package Breccia.Web.imager; import Java.Async; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import static Java.Hashing.initialCapacity; /** A record of external imaging resources, mapping each resource to the source files * whose images depend on it. ‘External’ here means located outside of the source file. * The record comprises two maps, namely `{@linkplain #local local}` for the resources * that are file-system accessible, and `{@linkplain #remote remote}` for the resources * that are network accessible. Map entries each comprise a resource reference (key) * mapped to the set (value) of source files whose images depend on that resource. * *

Each of the two maps is thread safe on condition of no concurrent structural modification, * structural modification being defined as for `{@linkplain HashMap HashMap}` * and `{@linkplain HashSet HashSet}`.

*/ final @Async class ExternalResources { /** Ensures the given resource is mapped to its dependant, mapping it if necessary. * * @param The type of resource reference. * @param map A resource map, either {@linkplain #local local} or {@linkplain #remote remote}. * @param resource A resource reference. * @param dependant A source file whose image depends on that resource. */ static void map( final HashMap> map, final R resource, final Path dependant ) { HashSet dd = map.get( resource ); // Dependants of the resource. if( dd == null ) { dd = new HashSet(); dd.add( dependant ); map.put( resource, dd); } else dd.add( dependant ); } /** Map of external imaging resources that are file-system accessible. * Each entry comprises a normalized file path to an existent resource (key) * mapped to the set (value) of source files whose images depend on that resource. *//* * * Resource existence is required up front for sake of clarity of user feedback. It allows broken * references (to non-existent resources) to be reported in the context of their source text * while that text is still easily accessible. */ final HashMap> local = new HashMap<>( initialCapacity( 0x2000/*or 8192*/ )); /** Map of external imaging resources that are network accessible. Each entry comprises * a normalized, unfragmented and apparently probeable URI reference to the resource (key) * mapped to the set (value) of source files whose images depend on that resource. * * @see RemoteChangeProbe#looksProbeable( * @see * URI generic syntax §4.1, URI reference *//* * * Apparent probeability is required up front for sake of clarity of user feedback. It allows * improbeable references to be reported in the context of their source text while that text * is still easily accessible. */ final HashMap> remote = new HashMap<>( initialCapacity( 0x2000/*or 8192*/ )); } // Copyright © 2021-2022 Michael Allan. Licence MIT.