#                                                                               -*- coding:utf-8; -*-
# http://reluk.ca/w/Stuff:Votorola/lo/f/A/vu/en  (default, en_GB)
# Adding new ones?  (1) Add TEST line below.  (2) Add new definitions.  (3) Test them.
# (4) enter in wiki at URL above. (5) paste back here from link at bottom of wiki page.

a.serviceType(votorola.s.mail.MailMetaService) = mail meta-service
a.serviceType(votorola.a.count.PollService) = poll

a.quantityUnknown = unknown

a.OutputStore.setNominalDate = %tF

a.count.nobodyEmailPlaceholder = nobody

a.count.noResultsToReport = No results are available for this poll.  They have yet to be reported.  (Administrator see 'vocount report'.)

a.count.voteBar = %1$s is attempting to vote for %2$s, but the vote does not count.  It is barred for the following reason:  %3$s

a.count.Count.note-receive = Total cast \= %,d votes \= 100%%.  The sum of votes received across all candidates may exceed the total cast.  This is to be expected because the candidate list includes delegates, and each delegated vote is received multiple times; first by the delegates, then finally by the end candidate.

a.count.Count.rankHeader-rank = Rank
a.count.Count.rankHeader-voterEmail = Candidate
a.count.Count.rankHeader-receiveCount = Votes
a.count.Count.rankHeader-receivePercent = Percent

a.count.Count.summaryData.populationSize-index = Eligible voters

a.count.Count.summaryData.singleCastCount-index = Turnout
a.count.Count.summaryData.singleCastCount-note = Actual number voting.

a.count.Count.summaryData.turnoutPercent-index = Percent
a.count.Count.summaryData.turnoutPercent-note = %