proto-wayic/origins/project.task < pushd ~/work/_/proto-wayic/origins/ ( ( - this project was born of proto-wayic.intercast - why a separate project? - clarity - to avoid the confusion that would otherwise result from jarring differences in terminology and subject matter = redact - here sorting out the confusion - in the depth effects of genetic bitlinkage in nested waybits - in related things ' Genotyping, cloning and variation. ( notebook 2018-11-15 f-k = footnote to both flows - at least in their functional contexts ( § kinbit link § function - effectively stemmatic and recombinant bitlinks route the same flows as kinbit links, owing to the fact that stemmabits and recombits are also kinbits ( § waybit roles § typologies = make 'clone' waybit specific - referring to waybit genotype = likewise define 'variant waybit' - noting: not using 'mutant'; unlike 'clone', it implies an asymmetric relation only - (often simply 'variant') - indexing by component words = subterm 'first varying' ' (adjective) (of a progenant) having no prior variant in its line of descent from the progenitor, merely a series of clones at most = add 'deep' subterms - waybit specific - to 'clone' - in which the waybit and its waybit descendants, if any, are all clones - to 'variant waybit' - in which any of the waybit and its waybit descendants is a variant = use in these a qualifier on 'descendants' - making clear the intended sense of element nesting = constrain the reference form used in locus ( notebook 2018-11-15 k - used e.g. in its defaulting mechanism = correct non-ASCII apostrophes in all *.task = use name masking to 'ship' qualifying text into group - instead of leader - then testing the resulting presentation of leader and correctly dealing with it in code or documentation - else document that name masking is inapplicable to *group* element ' Demoting *uniquely personal* marks to an advisory role. ( proto-wayic.cast § uniquely personal content = remove such marks where no longer needed = retitle and amend the § accordingly - simplifying by noting (thereabouts) that precisely what parts get copied and how is yet undetermined - pending practical experience = remove or amend references to 'uniquely personal' - some may need to refer to genotype or genotypic content instead - reformed stemmaplasts = document inclusion mechanism ( notebook 2018-11-15 b - preferably procedural as that is most basic, most flexible = replace the stemmaplasts < § maternal attribution < § *stemmaplast* element - replacing them with uniform attribution ( notebook 2018-11-15 a c - now documented in proto-wayic.intercast - attribution * *source* attribute - this alone is stemmaplastic - so determines default source of change flow - also sets default locus = ensure this is documented at proper level - maybe at level of genetic bitlink * *patch* attribute - function narrowed - replacement of referent waybit with another - setting a default for its *source* attribute = define 'patch'in term document - with noun and verb definitions - excluding the daughter referential form ( as noted = expand definitions of 'stemmaplast' and 'stemmaplasty' - removing them to § genetic bitlink § formation and/or the subtype §§ - expand to cover all formation of genetic bitlinks - not only 'express' ones - including effect of importation - so giving importation this function of forming a kinbit link - adding to the function § of the former - probably here removing the now redundant (?) § transport bit trail - removing the former from the typology § of the latter to its formation § instead = remove 'stemmaplast' and 'stemmaplasty' generally / - 'commitment stemmaplasty' reverting to 'commitment patching' = explicitly document the inherent parts of referential transport - namely referential import and export - by inclusion in §§ and/or crosslinking among §§ - so I can confidently refer to any part (as with referential import, or importation) without worrying that the whole I rarely refer to is somehow being neglected, e.g. implying it is useless - rather, this way, the utility of the whole concept (in its place) will be clearer = document the depth effects - existing notes are here ( notebook 2018-10-6, 2018-11-15 e = transcribe importation notes from notebook to docs ( notebook 2018-9-18 = except scope the import to a way declaration document _____ = give joint function of forming way population - as gives to its links = factor out proto-wayic.script § referential joint - jointer and joint are separate things - as are reference and link - the former being a cause of the latter - there are two forms of jointer, one form of joint - reconciling way population § = generally doc form/function of network and link - as does - should any laggards remain _____ - poll scoping = review - if it is to be file scoped - to which I now lean = document which file types need CUSTOM marks - and why - e.g. I think README files no longer need them = remove any CUSTOM marks from file types that no longer need them ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Locus` < appendix to the `./doc.task` § - locus-based identification: might the locus serve as an intracast waybit identifier? + for hyperlink targeting | no - it need not map to a unique place in the Web view of the waycast - how might two places in the Web view come to have the same locus? *i1 two intercast joints j,k each introducing an indirectly subjoint recombit jM,kM, where jM and kM are different variants at the same locus (recombits) - then the way model has both - then the locus no longer uniquely identifies a place in the Web view *i2 bitform referential jointing - each bitform joint gives to its subjoining waybit a new effective place additional to its original place as referent *i3 inline presentation of subjoint waybits - so two joints might present the same subjoint waybit inline - hence at two locations - not presently the case with = doc these cases - and consequence(s) of each + in a jointing reference - i2 does not apply here - jointing to a jointer is disallowed ( proto-wayic.script § subjoining waybit § contraints | no *i1 q.v. - as then, moreover, locus does not uniquely identify either recombit - to which one might refer + generally | hardly - locus is hard to obtain - the natural practice is to copy identifiers from hyperlinkage sources - whether directly from hyperlink triggers - or indirectly from browser address bars - in turn because hyperlink referencing is the default for the Web - hence the default for Wayscript - but locus is inadequate for hyperlinking ( § hyperlink targeting Copyright © 2018-2019 Michael Allan and contributors. Licence MIT.