package Breccia.Web.imager; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import static Java.Nodes.hasName; import static Java.Nodes.isElement; import static Java.Nodes.textChildFlat; import static Java.Patterns.metacharacters; import static Java.StringBuilding.clear; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.DOTALL; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.MULTILINE; import static java.util.regex.Pattern.UNICODE_CASE; /** A translator of regular-expression patterns from Breccian to compiled Javanese form. */ class PatternCompiler { PatternCompiler( final ImageMould mould ) { this.mould = mould; } static final String anchoredPrefix_perfect = "^(?: )*"; static final String anchoredPrefix_titling = "^(?: )*"+"[\u2500-\u259F].*?\\R(?: )* {1,3}"; static final String anchoredPrefix_either = "^(?: )*(?:[\u2500-\u259F].*?\\R(?: )* {1,3})?"; /** Returns the Java compilation of `eP`, with {@linkplain Pattern#flags() match flags} * derived from the `matchModifiers`. * * @param eP The image of a regular-expression pattern within a pattern matcher. * @param matchModifiers The match modifiers, or an empty string if there are none. * @throws PatternSyntaxException * As for {@linkplain Pattern#compile(String,int) Pattern.compile}. */ final Pattern compile( final Node eP, final String matchModifiers, final Path sourceFile ) throws FailedInterpolation { // Match flags // ─────────── int flags = MULTILINE; // [MLM] final boolean toExpandWhitespace; { // Whether expansive whitespace mode is enabled. boolean pIsGiven = false; final int mN = matchModifiers.length(); for( int m = 0; m < mN; ++m ) switch( matchModifiers.charAt( m )) { case 'i' -> flags |= CASE_INSENSITIVE | UNICODE_CASE; case 's' -> flags |= DOTALL; case 'p' -> pIsGiven = true; default -> { throw new IllegalArgumentException( // Unexpected, because the Breccia parser "Match modifiers `" + matchModifiers + '`' ); }} // should have caught it. toExpandWhitespace = pIsGiven; } // Pattern // ─────── final StringBuilder bP = clear( stringBuilder ); // The Java translation of `eP`. for( Node n = eP.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling() ) { assert isElement( n ); // ↘ for reason switch( n.getLocalName()/* ≠ null, given the assertion above */) { // [NSC] case "AnchoredPrefix" -> { final String tF = textChildFlat( n ); assert tF.length() == 2 && tF.charAt(0) == '^'; bP.append( switch( tF.charAt( 1 )) { case '*' -> anchoredPrefix_perfect; case '+' -> anchoredPrefix_titling; case '^' -> anchoredPrefix_either; default -> throw new IllegalStateException(); }); } case "Granum" -> { final String tF = textChildFlat( n ); assert hasNoMetacharacter( tF, 0 ); append( tF, bP, toExpandWhitespace ); } case "BackslashedSpecial" -> { final String tF = textChildFlat( n ); final Matcher m = numberedCharacterBackslashMatcher.reset( tF ); if( m.matches() ) { bP.append( "\\x{" ); bP.append( 1 )); bP.append( '}' ); } else bP.append( tF ); } case "Literalizer" -> { bP.append( '\\' ); // The backslash part, n = n.getNextSibling(); // and skipping past it. assert hasName( "Granum", n ); /* Always that backslash is followed directly by a `Granum` that starts with the literalized character. */ final String tF = textChildFlat( n ); bP.append( tF.charAt( 0 )); // The literalized character, plus if( tF.length() > 1 ) { // any remainder of the `Granum`. assert hasNoMetacharacter( tF, 1 ); append( tF, 1, bP, toExpandWhitespace ); }} case "Variable" -> append( (Element)n, bP, toExpandWhitespace ); default -> bP.append( textChildFlat( n )); }} return Pattern.compile( bP.toString(), flags ); } /** Offset within a variable interpolator of the first character of the variable name. */ static final int variableName = 2; //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** @param c The offset in `seq` at which to start appending. */ protected final void append( final CharSequence seq, int c, final StringBuilder b, final boolean toExpandWhitespace ) { final int cN = seq.length(); if( !toExpandWhitespace ) { b.append( seq, c, cN ); return; } final Matcher m = plainWhitespaceMatcher.reset( seq ); if( m.lookingAt() ) { b.append( "(?: |\n|\r\n|\\x{A0})+" ); m.region( c = m.end(), cN ); } while( m.find() ) { b.append( seq, c, m.start() ); b.append( "(?: |\n|\r\n|\\x{A0})+" ); c = m.end(); } if( c < cN ) b.append( seq, c, cN ); } protected final void append( CharSequence seq, StringBuilder b, boolean toExpandWhitespace ) { append( seq, 0, b, toExpandWhitespace ); } /** Appends to `b` the value of `variable`, or throws `FailedInterpolation`. * *

The base implementation of this method recognizes no variables * and simply throws `FailedInterpolation`.

* * @param variable The image of a variable interpolator. */ protected void append( final Element variable, final StringBuilder b, final boolean toExpandWhitespace ) throws FailedInterpolation { throw new FailedInterpolation( variable, variableName, "No such variable in this context" ); } /** @param tF Flat text from the image of a regular-expression pattern. * @param c The offset in `tF` at which to start vetting. */ private boolean hasNoMetacharacter( final String tF, int c ) { final int cEnd = tF.length(); while( c < cEnd ) if( metacharacters.indexOf(tF.charAt(c++)) >= 0 ) return false; return true; } private final ImageMould mould; /** A pattern that `matches` in a regular-expression pattern a `\N{⋯}` element designating * a character by its numeric code point. It captures as group (1) the code point. * * @see java.util.regex.Matcher#match() * @see * Breccia language definition § Pattern language, `\N{⋯}` element */ private static final Pattern numberedCharacterBackslashPattern = Pattern.compile( "\\\\N\\{ *U\\+(\\p{XDigit}+) *\\}" ); private final Matcher numberedCharacterBackslashMatcher = numberedCharacterBackslashPattern.matcher( "" ); /** A pattern to `find` a sequence of plain whitespace. * * @see java.util.regex.Matcher#find() */ private static final Pattern plainWhitespacePattern = Pattern.compile( "(?: |\n|\r\n)+" ); private final Matcher plainWhitespaceMatcher = plainWhitespacePattern.matcher( "" ); private final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( /*initial capacity*/0x800 ); } // = 2048 // NOTES // ───── // MLM Multi-line mode operation of Breccian pattern matchers. //,perl-s,multi-line //,perl-s,multi-line:2 // // NSC Presently ‘null in switch cases is a preview feature and is disabled by default’ (JDK 18), // else this code could be simplified. // Copyright © 2022-2024 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.