package Breccia.Web.imager; import; import java.util.List; import static; import static java.lang.Integer.parseUnsignedInt; import static java.lang.System.err; import static java.lang.System.exit; public abstract class Options { /** Partly makes an instance for `initialize` to finish. * * @see #commandName */ protected Options( String commandName ) { this.commandName = commandName; } /** Finishes making this instance. If instead a fatal error is detected, then this method * prints an error message and exits the runtime with a non-zero status code. Call once only. * * @param args Nominal arguments, aka options, from the command line. */ public void initialize( final List args ) { boolean isGo = true; for( String a: args ) isGo &= initialize( a ); if( !isGo ) exit( 1 ); } /** @see ImageMould#out(int) */ public final PrintStream out( final int v ) { // [SLA] if( v != 1 && v != 2 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return v > verbosity() ? outNull : System.out; } /** The allowed amount of user feedback on the standard output stream. * * @see * Command option `-verbosity` * @see * Command option `-speak` * @see * Command option `-stifle` */ public final int verbosity() { return verbosity; } //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** The name of the shell command that gave these options. */ protected final String commandName; /** Parses and incorporates the given argument, or prints an error message and returns false. * * @param arg A nominal argument from the command line. * @return True if the argument was incorporated, false otherwise. */ protected boolean initialize( final String arg ) { boolean isGo = true; String s; if( arg.equals( "-speak" )) verbosity = 2; else if( arg.equals( "-stifle" )) verbosity = 0; else if( arg.startsWith( s = "-verbosity=" )) { verbosity = parseUnsignedInt( value( arg, s )); if( verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 2 ) { err.println( commandName + ": Unrecognized verbosity level: " + verbosity ); isGo = false; }} else { err.println( commandName + ": Unrecognized argument: " + arg ); isGo = false; } return isGo; } private static final PrintStream outNull = new PrintStream( nullOutputStream(), /*autoFlush*/false, System.out.charset() ); // Re `static`: source code (JDK 17) suggests `PrintStream` is thread safe. /** @param arg A nominal argument, aka option. * @param prefix The leading name and equals sign, e.g. "foo=". */ protected static String value( final String arg, final String prefix ) { return arg.substring( prefix.length() ); } private int verbosity = 1; } // NOTE // ──── // SLA Source-launch access. This member would have `protected` access were it not needed by one // or more of the shell-command classes. Source launched and loaded by separate class loaders, // those classes are treated at runtime as residing in a separate package. // Copyright © 2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.