Notes on the ethic: default ethic + stable aeviternal ethic - extracted from my base tasks : privately re `base tasks` see ~/base.brec theory + draft the text of a theory adequate to support a system of action + get critical support (of some kind) from theorists (of some rank) practice - on the strength of the supporting theory, plus the promise of a lock-in societal fit : re `lock-in societal fit` see `^*- Snaps into place and locks there` @ ~/code/WP3/way/wayic/working_notes.brec + call for systems design: both a system of action and (lightly overlying it) a system of input mirroring all that!! in order to connect (e.g. via the system) with people who share my goal? - all of my efforts since 1988 have been misguided - all have failed to prioritize what is paramount: communicating with others of a like mind, others who share the same goal / as though I were bent (all those years) on accomplishing alone some noteworthy feat (of literature, software or theory) as my entry ticket to the society of others! + survey for others who share the same goal (or similar) + track their goals, plans and accomplishments + together think how to proceed + join a promising effort !!+ confronted by a moral crisis in my indecision over what appears to be a trillema : re `what appears.+a trillema` see `^*1\| fail at what matters to me$` : re `what appears.+a trillema` see `^*2\| succeed at what matters not` : re `what appears.+a trillema` see `^*3\| combine both into a.+dissatisfying whole$` / this emerging from attempts to address my dissatisfaction : re `dissatisfaction` see `^*!!\+ weighed on, demoralized` | restart on the stable ground alone : see @ `^*!!\+ weighed on, demoralized` 1| fail at what matters to me - fail ∵ nobody is going to read it | focusing on cosmological fine tuning, my instance of it (‘cosmic fit’) being immune from the anthropic objection : see `cosmological fine tuning` @ ~/code/WP3/way/ethic/precarious_conditions.brec : privately see `cosmological fine tuning` @ ~/code/WP3/way/ethic/._/cosmic_fit.brec - put that in their heads - only then, having secured an accomplishment, should I dare to tackle the system of action : see `^*\| focusing on the system of action$` 2| succeed at what matters not (to me) - matters not ∵ if the default ethic and system of action moves me at all, it is only by way of something beyond : see 6_motivation/65.brec : so my subjective analysis says | focusing on the system of action - from the stance of a modeller (humble, a narrow focus, etc.) : see¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA731010091&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZONE-MOD1&prodId=AONE&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA731010091&searchId=R1&userGroupName=tplmain&inPS=true : Roussos, 2022. Modelling in normative ethics. | therein I might briefly highlight of my own hypothetic stable theory, as an example - its climax might be framed (briefly) in terms of cosmological fine tuning, my instance of it (‘cosmic fit’) being immune from the anthropic objection : see `cosmological fine tuning` @ ~/code/WP3/way/ethic/precarious_conditions.brec : privately see `cosmological fine tuning` @ ~/code/WP3/way/ethic/._/cosmic_fit.brec 3| combine both into an incoherent and dissatisfying whole - incoherent and dissatisfying ∵ that is how the present ethic now strikes me | rather rebase the ethic on a truly unifying idea, thus amending the incoherence | the diversity of what moves us ∵ that diversity is the basis of the dissensus in ethics, which dissensus is the premise of the default ethic / even virtue ethicists I might draw into the argument, by the virtue of humility ?+ what matters to me in this? how am I moved to it? | therein I will argue (as best I can) for my own (albeit hypothetic) stable theory : contra `^*\| therein I might briefly highlight` @ `^*\?\+ what matters to me in this\?` - a coherent addition (this) owing to the ethic’s axiologic premise (diversity of what moves us) : cf. ∵ it demonstrates the force of that desire - I would confess that never could I bring myself to put forward the default ethic on its own, for it merely theorizes my yearning, explains my desire, without satisfying it in the least - only with that desideratum in sight (so fundamental is my desire for it) am I able to look happily on anything else / as though peering out the window on a stormy night from the comfort of home | therein I might briefly highlight of my own hypothetic stable theory, as an example : join - a coherent addition (this) owing to the ethic’s axiologic premise (diversity of what moves us) / as opposed to at present, where it is perhaps one segue too many | I might use the theorized system (once it becomes usable) for my own purpose | from the stance of a modeller : see¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA731010091&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZONE-MOD1&prodId=AONE&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA731010091&searchId=R1&userGroupName=tplmain&inPS=true : Roussos, 2022. Modelling in normative ethics. - humble - a narrow aim - including that of theory building, and how the unifying system (of action, ethics or whatnot) might help with that - the plans of action might be conceived as models of applied ethics, models that serve the purpose of theory application : re `models that serve the purpose of theory application` see¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA731010091&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZONE-MOD1&prodId=AONE&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA731010091&searchId=R1&userGroupName=tplmain&inPS=true : Roussos, 2022. Modelling in normative ethics. ∵ only the hard edges of experience can at once: - inform our feelings, what moves us, and change us - yield hard evidence in support of a theory through its application, which application requires modelling : re `application requires modelling` see¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA731010091&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZONE-MOD1&prodId=AONE&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA731010091&searchId=R1&userGroupName=tplmain&inPS=true : Roussos, 2022. Modelling in normative ethics. - produce consensus - what I mean here is, the system of application may itself (being so designed) be expressive of consensus (e.g. voted with one’s feet) | narrating as reason from a universal vantage : see notepad:2024-10-7a | freedom, in one or both senses | finitude | self-determination !!+ weighed on, demoralized, by two related things: - the exclusionary, repelling pushiness of the ethic : see¤tPosition=1&docId=GALE%7CA731010091&docType=Article&sort=Relevance&contentSegment=ZONE-MOD1&prodId=AONE&pageNum=1&contentSet=GALE%7CA731010091&searchId=R1&userGroupName=tplmain&inPS=true : Roussos, 2022. Modelling in normative ethics. Especially as regards the theory/anti-theory debate. - my unnatural, uncomfortable and unconvincing objective stance in the axiologic analysis : see `^*\+ rather.+extract.+the objective analysis that follows$`s @ `^*\+ draw the reader into this admittedly subjective analysis$` @ 6_motivation/65.brec | restart on the stable ground alone ∵ this is what matters to me - later improve on it, where feasible, e.g. salvaging from the archive of the present version | promise a lot, then deliver | in the cause of the crisis of the Holocene|Anthropocene lies its solution | assert the ethic’s support/warrant for actual personal freedom within the constraints that safeguard it - the imperfect duties are fallback guides, e.g. when in doubt - we cannot help but serve their objects (even random personal action would suffice) given: - a tendency to conform to the perfect negative duty (right) that safeguards personal freedom of action - owing to (e.g. societal) enforcement of that right - a general tendency to serve those objects, owing to those who: - deliberately take the formal guidance of imperfect duty - willee nillee are moved (by logic, reason and desire) toward those objects + restructure • minimal ethic on an abstract ground - rights alone • default ethic on a default ground ?+ what further precepts • stable ethic on a stable ground ?+ what more here + fit the assertion into that structure + accordingly amend the axiologic analysis - reverting to subjective disclosure, as this suffices to suggest the premise of an argument, if not the argument itself order+ to avoid confusion in: • thought ← notepad / ordering thought by entering notes in the notepad • notepad ← text / ordering the notepad by translating its notes into text structure or content, or therein referring to them - all text placed precisely where it belongs + order the notepad : see notepad:2024-8-19b : see notepad:2024-8-20g,h : see notepad:2024-9-2c : a default ground of knowledge, hence a default ethic : see notepad:2024-9-4d,c,e : with allowance for hypothesizing (in pursuit of the default ground) a stable ground, hence a stable ethic reference or incorporate+ all active, unreferenced external notes : viz. notepad:2023-7-17a… : thither from the present, working backwards in time - checkmarking as such each note that, en passent, becomes referenced tear no+ inactive leaf till subsequent leaves are torn and draft files searched, else their references may break + sync with past work + sync with past versions : viz. ~/work/ethic/._/ : working through them backwards in time + sync with the notepad archive : viz. notepad:2023-6-2…2023-7-11 : these alone need syncing, working through them backwards in time for( each note both active and unreferenced ) + either reference and checkmark it as such, or mark it inactive • text ← thought / ordering the text by reflection - all text correct, else tasked for correction at its precise fault points - aiming to demonstrate the ethic’s inherent or in-built resources for informing its own defence and solving its own problems + fortify at the riskiest points autotel ─ count noun - an autotelic thing fundament of morals: ‘the fundament of morals’, or ‘the moral fundament’ : cf. `^^ground of practical reasoning`i / the fundament might be composite, equivalent to multiple fundaments - ‘the practical ground’ and ‘the moral fundament’ denote or imply the same thing, the former in a practical only and the latter an also moral light : see @ `^^ground of practical reasoning`i ground of practical reasoning: ‘the ground of practical reasoning’, or ‘the practical ground’ : cf. `^^fundament of morals`i / the ground might be composite, equivalent to multiple grounds - ‘the practical ground’ and ‘the moral fundament’ denote or imply the same thing, the former in a practical only and the latter an also moral light ∵ the two must cohere / on pain of contradiction ∵ otherwise it might happen that ignorance of a practical ground gave us a default ethic while knowledge of the moral fundament gave us, at the same time, a non-default ethic - I take it a moral fundament yielding an ethic wholly negative in its duties would imply a practical ground of negative objects, e.g. objects to avoid ? does that mean all rights (negative duties) of an ethic are also negative grounds? - yes, at least effectively ? what allows me to directly infer a negative from a positive duty, but not directly infer a negative from positive ground? : re `infer a negative from a positive duty` see `^*- from a.+duty being.+to do one’s utmost,.+follow rights to the same`s @ 5_moral_conclusions/56.brec - a context of moral law - here the obligations that are imposed by law must cohere socially - this is clear - less clear is whether the same holds [true] in merely practical context rational agency ─ mass noun - reason and agency in conjunction : re `reason` see `^*- here ‘${same}’ means ‘the power.+to think.+by.+logic’` @ 3_conjecture_of_a_binding_both_theoretic_and_practical/35.brec : re `agency` see `^*/ here ‘${same}’ means ‘ability or capacity to act’` @ 7_remedial_premises/75.brec - direction of the former by the latter : note : here ‘rational’ means ‘in accordance with reason’ : see : Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “rational (adj.), sense I.4,” March 2024. safeguarding moral rights, pending independent publication • attribution as author of the work • integrity of the work - keep the project files secret in order to forestall plagiarism ∵ even with proof of authorship, ideas can be stolen and work made redundant : re `proof of authorship` see `^*\+ prove my authorship` - Web copy hidden behind a password : note : `/mnt/lan/halfpenny/root/etc/apache2/7_domain/` - yet still copied to the Web server by `publish-files`: - as a timely backup copy, additional to the relatively infrequent `home-copy` and quarterly copies in the safe-deposit box - to keep it readable and ready to publish, in case of later need - no mirror on Git Hub : see ~/sys/bin/flow-downstream - the previous mirror is now deleted, 2023-1-9 \ : see ~/work/ethic/._/README_Git_Hub.html - ‘topic’ tags were: morals, moral-foundations, moral-principles, social-norms, normative-ethic + prove my authorship in order to prevent denial ∵ without proof of it, my authorship might plausibly be denied • trusted timestamping : see + search for: - {what follows in conjunction with Git revision hashes} / I would rather save having to upload or hash individual files - trusted timestamping - online notary - timestamping authority • DigiStamp : see • free TSA : see • POEX : see : see • Proof of Existence : see • Universign : see : see + consider asking for further advice : see \ Copyright © 2023-2024 Michael Allan.