# Arguments for the `javac` compiler | -*- mode: conf-javaprop; -*- # # This file is a referent of `javac` commands issued at runtime by software builders. For syntax: # `https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/man/javac.html#command-line-argument-files`. -d /tmp/Makeshift/ # The output directory for class files. # Cf. `--class-path` in `./java_javac_arguments`. --source-path : # Empty for the sake of consistent, predictable control over the compilation process. This defeats # implicit compilation of ‘additional source files’, ensuring that source files given by Makeshift # alone are compiled. One problem it avoids: `javac` by default implicitly compiles a source file # when its class file is missing, but not when the class file predates the source file. # https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/docs/specs/man/javac.html#additional-source-files -Xlint:all,-serial # Copyright 2020-2021 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.