package Makeshift; // Changes to this file immediately affect the next build. Treat it as a build script. import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.*; import static Makeshift.Project.UserError; import static Makeshift.Project.toProperPath; import static Makeshift.Project.verify; /** Default implementation of a software builder. It supports all the targets named in * `Makeshift.template.{@linkplain Makeshift.template.BuildTarget BuildTarget}`, * but will refuse to build any outside of `T`. * * @param The type of build targets. The names of all its targets should comprise * a subset of {@linkplain Makeshift.template.BuildTarget those supported}. */ public class BuilderDefault> implements Builder { /** @param targetClass The class of build targets. * @see projectPackage() */ public BuilderDefault( final Class targetClass, final String projectPackage ) { verify( targetClass ); verify( projectPackage ); verify( targetClass, projectPackage ); this.targetClass = targetClass; this.projectPackage = projectPackage; projectPath = toProperPath( projectPackage ); } /** @param targetClass The class of build targets. * @see projectPackage() * @see projectPath() */ public BuilderDefault( final Class targetClass, final String projectPackage, final Path projectPath ) { verify( targetClass ); verify( projectPackage ); verify( projectPath ); verify( projectPackage, projectPath ); verify( targetClass, projectPackage ); this.targetClass = targetClass; this.projectPackage = projectPackage; this.projectPath = projectPath; } /** Packages of Java code proper to the owning project, exclusive of building code. * The code comprises all `.java` files of the * {@linkplain Project#toProperPath(String) equivalent directories}, * exclusive of their subdirectories. * *

The default implementation is a singleton set comprising the proper package * of the owning project.

* *

This method is not called unless the project declares build target * `{@linkplain Makeshift.template.BuildTarget.Java_class_files Java_class_files}`.

*/ public Set JavaCode() { return Set.of( projectPackage ); } /* Packages for elements because they are codeable by implementers as cross-platform literals, whereas paths are not. */ /** The proper package of the owning project. */ public final String projectPackage() { return projectPackage; } private final String projectPackage; /** The proper path of the owning project. */ public final Path projectPath() { return projectPath; } private final Path projectPath; // ━━━ B u i l d e r ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ /** @throws IllegalArgumentException If the matching target is unsupported by this implementation. */ public @Override void build( final String targ ) throws UserError { buildTo( Builder.matchingTargetName( targ, targetClass )); } //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Builds the code to the level of `target`. * * @param target The full name of the target. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `target` is unsupported by this implementation. */ protected final void buildTo( final String target ) throws UserError { switch( target ) { case "builder" -> {} // Nothing to do, already this builder is built. case "Java_class_files" -> buildTo_Java_class_files(); default -> { assert !isSupportDeclared( target ); throw new IllegalArgumentException(); }} assert isSupportDeclared( target ); } /** @see Makeshift.template.BuildTarget.Java_class_files * @see #javacArguments() */ private void buildTo_Java_class_files() throws UserError { final List sourceNames = new ArrayList<>(); JavaCode().forEach( pkg -> Project.addCompilableSource( sourceNames, toProperPath(pkg) )); if( sourceNames.size() > 0 ) { Project.compile( projectPackage, sourceNames, javacArguments() ); }} /** Additional arguments for the Java compiler. The default implementation is an empty list. * * @see Makeshift.template.BuildTarget.Java_class_files */ protected List javacArguments() { return List.of(); } private static boolean isSupportDeclared( final String target ) { boolean is = true; try { Makeshift.template.BuildTarget.valueOf( target ); } catch( IllegalArgumentException _x ) { is = false; } return is; } private final Class targetClass; } // Copyright © 2020-2021 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.