef, final String sRef, final boolean isAlteredRef, final URI uRef ) { if( !isAlteredRef ) { // For what follows serves as a lint check on the original source only. if( uRef.getScheme() == null && !isPrivatized( ownerFractum( eRef ))) { /* Abiding here (as in `hRefLocal`) by an equivalent of a constraint on way models.,malformed,following */ final CharacterPointer p = characterPointer( eRef ); mould.warn( f, p, // ↓ [RR] "Network-path reference in waycast; consider marking this reference as private:\n" + mould.markedLine( sRef, p, isAlteredRef )); }} /* Yet proceed with hyperlinking, for the purpose here is satified by flagging the fault in the waysource. */ return super.hRefRemote( f, eRef, sRef, isAlteredRef, uRef ); } protected @Override void translate( final Path sourceFile, final Document d ) { super.translate( sourceFile, d ); final Node head = d.getFirstChild()/*html*/.getFirstChild(); assert hasName( "head", head ); Element e; head.appendChild( e = d.createElement( "link" )); e.setAttribute( "rel", "stylesheet" ); e.setAttribute( "href", opt.coServiceDirectory() + "wayic/Web/imager/image.css" ); }} // NOTE // ──── // RR · Relative reference. // Copyright © 2020-2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.