Duty and desire apropos of worth - Let moral certainty (M) be defined as follows. M. A belief that one knows what norms morally bind one. - M requires a prior consensus regarding the cosmic fit. C. Consensus on what the cosmic fit implies for normative ethics. - C requires a quorum in advance of it. H. Humanity extant through to C. - Each of us has reasons to take M as an end, and with it C and H. - Formal warrant for these ends is given in the next section, material in a later section. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Formal warrant ──────────────── M - Knowing that C is unattained at present, I am in a state of moral uncertainty. - I have reason to suspect that one or more norms are morally binding on me, of which I am ignorant. - Therefore I am duty-bound to make a best effort at learning what these norms are, if any. - I must take M as my end. C + Warrant. : see `^^postulate: M requires C` @ cosmic_fit.brec H + Warrant. + Address the objection that our existence is a mere premise of C. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ On the two warrants ───────────────────── : re `two warrants` see `^^ Formal warrant$` : re `two warrants` see `^^ Material warrant$` default reasons + Explain how both warrants are based on default reasons. : see notebook:2021-10-9b ! The term ‘default reason’ conflicts with a prior term of art. - Already it is taken to mean a reason that is ‘only defeasible’, viz. ‘a consideration which is a reason unless something prevents it from being so.’ : re `only defeasible` see http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2445/paper_6.pdf : general logic : re `a consideration.+being so` see https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.torontopubliclibrary.ca/stable/27504295?seq=2#metadata_info_tab_contents : ethics + Here name the prior concept a ‘presumptive reason’, a term that also is used. / So a particular type of default reason. : re `presumptive reason.+also.+used` see https://www-jstor-org.ezproxy.torontopubliclibrary.ca/stable/27504295?seq=2#metadata_info_tab_contents : ethics + Likewise coin a precise term for the present concept. formal vs. material + Explain how one warrant concerns a form, the other a matter. : see notebook:2021-10-9b,c ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Material warrant ────────────────── + Find a material warrant that aligns with the formal warrant. - The heart of this is how the cosmic refuge aligns with our everyday cares and speaks to our need of meaningful basis for them, e.g. a larger purpose. : see notebook:2021-10-7a,b ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Following through ─────────────────── + Warrant *following through*: why not simply end the ethic here? / Materially to follow through would begin with willing R′ and end with the fact of R′; formally it would begin with formulating R and end with formulating moral precepts. R. Rational action toward H, C and M. + Formulate a postulate to further the ethic. + Ground it primarily on similarities of form and function between a) a normative ethic, and b) the cosmic refuge. : see notebook:2021-10-9a - Both are formal and structural in cradling a thing of value. : re `formal` see `formal vs.+material$` : private : pending less dependency on my private notes \ 🅮 This file has been dedicated by its author(s) to the public domain. To the extent possible \ under law, the author(s) waive all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this file \ under the terms of a CC0 1.0 waiver. See `LICENCE.txt` in the base directory of this waycast.