System of way formation a worthy goal+ ? What goals are worthy of pursuit? What goals have others chosen? + Look and see. + Choose one. able associates+ ? Which groups are best at pursuing the goal? Which groups have others chosen? + Look and see. + Choose one. a workable plan+ ? How do they plan to reach the goal? What steps are involved? + Look and see. my place, my part+ ? Where might I fit in? How might I help? + Look and see. + Ask them. + Build what it takes to make this happen. - Otherwise we’re all going down. \ 🅮 This file has been dedicated by its author(s) to the public domain. To the extent possible \ under law, the author(s) waive all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this file \ under the terms of a CC0 1.0 waiver. See `LICENCE.txt` in the base directory of this waycast.