Michael Allan’s files

Icon  Name                             Size  
[PAR] Parent Directory - [svg] xf.svg 5.4K [png] xf.png 598 [css] VotespaceV.css 2.7K [svg] vote.svg 9.4K [css] theme.css 568 [svg] sep.svg 2.8K [svg] sep-sel.svg 3.0K [png] sep-sel-r.png 1.0K [png] sep-sel-l.png 907 [png] sep-r.png 716 [png] sep-l.png 879 [css] OpenLayers.css 697 [css] module.css 1.4K [css] DiffFeedV.css 2.2K [   ] default.html 2.6K
    = erase the macro
<script>var isHeaderWritten; if( !isHeaderWritten ) { document.writeln( "\x3Cscript src='/_/Web_service/autoindex/deprecated/autoindex.js'\x3E\x3C/script\x3E" ); }</script> <script>if( !isHeaderWritten ) writeHeader()</script>

<div class='blurb-area'>
    Static web files of Scenes for Crossforum Theatre.  We use the directory name "xf" in
    order to keep the lauch URL (default.html) short, and also for consistency with the
    tentative brand "XF" that we've adopted in some of our iconography.
