package Breccia.Web.imager; import Breccia.parser.*; import Java.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException; import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.Phaser; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import; import static Breccia.Web.imager.ErrorAtFile.errHead; import static Breccia.Web.imager.ErrorAtFile.wrnHead; import static; import static Breccia.Web.imager.Imageability.*; import static Breccia.Web.imager.Project.imageSibling; import static Breccia.Web.imager.Project.logger; import static Breccia.Web.imager.Project.looksBrecciaLike; import static Breccia.Web.imager.Project.zeroBased; import static Breccia.Web.imager.RemoteChangeProbe.appendImprobeableCause; import static Breccia.Web.imager.RemoteChangeProbe.looksProbeable; import static Breccia.Web.imager.RemoteChangeProbe.msQueryInterval; import static Java.Files.isDirectoryEmpty; import static Java.Hashing.initialCapacity; import static java.lang.System.getProperty; import static java.nio.file.Files.exists; import static java.nio.file.Files.getLastModifiedTime; import static java.nio.file.Files.getPosixFilePermissions; import static java.nio.file.Files.isDirectory; import static java.nio.file.Files.isReadable; import static java.nio.file.Files.isRegularFile; import static java.nio.file.Files.isWritable; import static java.nio.file.Files.list; import static Java.Paths.to_URI_relativePathReference; import static Java.StringBuilding.clear; import static Java.URI_References.isRemote; import static Java.URIs.unfragmented; import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; import static java.util.logging.Level.FINER; /** A frame in which to form or reform a Web image. * * @param The type of source cursor used by this mould. */ public final class ImageMould { /** Partly makes a mould for `initialize` to finish. * * @see #boundaryPath * @see #outputDirectory * @param errorWriter Where to report any warnings or survivable errors that occur * during image formation. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `boundaryPath` is relative or non-existent. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `outputDirectory` is not an empty directory. */ public ImageMould( final Path boundaryPath, ImagingOptions opt, final Path outputDirectory, final PrintWriter errorWriter ) { /* Sanity tests */ { Path p = boundaryPath; if( !exists( p )) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No such file or directory: " + p ); if( !p.isAbsolute() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not an absolute path: " + p ); if( !p.equals( p.normalize() )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not a normalized path: " + p ); } try { if( !( isDirectory(p = outputDirectory) && isDirectoryEmpty(p) )) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not an empty directory: " + p ); }} catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} boundaryPathDirectory = isDirectory(boundaryPath)? boundaryPath : boundaryPath.getParent(); this.boundaryPath = boundaryPath; this.opt = opt; this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory; this.errorWriter = errorWriter; } public void initialize( final FileTranslator translator ) { this.translator = translator; } /** The topmost path of the Web image, which defines its bounds. It is absolute and normalized. * It comprises or contains the Breccian source files of the image, each accompanied * by any previously formed image file, a sibling namesake with a `.xht` extension. */ public final Path boundaryPath; /** The directory of the boundary path: either `boundaryPath` itself if it is a directory, * otherwise its parent. * * @see * Term ‘boundary-path directory’ */ public final Path boundaryPathDirectory; /** Tells where to report any survivable errors in the process of image formation, * while ensuring the return value of `formImage` will be false. * *

The reporting of errors should be coded such that uncorrected errors * repeat with each imaging command. No such stipulation applies to warnings.

* * @see #out(int) * @see #wrn() */ public PrintWriter err() { hasFailed = true; return errorWriter; } /** Reports to the user an error at a file. * * @see #err() */ public void flag( final ErrorAtFile x ) { flag( x.file, x.getMessage() ); } /** Reports to the user an error in `file` at the given line number. * * @see #err() * @see #warn(Path,int,String) */ public void flag( final Path file, final int lineNumber, final String message ) { err().println( errHead(file,lineNumber) + message ); } /** Reports to the user an error in `file`. * * @see #err() * @see #warn(Path,String) */ public void flag( final Path file, final String message ) { err().println( errHead(file) + message ); } /** Reports to the user a parse error associated with `file`. * * @see #err() */ public void flag( final Path file, final ParseError x ) { flag( file, x.lineNumber, x.getMessage() ); } /** Forms or reforms any new files that are required to update the image, * writing each to the {@linkplain #outputDirectory output directory}. Call once only. * * @return True on success; false if a survivable error was reported to the error stream * given in the constructor, in which case the image may be incomplete. * @throws UserError If `boundaryPath` is unreadable, or denotes an unwritable directory * or a file that looks un-Breccian. */ public boolean formImage() throws UserError { /* Sanity tests on boundary path */ { Path p = boundaryPath; if( wouldRead( p )) { if( isExcluded( p )) throw new UserError( "Boundary path is explictly excluded: " + p ); if( !isReadable( p )) throw new UserError( "Boundary path is unreadable: " + p ); } if( isRegularFile(p) && !looksBrecciaLike(p) ) { throw new UserError( "Boundary file is not a Breccian source file: " + p ); } if( !isWritable(p = boundaryPathDirectory) ) { throw new UserError( "Boundary directory is unwritable: " + p ); }} /* While writing in itself is no responsibility of the mould, skipping unwritable directories is, and the gaurd here is similar enough to its predecessors to warrant inclusion. */ // ═══════════════════════════ // 1. Pull in the source files, sorting them as apodictically imageable or indeterminate [PSF] // ═══════════════════════════ if( isDirectory( boundaryPath )) { out(1).println( "Collating source files" ); pullDirectory( boundaryPath ); out(1).println( " " + imageabilityDeterminations.size() + " collated" ); } else pullFile( boundaryPath ); // Now `imageabilityDeterminations` is structurally complete. Newly started threads // may safely use it for all but structural modification. // ════════════════════════════════════ // 2. Begin reducing the indeterminates, determining the imageability of each // ════════════════════════════════════ if( opt.verbosity() >= 1 ) { int c = 0; // Count of indeterminates. for( final var det: imageabilityDeterminations.entrySet() ) { if( det.getValue().get() == indeterminate ) ++c; } if( c > 0 ) out(1).println( "Parsing source files: " + c ); } imageabilityDeterminations.forEach( this::formalResources_recordFrom ); // Collate the resources. // Now `formalResources` is structurally complete. Newly started threads // may safely use it for all but structural modification. int countExpected = -1; // Of source files to translate, or -1 if unknown pending probes. if( opt.verbosity() >= 1 ) { final int nL = formalResources.local.size(); final int rL = formalResources.remote.size(); if( nL == 0 && rL == 0 ) { countExpected = 0; for( final var det: imageabilityDeterminations.entrySet() ) { if( det.getValue().get() == imageable ) ++countExpected; } if( countExpected != 0 ) { out(1).println( "Translating source files: " + countExpected ); }} else { out(1).println( "Probing referent files: " + nL + " local, " + rL + " remote" ); out(1).println( " Translating source files en passent" ); }} // Start any probes that are required for remote resources // ──────────────── final Phaser barrier = new Phaser(); final Map probes = new HashMap<>( initialCapacity( 0x100 )); // = 256 // Network hosts (keys) mapped each to its assigned probe (value). formalResources.remote.keySet().forEach( res -> // Ensure a probe is assigned, if called for. probes.computeIfAbsent( res.getHost(), host -> { final var probe = new RemoteChangeProbe( host, ImageMould.this ); barrier.register(); final Thread thread = new Thread( probe, "Probe thread `" + host + "`" ) { public @Override void run() {; barrier.arrive(); }}; thread.setDaemon( true ); thread.start(); return probe; })); // Probe the local resources // ───────────────────────── formalResources.local.forEach( (res, dependants) -> { final FileTime resTime; { FileTime t = null; assert exists( res ); /* Assured by the API of `formalResources.local`. Therefore any failure to read the timestamp of `res` below is unexpected. */ try { t = getLastModifiedTime( res ); } catch( final IOException x ) { logger.warning( () -> "Forcefully re-imaging the dependants of resource `" + res + "` its timestamp being unreadable: " + x ); } // [LUR] resTime = t; } dependants.forEach( dep -> { final ImageabilityReference depImageability = imageabilityDeterminations.get( dep ); if( depImageability.get() != indeterminate ) return; /* Already determined by an earlier pass of this probe, or (however unlikely) one of the slow remote probes. */ boolean toReformImage = true; if( resTime != null ) { // So letting the null case be forcefully reimaged, as per above. final Path depImage = imageSibling( dep ); assert exists( depImage ); /* Guaranteed by the `depImageability` guard above, because already `dep` would have been marked as `imageable` if it had no image. Therefore any failure to read the timestamp of `depImage` below is unexpected. */ try { toReformImage = resTime.compareTo(getLastModifiedTime(depImage)) >= 0; } // Viz. iff the formal resource has changed since the image was formed. catch( final IOException x ) { logger.warning( () -> "Forcefully reimaging the source file, the timestamp of its image `" + depImage + "` being unreadable: " + x ); }} // [LUR] if( toReformImage ) depImageability.set( imageable ); }); }); // ═══════════════════════════ // 3. Translate the imageables as they are determined, extending the image to its bounds // ═══════════════════════════ boolean isFinalPass; if( probes.size() == 0 ) { isFinalPass = true; // Only one pass is required. barrier.forceTermination(); } // Just to be tidy. else isFinalPass = false; // At least two will be required. final ArrayList files = new ArrayList<>( // List of translated source files. /*initial capacity*/0x1000 ); // = 4096 for( ;; ) { int c = 0; // Count of imageables found during the present pass. // Translate any imageables now determined, so forming part of the image // ──────────────────────── for( final var det: imageabilityDeterminations.entrySet() ) { final ImageabilityReference iR = det.getValue(); if( iR.get() != imageable ) continue; ++c; final Path sourceFile = det.getKey(); final Path sourceFileRelative = boundaryPathDirectory.relativize( sourceFile ); boolean wasTranslated = false; try { translator.translate( sourceFile, outputDirectory.resolve(sourceFileRelative).getParent() ); wasTranslated = true; } catch( final ParseError x ) { flag( sourceFile, x ); } catch( final ErrorAtFile x ) { flag( x ); } if( wasTranslated ) { files.add( sourceFileRelative ); iR.set( imaged ); } else iR.set( unimageable ); } if( isFinalPass ) break; if( c > 0 ) continue; // One good turn deserves another by making it likelier. // Await further reduction of indeterminates // ─────────────────────── try { barrier.awaitAdvanceInterruptibly​( /*phase*/0, msQueryInterval, MILLISECONDS ); } catch( final InterruptedException x ) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // Avoid hiding the fact of interruption. throw new UnsourcedInterrupt( x ); } catch( TimeoutException x ) { continue; } // Reduction is ongoing. isFinalPass = true; } // Reduction is complete, the next pass is final. if( files.size() != countExpected || countExpected != 0 && opt.verbosity() >= 2 ) { out(1).println( " " + files.size() + " translated" ); if( opt.verbosity() >= 2 ) for( final Path f: files ) out(2).println( " ↶ " + f ); } // ═════════════════════════ // 4. Finish the image files // ═════════════════════════ countExpected = 0; if( opt.verbosity() >= 1 ) { for( final var det: imageabilityDeterminations.entrySet() ) { if( det.getValue().get() == imaged ) ++countExpected; } if( countExpected != 0 ) out(1).println( "Finishing image files: " + countExpected ); } files.clear(); // List of finished image files. for( final var det: imageabilityDeterminations.entrySet() ) { final ImageabilityReference iR = det.getValue(); if( iR.get() != imaged ) continue; final Path sourceFile = det.getKey(); final Path imageFileRelative = imageSibling( boundaryPathDirectory.relativize( sourceFile )); try { translator.finish( sourceFile, outputDirectory.resolve( imageFileRelative )); files.add( imageFileRelative ); } catch( final ErrorAtFile x ) { flag( x ); }} if( files.size() != countExpected || countExpected != 0 && opt.verbosity() >= 2 ) { out(1).println( " " + files.size() + " finished" ); if( opt.verbosity() >= 2 ) for( final Path f: files ) out(2).println( " → " + f ); } return !hasFailed; } /** Returns a multi-line string comprising an echo of a URI reference together with a column marker. * * @param ref The URI reference. * @param p A character pointer formed on the original source line of `ref`. * The value of its `column` field will be ignored if `isAlteredRef`. * @param isAlteredRef Whether `ref` has been altered (by `-reference-mapping` translation) * from the original reference given in source. */ public String markedLine( String ref, CharacterPointer p, boolean isAlteredRef ) { return markedLine( ref, p, isAlteredRef, 0 ); } /** Returns a multi-line string comprising an echo of a URI reference together with a column marker. * * @param ref The URI reference. * @param p A character pointer formed on the original source line of `ref`. * The value of its `column` field will be ignored if `isAlteredRef`. * @param isAlteredRef Whether `ref` has been altered (by `-reference-mapping` translation) * from the original reference given in source. * @param c The zero-based offset in `ref` of the character whose column to mark. * It will be used only if `isAlteredRef`. *//* * @paramImplied #stringBuilder2 */ public String markedLine( final String ref, final CharacterPointer p, final boolean isAlteredRef, final int c ) { final StringBuilder b = clear( stringBuilder2 ); if( isAlteredRef ) { b.append( IntralineCharacterPointer.markedLine( " ", ref, c, gcc )); b.append( "\n Source line, with original reference: " + "(before `-reference-mapping` translation)\n" ); b.append( p.line ); } else b.append( p.markedLine() ); return b.toString(); } public final ImagingOptions opt; /** The output stream for user feedback of verbosity level `v`. If `v` is greater than the level * allowed by command option `-verbosity`, then this method returns a do-nothing dummy stream. * Otherwise it returns `System.{@linkplain java.lang.System#out out}`. * * @param v Either 1 or 2. * @see * Command option `-verbosity` * @see #err() * @see #wrn() */ public PrintStream out( final int v ) { return opt.out( v ); } /** The directory in which to write any newly formed image files. */ public final Path outputDirectory; /** Warns the user of something in `file` at the line number of the given character pointer. * * @see #wrn() */ public void warn( final Path file, final CharacterPointer p, final String message ) { warn( file, p.lineNumber, message ); } /** Warns the user of something in `file` at the given line number. * * @see #wrn() * @see #flag(Path,int,String) */ public void warn( final Path file, final int lineNumber, final String message ) { wrn().println( wrnHead(file,lineNumber) + message ); } /** Warns the user of something in `file`. * * @see #wrn() * @see #flag(Path,String) */ public void warn( final Path file, final String message ) { wrn().println( wrnHead(file) + message ); } /** Warns the user of something in `file` at the line number of the given character pointer, * on condition the warning does not duplicate an earlier one. * * @see #wrn() */ public void warnOnce( final Path file, final CharacterPointer p, final String message ) { warnOnce( file, p.lineNumber, message ); } /** Warns the user of something in `file` at the given line number, * on condition the warning does not duplicate an earlier one. * * @see #wrn() */ public void warnOnce( final Path file, final int lineNumber, final String message ) { final String report = wrnHead(file,lineNumber) + message; if( warningsIssued.add( report )) wrn().println( report ); } /** Where to report any warnings in the process of image formation. * * @see #err() * @see #out(int) */ public PrintWriter wrn() { return errorWriter; } //// P r i v a t e //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final PrintWriter errorWriter; /* Do not write to it directly through this field. Instead write to it through the wrapper methods `err` and `wrn`. */ /** A record of the formal imaging resources of source files whose imageability is initally * indeterminate. Here ‘formal’ means that the content of the resource determines the form * of the image of the source file that refers to (or otherwise makes use of) that resource. */ final ExternalResources formalResources = new ExternalResources(); /** @param f The path of a source file. * @param gRef A reference from `f` to a formal resource, encapsulated as a `Granum`. * @param sRef The reference in string form, after any applicable `-reference-mapping` * translations. * @param isAlteredRef Whether `sRef` was actually changed by such translation. * @return Whether the present method call actually recorded the resource (by its `sRef`), * deeming it eligible for inclusion in one of the `formalResources` maps. * @see #formalResources */ private boolean formalResources_record( final Path f, final Granum gRef, final String sRef, final boolean isAlteredRef ) { /* For what follows, cf. the comparably structured code of `BreccianFileTranslator.href`. [RC] */ final URI uRef; { // The reference in parsed `URI` form. try { uRef = new URI( sRef ); } catch( final URISyntaxException x ) { final int c = isAlteredRef ? 0/*guaranteed within bounds of the unaltered `gRef`*/ : zeroBased( x.getIndex() ); final CharacterPointer p = gRef.characterPointer( c ); warnOnce( f, p, message( sRef, x, p,isAlteredRef )); return false; }} // Without mapping ∵ `x` leaves the intended resource unclear. // remote [RC] // ┈┈┈┈┈┈ if( isRemote( uRef )) { // Then the resource would be reachable through a network, if( !looksProbeable( uRef )) { // the reference being a URI or network-path reference. [RR] final CharacterPointer p = gRef.characterPointer(); final StringBuilder bMessage = clear( stringBuilder ); appendImprobeableCause( uRef, bMessage ); bMessage.append( '\n' ).append( markedLine( sRef, p, isAlteredRef )); pendingWarnings.add( new Warning( p.lineNumber, bMessage.toString(), /*when private*/null, null, gRef.xuncFractalDescent() )); return false; } // Without mapping ∵ `formalResources.remote` forbids improbeables. map( formalResources.remote, /*resource*/unfragmented(uRef).normalize(), /*dependant*/f ); } // local [RC] // ┈┈┈┈┈ else { /* The resource would be reachable through a file system, the reference being an absolute-path reference or relative-path reference. [RR] */ final Path pRef; { // The reference parsed and resolved as a local file path. try { pRef = f.resolveSibling( toPath( uRef, f )); } catch( final IllegalArgumentException x ) { final CharacterPointer p = gRef.characterPointer(); warnOnce( f, p, x.getMessage() + '\n' + markedLine(sRef,p,isAlteredRef) ); return false; }} // Without mapping ∵ `x` leaves the intended resource unclear. if( !exists( pRef )) { final StringBuilder bMessage = clear( stringBuilder ); final boolean isTransX = isTransX( pRef, bMessage ); final boolean wouldPrivatizationSuppress = isAlteredRef && isTransX; final CharacterPointer p = gRef.characterPointer(); final String markedLine = markedLine( sRef, p, isAlteredRef ); final StringBuilder bMessageWhenPrivate; final Level level; { if( wouldPrivatizationSuppress ) { bMessageWhenPrivate = clear( stringBuilder2 ).append( bMessage ).append( ":\n" ) .append( markedLine ).append( "\n Falling back to the original reference"); level = FINER; /* Merely logging in the private case, because this type of inaccessibility is common when a private reference is altered by a `-reference-mapping` translation. */ bMessage.append( "; consider marking this reference as private" ); } else { bMessageWhenPrivate = bMessage; level = null; }} bMessage.append( ":\n" ).append( markedLine ); pendingWarnings.add( new Warning( p.lineNumber, bMessage.toString(), bMessageWhenPrivate.toString(), level, gRef.xuncFractalDescent() )); return false; } // Without mapping ∵ `formalResources.local` forbids broken references. map( formalResources.local, /*resource*/pRef.normalize(), /*dependant*/f ); } return true; } /** Records all formal resources of source file `f`, provided `f` is of indeterminate imageability; * otherwise does nothing. * * @see #formalResources * @param f The path of a source file. * @param iR The present imageability determination of `f`. */ private void formalResources_recordFrom( final Path f, final ImageabilityReference iR ) { if( iR.get() != indeterminate ) return; pendingWarnings.clear(); final C in = translator.sourceCursor(); try { in.perStateConditionally( f, state -> { final Granum gRef; { // The reference encapsulated as a `Granum`. try { gRef = translator.formalReferenceAt( in ); } catch( final ParseError x ) { flag( f, x ); iR.set( unimageable ); // The source fails to parse. return /*to continue parsing*/false; } // No point, the parser has halted. if( gRef == null/*not a formal reference*/ ) return /*to continue parsing*/true; } /* For what follows, cf. `BreccianFileTranslator.finish(Path,Element)`. */ final String sRefOriginal = gRef.text().toString(); // The reference in string form. final String sRef = translate( sRefOriginal, f ); // Applying any `-reference-mapping` translations. final boolean isAlteredRef = !sRef.equals( sRefOriginal ); if( !formalResources_record( f, gRef, sRef, isAlteredRef ) && isAlteredRef ) { formalResources_record( f, gRef, sRefOriginal, /*isAlteredRef*/false ); } /* Falling back to `sRefOriginal` (assuming it is equivalent for the purpose); so verifying that at least *it* gets recorded, else warning the user. */ return /*to continue parsing*/true; }); while( !in.state().isFinal() ); } // API requirement of `isPrivatized`, below. catch( final ParseError x ) { flag( f, x ); iR.set( unimageable ); return; } for( final Warning w: pendingWarnings ) { final boolean isPrivate = in.isPrivatized( w.xuncFractalDescent ); final String m = isPrivate ? w.messageWhenPrivate : w.message; if( m == null ) continue; // Suppress the warning. if( isPrivate && w.level != null ) logger.log( w.level, wrnHead(f,w.lineNumber) + m ); else warnOnce( f, w.lineNumber, m ); }} final GraphemeClusterCounter gcc = new GraphemeClusterCounter(); private boolean hasFailed; /** Source files (keys) mapped each to the present state of its imageability determination (value). * The map is thread safe on condition of no concurrent structural modification, * structural modification being defined as for `{@linkplain HashMap HashMap}`. * */ @Async // See `start` of remote probe threads in `formImage`. final Map imageabilityDeterminations = new HashMap<>( initialCapacity( 0x2000/*source files*/ )); // = 8192 /** Cache of records of image files that are file-system accessible. Each entry comprises an * absolute, normalized path to an image file (key) mapped to a record of the image it contains. */ final Map imageFilesLocal = new HashMap<>( initialCapacity( 0x1000 )); // = 4096 /** Whether the path matches an `-exclude` pattern. */ boolean isExcluded( final Path path ) { final String p = path.toString(); for( final Matcher m: opt.exclusions() ) if( m.reset(p).find() ) return true; return false; } /** Whether the inaccessibility of `file` is of a type known to result * from the `-reference-mapping` translation of a private reference. * * @param file A file that `{@linkplain java.nio.file.Files#exists(Path) exists}` not. * @param b Where to append a description of the type of inaccessibility in terms of its * intermediate cause, e.g. ‘No such file or directory’ or ‘File access denied’. */ boolean isTransX( final Path file, final StringBuilder b ) { try { getPosixFilePermissions( file ); // Merely to learn the cause of inaccessibility. assert false; // Always it should throw an exception. b.append( "No access to this file or directory, cause unknown" ); return false; } catch( final AccessDeniedException x ) { b.append( "File access denied to user `" + getProperty("") + "`" ); return true; } catch( final NoSuchFileException x ) { b.append( "No such file or directory" ); return true; } catch( final IOException x ) { b.append( x.toString() ); return false; }} /** Returns a multi-line description of a malformed URI reference, * fit to include as the message of a user report. * * @param ref The malformed URI reference. * @param x The malformation detected in `ref`. * @param p A character pointer formed on the original source line of `ref`. * The value of its `column` field will be ignored if `isAlteredRef`. * @param isAlteredRef Whether `ref` has been altered (by `-reference-mapping` translation) * from the original reference given in source. */ String message( final String ref, final URISyntaxException x, final CharacterPointer p, final boolean isAlteredRef ) { return "Malformed URI reference: " + x.getReason() + '\n' + markedLine( ref, p, isAlteredRef, zeroBased(x.getIndex()) ); } private final ArrayList pendingWarnings = new ArrayList<>(); /** @param d The path of a source directory to pull into the mould. */ private void pullDirectory( final Path d ) { try( final Stream pp = list( d )) { for( final Path p: (Iterable)pp::iterator ) pullPath( p ); } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} /** @param f The path of a potential source file to pull into the mould. */ private void pullFile( final Path f ) { if( !looksBrecciaLike( f )) return; imageabilityDeterminations.computeIfAbsent( f, f_ -> { final Imageability i; if( opt.toForce() ) i = imageable; else { final Path fI = imageSibling( f ); try { if( !exists(fI) || getLastModifiedTime(f).compareTo(getLastModifiedTime(fI)) >= 0 ) { i = imageable; } else i = indeterminate; } catch( IOException x ) { throw new Unhandled( x ); }} return new ImageabilityReference( i ); }); } /** @param p A path to pull into the mould. */ private void pullPath( final Path p ) { if( isExcluded( p )) return; if( isReadable( p )) { // Herein cf. `formImage`. if( isDirectory( p )) { if( isWritable( p )) pullDirectory( p ); else warn( p, "Skipping this unwritable directory" ); } else pullFile( p ); } else if( wouldRead( p )) warn( p, "Skipping this unreadable path" ); } private final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder( /*initial capacity*/0x200 ); // = 512 private final StringBuilder stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder( /*initial capacity*/0x200 ); // = 512 /** Translates to a `Path` instance the given URI reference, with support for tilde expansion. * Any tilde prefix is taken to represent the author’s home directory. * * @see Java.Paths#toPath(URI,Path) * @see * Command option `-author-home-directory` * @throws IllegalArgumentException If `reference` has a query or fragment component. */ Path toPath( final URI reference, final Path referrer ) { Path p = Paths.toPath( reference, referrer ); if( !p.isAbsolute() ) { final int n = p.getNameCount(); assert n != 0; // Guaranteed for a relative path, even if empty. if( p.getName(0).toString().equals( "~" )) { if( n == 1 ) p = opt.authorHomeDirectory(); else p = opt.authorHomeDirectory().resolve( p.subpath( 1, n )); }} return p; } /** Applies any due `-reference-mapping` translations to the given reference and returns the result. * * @param reference A URI reference. * @param referrer The referring source file, wherein the reference is contained. * @return The same `reference` instance if no translation was applied; otherwise the translated * result in the form of a new string of equal or different content. * @see * Command option `-reference-mapping` */ String translate( String reference, final Path referrer ) { for( final var tt: opt.referenceMappings() ) { // For each mapping given on the command line. for( final ReferenceTranslation t: tt ) { // For each translation given in the mapping. final Matcher m = t.matcher().reset( reference ); if( m.find() ) { final StringBuilder b = clear( stringBuilder ); final String r; { // The effective replacement string. if( t.isBounded() ) { assert referrer.startsWith( boundaryPath ); b.append( to_URI_relativePathReference( referrer.getParent().relativize( boundaryPathDirectory ))); if( b.length() == 0 ) b.append( '.' ); /* When the `referrer` sits directly in the `boundaryPathDirectory`. */ b.append( t.replacement() ); r = b.toString(); clear( b ); } else r = t.replacement(); } do m.appendReplacement( b, r ); while( m.find() ); m.appendTail( b ); reference = b.toString(); // Applying the translation. break; }}} return reference; } private FileTranslator translator; // Do not modify after `initialize`. private final HashSet warningsIssued = new HashSet<>(); /** Whether path `p` would be read during image formation if it were readable * and not explicitly excluded. * * @see #isExcluded(Path) */ private static boolean wouldRead( final Path p ) { return isDirectory(p) || looksBrecciaLike(p); } // ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ /** A pending warning to the user, apropos of a granum, whose final issue depends on whether * the granum turns out to be private. * * @param message Message in case of an unprivatized granum, * or null to suppress the warning in this case. * @param messageWhenPrivate Message in case of a privatized granum, * or null to suppress the warning in this case. * @param level Logging level in case of a privatized granum, * or null to issue the report via `wrn` in this case. */ private static record Warning( int lineNumber, String message, String messageWhenPrivate, Level level, int[] xuncFractalDescent ) {}} // NOTES // ───── // LUR Logging of unexpected yet recoverable IO errors. Aside from avoiding a flood of reports // on the `err` stream, these lines of code merely serve as examples (the only ones at present) // of efficient report formation for logging purposes. // // PSF Pulling in the source files. Here using a streamlined process, rather than `pullPath` // whose added testing and messaging would be redundant for this topmost (boundary) path. // // RC · Referencing code. Cf. the comparably structured code of `BreccianFileTranslator.href`. // // RR · Relative reference. // // SM · Structural modification of a `HashMap` defined. // // Copyright © 2020-2022, 2024 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.