Michael Allan <contact>

Tasks for Textbender

Work is on hold. Current work is instead focused on a related project called Votorola. Votorola is software for building consensus and reaching decisions in public. It relates to textbender by way of voting on collaborative legislation and other norms, and possibly utopian literature.


Alpha design review

    - review of overall design direction, primarily by artists
    - their sense of where the medium is going
        - toward what artistic possibilities? toward what pitfalls?

    - remove barriers for test artists, in the demo
        - fix glitches etc. that make it hard to run
        - only do what's needed to complete the review
            - no new features, nor functional holes filled in, unless unavoidable
            - just make it *roughly* useable, as is

        =[ add support for Mac
            / per AmberV, http://www.literatureandlatte.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2118
            - first, requires an engineer with Mac hardware
                / otherwise, no way to test/debug releases
                - either
                    | an engineer with a Mac joins us
                        - http://community.java.net/mac/
                            = post help wanted
                        - http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/java-dev
                        - https://sourceforge.net/people/viewjob.php?group_id=134813&job_id=28936
                        - https://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1780822&forum_id=710
                    | someone lends us a Mac
                    | I buy a Mac
                        / no problem, it may take several months to aquire funds though
            - then we could release a Jave 5 cut for the Mac,
              or whatever it takes

        =[ fix Windows bugs


Complex-wide transfers

    - preliminary research into complex-wide transfers
      with a view to eventual development of a working prototype
    - guiding questions:

        A. Within a population of recombinant documents,
           how reliably may we expect to transfer complex variations
           (of plot, character, etc.), from document to document?

        B. How would transfer fidelity vary with conditions, such as the parameters
           of the transfer mechanism, of the population, and of the transferred variation?

    - plan:

        1. Design a transfer mechanism in detail, based on existing sketches.
            - simplest possible mechanism (to save research time)

        2. Plan a simulation strategy, sufficient to test reliability (A).

        3. Adapt my existing simulator to this new mechanism/strategy.

        4. Run simulations and analyze results.

        x. if reliabilty (A) achieved, then plan variance tests (B),
           and subsequent refinement of mechanism toward a working prototype

other topics, bug reports: general discussion

Recently Completed


Opening up the project

    - open up the project as a whole,
      in response to interest expressed by artists

/   =[ discussion list
/       - general discussion
/       - specific topics like bugs, feature requests, design brainstorming, etc.

/   =[ public task pages
/       / just my own initially (this page)

/   =[ contributors page
/       / entry point for contributors, plus acknowledgements, and maintainers list
/       - sought critique
/           - http://www.writingforums.com/critique-advice/82092-recombinant-text-can-metaphor-fly.html
/               / was: http://www.writingforums.com/showthread.php?t=81932
/           - http://www.writingforums.org/showthread.php?t=4510
/           - http://www.eliteskills.com/forum/topic/11/4062

/   =[ wrap up the user poll

/   =[ revision control system
/       = doc build scripts, for engineers