proto-wayic/_/manual.task - Instructions (personalized) ( - instructions (to me) on maintaining these proto-wayic projects creation` - making a project from scratch => mkdir ~/code/proto-wayic/NAME ( NAME is the simple name of the project => pushd ~/code/proto-wayic/NAME/ + [~/code] ( § Repository § [~/code] => git init && chmod go-wxr .git < configuration (.git/config) => git config core.excludesFile ~/code/proto-wayic/_/git-core.excludesFile < remote repositories (.git/config) => git remote --verbose < expect none => git remote add public blocked => (p=`basename $PWD`; git remote set-url --push public ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.$p.git) => git remote --verbose < initial content ( eagerly, else 'git branch' commands below will fail, "Not a valid object name: 'master'" => cp --no-clobber --no-dereference ../_/project_template/2_master/* . => shopt -s extglob # Set `extglob` option => e !(*.md) ( all but link - filling in the variables where capitalized ( each of NAME and YEAR are in several files => shopt -u extglob # Unset =§ committing ' Project boilerplate. [Initial content.] + [~/project] ( § Repository § [~/project] => git clone . ~/project/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/ => pushd ~/project/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/ => chmod go-wxr .git < configuration (.git/config) => git config core.excludesFile ~/code/proto-wayic/_/git-core.excludesFile => ln --force --symbolic ~/code/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/.git/info/exclude .git/info/ < branch => git branch master => git checkout < initial content => ln --symbolic ~/code/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/project.task ( not often wanted but saves time when it is, and meantime sits harmless > e README.html ~/code/proto-wayic/_/project_template/ ( manually merging as follows = append from the template = fill in project NAME variable =§Repository§ committing ' Personalized boilerplate. => git push ~/code/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD` --force-with-lease ( '+' to further restrict what it pushes, or somehow it fails with 'stale info' ( git-push(1) § --force ( => popd - clones + [public] ( § Repository § [public] => git clone --bare . ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.`basename $PWD`.git => pushd ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.`basename $PWD`.git/ < remote repositories (.git/config) => git remote --verbose => git remote set-url --push origin blocked ( => git remote add github blocked => (d=`realpath .`; p=`basename $d`; git remote set-url --push github$p) => git remote --verbose < showing the changes => popd + [github] ( § Repository § [github] < = [New] = fill in - Repository name: proto-wayic.NAME / - Description: *empty* / - Public: checked / - Initialize this repository with a README: unchecked / - Add .gitignore: None / - Add a license: None // leaving these at their default values, as shown = [Create] =§Repository§ publication § → thence to [github] ( so pushing the initial commitments - after which an [Edit] button is exposed for the next step < = [Edit] - Description: Mirror of my proto-wayic.NAME branches - Website: - [Settings] ( as per * Features = uncheck Wikis, Issues and Projects * Data services = uncheck Vulnerability alerts / - setting the viewed default to branch // there is no GitHub setting for view default (as opposed to clone default) - that is all, the check buttons are self committing =root> mount /mnt/lan/server/root/ root> e /mnt/lan/server/root/etc/apache2/7_domain/ = insert line ' AddDescription 'SYNOPTIC PHRASE' NAME =root> umount /mnt/lan/server/root/ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Repository` - repository of project files under revision control + [~/project] < ~/project/proto-wayic/ < - Web readable copy of the branch (checked out) for each repository + [~/code] < ~/code/proto-wayic/ - working copy of the master branch (checked out) for each repository + [public] < ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.*.git - tool-readable bare clone of each repository + [github] < - Web browsable revision history of each repository ( of its master branch by default branches` ( cf. ./project_template/ * master * - my standing, personalized fork of the master branch gaining command` => pushd ~/code/proto-wayic/NAME/ ( NAME is the simple name of the project committing` - `/usr/local/bin/zz-grep` - < §§ Base directories + Filtration criteria = expose the appropriate lines > zz-grep '\bTEST\b' | less = ensure no test code is uncommented or otherwise active => s => git add --interactive|FILES =What_now> u =Update>> A-B,C,D-E < to undo: -A-B,C,D-E =Update>> < returning an empty line in order to stage what's been updated =What_now> q => s => git commit ' Formatting, phrasing[ and so forth]. personalization` / = ensure no uncommitted changes in code repository / - committing them | stashing them | planning to skip § to ~/code, below // this cannot matter => pushd ~/project/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/ < a working copy of branch is always checked out here ( personalized, standing fork = edit ( it should always be safe to edit, no need to sync with *master* branch first =§ committing * to ~/code => git push ~/code/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD` --force-with-lease ( '+' 'to further restrict', as per above => popd publication` - `/usr/local/bin/zz-ff` - < § Base directories = expose the appropriate lines < § Repository site overview = uncomment => zz-ff - for each project shown to need it => pushd ~/code/proto-wayic/NAME/ ( NAME is the simple name of the project - for each project atop the resulting stack of working directories + ↑ to [~/project] ( § site § [~/project] => pushd ~/project/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD`/ => git fetch origin master --verbose ( to .git/FETCH_HEAD - if it DOESN'T say 'up to date': / => s > git stash # only if *s* reveals changes (rare) => git checkout master && git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD => git checkout && git rebase master - fallible: "It is possible that a merge failure will prevent this process from being completely automatic." ( git-rebase(1) > git stash pop + ↓ thence back to [~/code] ( § site § [~/code] ( sending back there the rebased branch, that is => git push ~/code/proto-wayic/`basename $PWD` --force-with-lease ( '+' 'to further restrict', as per above => popd + → to [public] ( § site § [public] => (c='git push --force-with-lease public'; $c master:master && (echo; $c < if a push fails with 'stale info', then prepend '+' to its refspec ( as per above; failure of both seen on first push to a newly cloned [public] + → thence to [github] ( § site § [github] => (cd ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.`basename $PWD`.git && git push github --mirror) < pushd ~/var/repo/git/proto-wayic.`basename $PWD`.git/ < git push github --mirror ( user: Michael-Allan < popd - Expect error “'blocked_on_removal_from_GitHub' does not appear to be a git repository” if the repository is no longer published on GitHub. => popd => sudo -u public sync-web site` - map of sites [~/project] master ↑ ↓ [~/code] → [public] → [github] master master < [~/path] - a repository site identified by its location in the file system < [name] - a repository site identified by its Git (*remote*) name at other sites < name - the branch normally checked out in the repository - or the branch of transferred ↑↓ commitments