package Makeshift; // Changes to this file immediately affect the next build. Treat it as a build script. import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import static Makeshift.Bootstrap.Unhandled; import static Makeshift.Bootstrap.UserError; import static java.nio.file.Files.isRegularFile; /** A builder of a project’s software. It compiles the code of the project and prepares it for use. * In place of the {@linkplain BuilderDefault default}, a project may define its own builder * by putting into its {@linkplain BuilderBuilder#internalBuildingCode(Path) building code} * a source file named ``. The class definition must be public and must include * a public constructor that takes no parameters. It must inherit from the present interface. * It must depend on no code outside of the: */ public interface Builder { /** Builds the code to the level of a given target. * * @param targ The name of the target, or a unique substring of it. * @throws UserError If `targ` does not match exactly one build target of the owning project. * This exception may be thrown for other reasons as well. */ public void build( String targ ) throws UserError; /** Gives the proper path of a builder’s source file. The given path is either * `{@linkplain BuilderBuilder#internalBuildingCode(Path) internalBuildingCode}/` * if a file exists there, or the path to the {@linkplain BuilderDefault default implementation}. * * @param projectPath The proper path of the owning project. */ public static Path implementationFile( final Path projectPath ) { // Cf. @ `BuilderBuilder`. Bootstrap.verify( projectPath ); Path p = BuilderBuilder.internalBuildingCode(projectPath).resolve( "" ); if( !isRegularFile( p )) p = implementationFileDefault; return p; } /** The proper path of the source file for the {@linkplain BuilderDefault default implementation}. */ public static final Path implementationFileDefault = Bootstrap.projectPath.resolve( "" ); /** Finds the target name that uniquely matches `targ`. The following search conditions apply. * * @param targ The search term. * @param targetClass The class of build targets. * @throws UserError If `targ` does not match exactly one build target of `targetClass`. */ public static > String matchingTargetName( final String targ, final Class targetClass ) throws UserError { final Enum[] targets; try { targets = (Enum[])targetClass.getMethod("values").invoke( null/*static*/ ); } catch( ReflectiveOperationException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); } final String nameSought = targ.toLowerCase().replace( '-', '_' ); // As per `bin/build.brec`. String nameFound = null; for( final Enum t: targets ) { final String tS = t.toString(); if( tS.toLowerCase().contains( nameSought )) { // Concordant with `bin/build.brec`. if( nameFound != null ) { throw new UserError( "Ambiguous in `" + targetClass.getName() + "`: " + targ ); } nameFound = tS; }} if( nameFound == null ) { throw new UserError( "Unmatched in `" + targetClass.getName() + "`: " + targ ); } return nameFound; }} // Copyright © 2020, 2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.