proto-wayic/origins/doc.task - Documentation in rough - analagous terms of evolutionary biology and wayics Wayics Biology ──────────────── ─────────────────── Sphere: human culture organic nature ················ ··················· waykind taxon way population population way individual waycast nucleoid, nucleolus genotype genotype ↑ increasing spatial scale genetic bit tree gene tree bit stemma gene clade waybit gene recombit allele locus locus ················ ··················· Mechanism: waycaster choice natural selection Language: Wayscript genetic code < cf. recombinant text ( ( ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Bit stemma` ( ./bit_stemma + typology ( genetic bit tree * bit stemma * recombit tree + form - tree of waybits (stemmabits) interlinked by stemmatic bitlinks + analogy ( see also: top § analagous terms; surtype § analogy - a bit stemma is the wayical analogue of a biological gene clade * fully extant membership < unlike a gene clade - every progentitor is inscribed in a contemporary waycast where it exists still - removal of the inscription would extinguish the progentitor as such - and there terminate (break or truncate) the line of origin - in practice therefore the membership is fully extant ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Change flow` ( ./change_flow - which text changes or parts of changes are included in the flow is yet undetermined - pending practical experience - in any case, implementations will have to afford precise control for the waycaster on the receiving end - automated flow 'around' uniquely personal lines of text, even if desirable, will not suffice ( proto-wayic.cast § Uniquely personal content - the problem of maintaining a desired text difference in the face of incoming change flow is larger and demands a more general solution - cf. in evolutionary biology the potentially maladaptive effects (at a larger scale) of gene flow into a population + formation * kinbit trees - the routing of change flow is a function of kinbit trees - leafward routing - each link of a kinbit tree declares the mother waybit a default source for change flow incoming to the daughter - thence in turn to the daughter's daughters, if any, and so on - spreading leafward through the branches to all progeny - rootward routing - the vote of approval inherent in each link of a kinbit tree makes the daughter waybit a prudent source for change flow incoming to the mother - thence in turn to the mother's mother, if any, and so on - streaming rootward to all progenitors - general effect - changes of genotypic content propagate among genetically related waybits except where modified or stopped by other factors - mutatis mutandis, waybit copies and sources tend to maintain a rough synchrony ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Genetic bitlink` ( ./genetic_bitlink + typology * genetic bitlink * kinbit link * stemmatic bitlink * recombinant bitlink + form - mother → daughter + formation ( see also: § Genetic bitlinkage; subtype §§ formation * stemmaplasts + function ( see also subtype §§ function - forms a genetic bit tree - forms an intercast link ( [IR] ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Genetic bitlinkage` - see also § Genetic bitlink § formation + typology - merely terminological < genetic bitlinkage < kinbit linkage < stemmatic bitlinkage ( 'stemmaplasty' would be too broad in scope < recombinant bitlinkage - stemmatic bitlinkage cannot be a subtype of kinbit linkage - to be sure, making a stemmatic bitlink usually involves making at least one kinbit link - but not always - a stemmatic bitlink can be made purely by editing a clone into a variant - therefore stemmatic bitlinkage is not necessarily a matter of kinbit linkage and cannot be typed as such ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Genetic bit tree` ( ./genetic_bit_tree + typology * genetic bit tree * kinbit tree * bit stemma * recombit tree + form - tree of waybits interlinked by genetic bitlinks + function ( see also subtype §§ function - aids the improvement of ways - aids the evolution of waykinds + analogy ( see also top § analagous terms - a genetic bit tree is the wayical analogue of a biological gene tree * nominal lines of descent, at times genetic only in name < unlike a gene tree - the formal genetic parentage of a waybit (especially a variant) is likely to be under control of its author - the original waycaster - who as wayscribe may reassign it - diverting it from its proper genetic function to practical purposes in accord with personal preference ( § function - so a genetic bit tree's lines of descent need not be actual lines of ontic origin - so, by the same token, they are often genetic only in name - to be sure, change flow regardless will tend to maintain a family resemblance ( § Kinbit tree § function * cyclic lines of descent < unlike a gene tree - formally possible - the effect of a cycle will vary according to the function affected by it ( yet to be determined * non-static genotypes < unlike a gene tree - the genotype of every progentitor is mutable by its author - the original waycaster - who as wayscribe may edit it for that purpose - so it differs from the biological analogue (ancestral gene genotype), which is immutable ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Genotype` ( ./genotype - the ordered whole of the waybit genotypes that encode the expression of a way or way part + waybit genotype - the ordered whole of a waybit's genotypic content subject to the following exclusions and normalizations - exclusions - these are not part of a waybit's genotype * locus attribute - any locus attribute on the waybit * content of descendant waybits - each descendant waybit is represented by an empty placeholder element - its own descendant waybits and other content thereby being excluded from the genotype = define the placeholder element - a special Wayscript element, empty except for a locus attribute - normalizations = define these - the wayical analogue of a gene genotype ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Genotypic content` ( ./genotypic_content - exclusions - these are not genotypic content * external referents - referents of hyperlinks, referential jointers and other references lying outside the waysource in question * expressly non-genotypic content - elements and attributes that are documented as non-genotypic content ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Kinbit link` ( ./kinbit_link + typology ( genetic bitlink * kinbit link + formation ( additional to surtype formation * import references + function ( additional to surtype function - forms a kinbit tree - forms a vote of approval for the mother kinbit and its progenitors - effective iff the daughter is on way - regardless the link will still serve the kinbit tree in routing the flow of votes from any on-way progeny of the daughter ( Kinbit tree § function - casts the vote - effective on waycast publication - vote caster ≡ waycaster ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Kinbit tree` ( ./kinbit_tree + typology ( genetic bit tree * kinbit tree + form - tree of waybits (kinbits) interlinked by kinbit links + function ( additional to surtype function - routes vote flow - routes change flow ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Locus` ( ./locus - determination: the locus of a waybit is the first applicable of the following 1 the value as set by a locus attribute 2 the value as set by a stemmaplast 3 the public identifier of the waybit + function - binds waybits to form recombinant bitlinks - binds recombit trees to form a recombit forest ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Locus attribute` ( ./locus < way:locus, namespace data:,wayscript + placement - waybit + form ( [EBN], exclusive of equivalent variants allowed by XHTML locus attribute = 'way:locus="', ( value literal | value name ), '"' ; value literal = character literal, { character literal } ; character literal = ? a character other than the quote character of the declaration ?; leading character literal = ? a character literal other than '_' ?; value name = '_' ; + function < with a value literal - sets the locus of the waybit to the value literal < with a value name of '_' - sets the locus of the waybit to the public identifier of the waybit ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Maternal attribute` < way:mother, namespace data:,wayscript + typology ( stemmaplast * maternal attribute - apropos the maternal attribute as declared directly on a waybit ( cf. the maternal attribute of the *stemmaplast* element + placement - waybit + form ( [EBN], exclusive of equivalent variants allowed by XHTML maternal attribute = 'way:mother="', formally intracast reference with fragment, '"' ; ( formally intracast reference with fragment, + resolution - the fragment is resolved as an extended element reference ( + function - non-genotypic content - forms a kinbit link between the referent waybit (mother) and declaring waybit (daughter) ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Recombinant bitlink` ( ./recombinant_bitlink + typology ( stemmatic bitlink * recombinant bitlink + function ( additional to surtype function - forms a recombit tree ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Recombit forest` ( ./recombit_forest < surtype: intercast network + form - co-local group of recombit trees + formation - loci - recombit trees + function - guides wayscribes' searches for recombits - giving them a structure that is relatively efficient for this purpose - faster to search, easier to orient by ( cf. Votorola poll, - aids the improvement of ways - aids the evolution of waykinds ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Recombit tree` ( ./recombit_tree + typology ( bit stemma * recombit tree + form - tree of waybits (recombits) interlinked by recombinant bitlinks + function ( additional to surtype function - forms a recombit forest ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Stemmaplast` ( misnomer, correction pending + typology * stemmaplast * maternal attribute * *stemmaplast* element + function - forms genetic bitlinks ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── *stemmaplast* element` < way:stemmaplast, namespace data:,wayscript + typology ( stemmaplast * *stemmaplast* element + placement - on-way document + form ( [EBN], exclusive of equivalent variants allowed by XHTML start tag = '', waybit, '' ; waybit = ? as per § Waybit ?; * referential form referential form stemmaplast element = start tag, ' ', maternal attribute, 'way:daughter="', formally intracast reference with fragment, '"/>' ; ( formally intracast reference with fragment, ( import reference with fragment, + function - non-genotypic content - effective iff the referent of the maternal attribute (mother waybit) is on way < direct form - the direct form *stemmaplast* element is invalid if the contained waybit has a maternal attribute ( § Maternal attribute - forms a kinbit link between the mother waybit and the contained waybit (daughter) < referential form - the referential form *stemmaplast* element is invalid if the referent of the daughter attribute has a maternal attribute ( § Maternal attribute ( impossible if the attribute is formed as an import reference ( importation removes maternal attributes as being non-genotypic content - forms a kinbit link between the mother waybit and the referent of the daughter attribute (daughter waybit) - if the daughter waybit has no locus attribute - sets the daughter waybit's locus equal to the mother waybit's - swaps the daughter waybit into the way model in place of the mother waybit ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Stemmatic bitlink` ( ./stemmatic_bitlink + typology ( genetic bitlink * stemmatic bitlink * recombinant bitlink + function ( additional to surtype function - forms a bit stemma ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Vote flow` ( ./vote_flow - Votorola style, transitive vote flow (delegate cascade) in a recombinant text ( - not yet documented - evaluation, e.g validity or weight a vote, merger of duplicates - interpretation, e.g. vote counting + formation * kinbit links - the formation and casting of votes is a function of kinbit links - each public, on-way kinbit link forms and casts a vote whereby the caster (vote caster ≡ waycaster) formally approves (votes for) the content of the mother kinbit and (by vote flow) each of its progenitors - therefore to publicly use a waybit is to vote for it and its sources - approval inheres in use ( cf. "voting with one's feet" * kinbit trees - the routing of vote flow is a function of kinbit trees - propagating rootward from kinbit to kinbit - the votes flow together and gather in volume (cascade) like raindrops down the branches of the trees ( ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Waybit roles` - formal roles of a waybit in genetic relations + terminology * comparative genealogical terms - for sake of brevity and clarity - distinct terms are favoured between waybit genetics on one hand - and elemental nesting of Wayscript on the other ( § Nesting of elements § genealogical Waybit genetics Elemental nesting ─────────────── ───────────────── progenitor ancestor grandmother grandparent mother parent daughter child granddaughter grandchild progenant descendant ············· ··············· Unit: waybit waybit, element Timing: diachronic synchronic + typologies * waybit * kinbit * stemmabit * recombit * waybit * progenitor * mother * grandmother * progenant * daughter * granddaughter ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Way population` ( ./way_population < surtype: intercast network + form - a group of ways interrelated through their waycasts by referential jointing + function - aids the evolution of waykinds + analogy ( see top - a way population is the wayical analogue of a biological population - the analogy is not here pinned down except to say - on the bases of nominal genetic ties of past formation = cite the genetic aspect of the way population's link type - namely of the intercast referential joint, e.g. via import cloning ( ( - and a more or less interactive community of present waycasters - each bound to the network by a waycaster-waycast bond ( § Waycaster network, - the ways of the network share a common course of future evolution //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // N o t e s / [EBN] Extended Backus-Naur syntax notation, ISO/IEC 14977. ( ( ( summary, [IR] · Applies only for those instances which are formed using an import reference. ( Copyright © 2018 Michael Allan and contributors. Licence MIT.