package votorola.s.gwt.stage; // Copyright 2011-2013, Michael Allan. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Votorola Software"), to deal in the Votorola Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicence, and/or sell copies of the Votorola Software, and to permit persons to whom the Votorola Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The preceding copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Votorola Software. THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE VOTOROLA SOFTWARE. import*; import; import*; import votorola.g.web.gwt.*; /** A view of the Crossforum Theatre {@linkplain Stage stage}. The rough layout is * specified by the scene author. Only the simplest layout is currently supported, an * example of which is running here. * It consists mainly of a single array of {@linkplain * Track tracks} (1) positioned at page top. It also includes an inset {@linkplain WarnV * warning indicator} that is invisible when inactive.
  *                                (2)
  *      +--------------------------v-----------------------------+
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------| (1)
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |                                               /        |
  *      |                                              /         |
  *      |                                         tracks         |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                        scene                           |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      |                                                        |
  *      +--------------------------------------------------------+
* *

The array of tracks encodes itself within an element tagged <div * id='StageV-top'>. The page author must attach this element either to the * top of the document such that it moves with the scene, or to the top of the viewport * such that the scene scrolls beneath it. Here are some mockups of simple layouts for * two staged scenes, Votorola's home page and the difference bridge. Many of the track * visuals here are outdated and no longer reflect the running code, but the overall * layout of tracks is roughly correct:

The composition of the track array (which tracks? in what order?) is a user * preference and does not vary from scene to scene. More complex layouts of up to four * arrays (1-4) will eventually be supported. The top array will be present in all such * layouts and all arrays will attach to the viewport, not the page:

  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------| (1)
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      ||| (       )                                  /       |||
  *      |||                                           /        |||
  *      |||                                       tracks ----- ||| (2)
  *      |||                                                    |||
  *      |||                      scene                         |||
  *      |||                                                    |||
  *      |||                                                    |||
  *  (4) ||| ----- tracks                                       |||
  *      |||       /                                            |||
  *      |||      /                                             |||
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *  (3) |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      +--------------------------------------------------------+
* *

There will also be a "curtain", as shown below. It will temporarily and partially * overlay the scene in order to present larger props, such as navigational views, that * cannot easily be squeezed into the confines of a track:

  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      ||| (       )                                          |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    |                   curtain                     |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    |                                               |||
  *      |||    +---------------------------------------------- |||
  *      |||                                                    |||
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      |--------------------------------------------------------|
  *      +--------------------------------------------------------+
* *

These "curtained props" will include votespace and geomap views. They are shown * below in stand-alone mockups and prototypes that pre-date the newer stage * design.

You must imagine away the difference feed on the left side of these because it * will not be present in the curtained versions. The difference feed will eventually be * replaced by a much slimmer talk track, as shown in the previous set of mockups.

*/ public final class StageV extends FlowPanel // HTML div { /** Creates the {@linkplain #i() single instance} of StageV. * * @param toDisplay whether to style the view for immediate display. Set false * for embedded displays that require stabilization, then subsequently call * {@linkplain #initEmbeddedDisplay() initEmbeddedDisplay}() to actually * display the view. */ public StageV( final boolean toDisplay ) { final Element element = getElement(); element.setId( "StageV-top" ); element.addClassName( "staged" ); if( !toDisplay ) element.getStyle().setDisplay( Style.Display.NONE ); add( new WarnV() ); for( Track track: Stage.i().tracks() ) add( track.newView( StageV.this )); // final Anchor testTool = new Anchor( "TEST", "HREF" ); // final Button testTool = new Button( "TEST" ); // testTool.addClickHandler( new // { // public void onClick( _e ) // { // // put your test code here // } // }); // testTool ); } /** The single instance of StageV. */ public static StageV i() { return instance; } private static StageV instance; { if( instance != null ) throw new IllegalStateException(); instance = StageV.this; } /** Displays the stage view, simultaneously removing any stabilization view from the * top of the document body. */ public void initEmbeddedDisplay() { // Display the stage view. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - getElement().getStyle().clearDisplay(); // Undisplay any stabilization view. // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - final Element div = Document.get().getElementById( "voLayoutStabilizer-top" ); if( div != null ) div.getStyle().setDisplay( Style.Display.NONE ); else // standard border stabilizer { final Style style = Document.get().getBody().getStyle(); final String p = "borderTopStyle"; if( "solid".equals(style.getProperty(p)) ) style.setProperty( p, "none" ); // else there was no stabilzation } } }