package Breccia.parser; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; /** A cursor usable for multiple sources of text. */ public interface ReusableCursor extends Cursor { /** Parses the text of the given source file, feeding each parse state to `sink` till all are * exhausted. Calling this method will start a new parse, aborting any already in progress. */ public void perState( Path sourceFile, Consumer sink ) throws ParseError; /** Parses the text of the given source file, feeding each parse state to `sink` * till either all are exhausted or `sink` returns false. Calling this method * will start a new parse, aborting any already in progress. */ public void perStateConditionally( Path sourceFile, Predicate sink ) throws ParseError; /** Positions the cursor on a new source of text comprising a single file. Sets the parse state * to an instance either of `{@linkplain Empty Empty}` or `{@linkplain FileFractum FileFractum}`. */ public void source( Reader r ) throws ParseError; } // Copyright © 2021-2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.