Michael Allan’s files
Name Size
Parent Directory -
end.pdf 1.7M
endpiece.jpg 445K
Hurt-2008-OS.jpg 342K
F06-LGS.svg 323K
F07-GL.svg 318K
end.odt 180K
F10-AE.svg 161K
F05-P.svg 69K
F04-TV.svg 67K
F09-MO-top.svg 67K
F08-MOP.svg 65K
F03-RT.svg 49K
F09-MO.svg 40K
F02-UM.svg 40K
end.txt 35K
F01-OS.svg 17K
F06-LGS.txt 278
endpiece.txt 236
F01-OS.txt 199
Hurt-2008.txt 173
F09-MO.txt 164
F10-AE.txt 111
TITLE An end to steer by, and a means
Claiming that humanity has an essential end in the cosmos, I propose a means of
attaining it. The limit of light speed is small enough, I argue, and the interstellar
distances large enough, that together they form a barrier to extinction events; life
can radiate across that barrier (just), but death cannot. Assuming a rational,
purposeful morality and a supreme valuation on reason, I deduce (M0) that morality must
purpose the endless continuity of rational being. This becomes the material end to
steer by. The formal means to this end I then derive by analysis: (M1) that morality
relates personal action to a universally collective end; and (M2) that it promotes a
maximum of personal freedom compatible with equal freedoms for all. From these 3
principles of a moral theory, I proceed to elaborate the corresponding practices,
beginning with the present. Modern society is regulated by laws and other text-based
norms. Therefore the key capability at present is to compose consensus texts without
limiting anyone's freedom of expression. I describe 3 inventions that together would
enable this: recombinant text, transitive voting and vote pipes. The combination I
call a 'guideway'. I explain how a network of norm and election guideways, if
introduced to society, would engage with its pre-existing legislative, electoral and
other decision systems to form a primitive steering mechanism. This would immediately
generate a demand for consensus on the overall course, including our ultimate origin
and destination. I propose to meet this demand by introducing a further guideway -
namely a myth-making, or 'mythopoeic' overguideway - to complete the means of steering.
Recalling the claimed, material end, I conclude that the future of humanity is
necessarily of mythic construction. The essential, material practice of rational being
is the perpetual telling and retelling of its own, immortal myth.
FULL TEXT http://reluk.ca/project/autonomy/a/end/end.pdf
SUBMISSION http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/2041
Michael Allan is a software engineer in Toronto specializing in collaborative social
media. His current work is based on project Votorola.