package Breccia.XML.translator; /** Extended XML ‘stream constants’ for the translator. This extension reserves constants in the range * 174,350,000 to 174,358,467; user defined constants should be outside that range. * * @see */ public interface XStreamConstants { /** Nothing, no text to translate. Occurs on attempting to translate an empty source of text. * This is both an initial and final state. * * @see Breccia.parser.Empty */ public static final int EMPTY = 174_358_466; /** The translation has halted abnormally. This is a final state, rendering the translator unusable * for the present text source. It results from any occurrence of a parse error * in the text source, or detection there of an invalid state. * * @see ParseError * @see Breccia.parser.Halt */ public static final int HALT = 174_358_467; } // Copyright © 2020-2021 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.